Animal Farm (A CLOSED RPG)

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#1  Edited By Counterstrike
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We are sorry to interrupt your daily broadcast, but this is a public announcement!” Every television set was interrupted with this message as the screen centers on a young red hair female reporter standing on one side of a barricade, with a swarm of soldiers on the other standing outside Animal Farm, the most respected animal habitat in the world. “This is Jill Jodenhall..” she says in a frantic voice, “..standing outside Animal Farm where as I can not put it any simpler, All Hell has broken loose!” As she speaks behind her you can see the police dawning tactical gear and arming themselves with every high caliber weapon they own, but due to orders, stand there only as a wall of defense. Behind them is a huge wall where blood curdling screams could be heard, as terrified patrons of the habitat covered in blood are climbing over the walls to get out. “As of one hour ago, some strange phenomenon took place here, and for all intents and purposes, the animals are…” she pauses as she tries to find the right word,evolving into something else!” At that point she pulls into the camera view one of the survivors, a middle aged man with clear claw marks on his face, still trying to catch his breath as paramedics tend to his wounds. “And you sir could you please tell us what happened?”

Clearly in a slight state of shock he tries to go on, “It was horrible just horrible!” He then grabs the mike in his own hands an stares into the camera like he was God almighty, “I don’t know how it happened but the animals got bigger! By the grace of God me and my son were in the petting area right near the entrance, when all the animals began attacking. The goats, the goats they began standing on two feet and stood over six feet tall.” He then shows his bandaged hand soaked red with blood and continues, “they were smart they were organized and my God they were turning human like!” At that point he collapses into the arms of a paramedic that drags him away while still screaming, “my son, he’s still in there!” Once again the camera centers on Jill who is now accompanied by the leading police officer, who is clearly frazzled by the whole situation. “So what can you tell us Officer McCoy?” Beginning with a full blown clearing of his throat the officer tries to appear professional. “As of now we can confirm that some how the animals inside are going under some change where they are growing bigger stronger and smarter. We have no idea how many people are dead or still trapped inside, but our orders are to hold the line and prevent any of the animals from escaping or leaving the premise. We can also confirm that the President is considering sending the Military in, but for now we can only hope for a miracle!”

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The feed then cuts back to the news station where two flushed anchors look on with fear. As they go about telling the people to barricade their homes, one of them gives a brief description of Animal Farm. Built twenty years ago it was the size of a small city with animals from all around the world brought there in the name of preservation. The place is like a park with established wild life in habitable surroundings, true to their nature. At one point you would have the African Jungle preserve, complete with trees and lakes and at the least two of each animal that would live there. There is also the frozen Antarctica, the Australian Outback, Bird habitat and every other animal wild life around the world. But as this was a national park, it also comes complete with Gift shops, Rides, Park Benches, and a Museum in each habitat with full details on the animals that surround them. There are also first aid centers located everywhere as well as bathrooms, and deep in the center of the park is the home base where the owners, employees and security reside along with a full interactive museum, years ahead of anything else anywhere! But now it is simply a home for animals that have mutated beyond their normal selves, where every animal is growing bigger stronger and smarter, and for now they are at the top of the food chain and all the patrons still trapped inside are no more than prey!

The field camera turns on again where Jill is now standing next to one of the employees of Animal Farm, as well as one of their specialists. Speaking over the blood curdling scream behind him he tries to be professional. “Speaking on behalf of the staff of Animal Farm we have no idea how this, monstrosity occurred!” Clearly more concerned with covering his butt than taking blame he goes on. All I can officially say is, by my records every animal inside has grown exponentially. The apes are now over fifteen feet tall, and the other primates are at least the size of a normal man. Even the rhino and hippos are the size of a tank, and don’t get me started on the lions and tigers. Luckily some of the smaller animals like squirrels and bunnies, which are now the size of a large dog, are not attacking yet, but in my opinion they are just biding time until their numbers increase.” Again he tries to flee but Jill still manages to get in one more question before he leaves, “But how long do we have before they come after us?” After a long deep breath to calm his nerves, he fixes his hair and straightens his tie, “That, is our only good news. As for now these creatures are territorial, meaning they prefer to stay in their environment. Now it is true a handful of them are running wild at the moment, or should I say hunting, but soon they should return back to their normal habitat!” He then forcibly tries to remove himself from the scene only to whisper off camera, “that is until they grow smart enough to realize they are now at the top of the food chain…’

This game is open to anyone, Spider-Man level and below. The mission is quite clear, we must get in. Free the people still inside whether they be hidden somewhere for protection, or just running wild. We must also deal with (and sell) the attacks from the animals as well as find out how this happened. We must also, hopefully, find a cure, but this means no outside geniuses coming up with a cure in their labs without ever setting foot inside!

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It was shortly after noon when the call came in over the radio. At the time DJ and his partner Tanner were taking a break, sitting on the hood of their patrol car, eating some stale doughnuts, and sipping some fresh coffee from a thermos Tanner’s wife provided. They were the best of friends and had been partners for eight years, beginning way back when DJ was a fresh face rookie. Suddenly a “Code10-34, Code 10-34 at the Animal Farm Preserve Habitat!” squawked over the radio, followed by a quick “All available cars are needed immediately!” Tanner immediately responded, then like a good old boy jerked the steering wheel to the left, spinning their squad car across the middle of the road, then stood on the gas as their tires spun, and a cloud of exhaust shot out the back. Within minutes they pulled up towards the Habitat, only to be stopped dead in their tracks by a barricade guarded by five other patrolling officers trying their best to make sense out of a chaotic situation. With half of the police force already surrounding the Habitat, and the other half working as make shift paramedics, Tanner and DJ, were ordered to go back to and patrol the nearby neighborhoods, in case of an increase of B&E and other small crimes, due to the already rising tension in the air.

Still listening to the constant chattering coming across the radio, DJ couldn’t help but remark, “Sounds like all hell is breaking loose back there, and they’re sending us on some glorified crowd control!” But with his superior years on the force, Officer Tanner could only reply, “We’re not doing this to get our name in the paper. We do this job to help the people, That’s it. That’s all!” It was then, Officer DJ turned to his partner with concern in his eyes, and in a saddened tone told him, “and I’m sorry Danny for what I am about to do, but it is just for that same reason.” Before Officer Tanner could say a word, DJ looked him dead in the eyes and whispered the words, “Cover for me, as you always do.” while at the same time a red and yellow light swirled around him. Within seconds the young buck officer had disappeared and in his place now sat a giant of a man dressed in a completely different set of clothes, and rocking one hell of a sweet blond mullet. Quickly exiting the car, he nods thanks to his partner, who while under a trance nods back as if nothing had happened and continues on his way clueless as he had done so many times before. “Thanks partner” DJ says as he watches him drive away, “I couldn’t do this without you!”

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Now standing tall in his Counterstrike form, he closes his eyes and tries to recreate a picture in his mind of the Habitat when he and Officer Tanner arrived there earlier. Focusing specifically on the giant wall surrounding the place, he picks out one spot along the top of it, and holds on to it as he raises his left hand in front of him. With a thought, a giant yellow energy construct appears, while at the same time, so does one at the exact spot he saw in his head. Then like a giant doorway, he steps through the construct only to come stepping out at the one atop the wall, miles away. Immediately, all eyes were drawn to the bright yellow light shining above like a spotlight, but just as Counterstrike jumps down from it, into the park, the yellow construct vanishes in the blink of an eye. Now standing inside, he could see a wave of people still climbing the wall to get out, while a slew of dead and dying ones littered the grounds. Behind them was a trail of blood leading from all directions, with only a few of the parks wildlife feasting upon the people. To his surprise, some of them was a family of eight goats, now over seven feet tall and walking upright on their back feet. Their horns were now longer and even curling forwards like antlers, and their blood soaked teeth where two inches long and jagged. As for the other bigger and deadlier animals they were either hidden or out of sight, but as one of the evolved goats took notice of him, and charged with its over developed forehead, they were no longer an issue, only the charging goat!

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As of now I have no crew, but I am honored that you are joining the game.

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Adam had spent many of days at the Animal Farm. He was a frequent visitor due to the vast knowledge of all species within the animal kingdom. His dad had always told him to learn his opponents. Respect them. Learn what and why they do things, and only then could I possibly defeat anyone. It was a phrase that he kept from his years as champion of the WWC and even carried it over to his current day as the hunter of all.

Doctor Maria Lopez had called him once again to learn about a new species. It was something she did frequently, but Adam was appreciative of every species that kind doctor had informed him that had occupied Animal Farm. Adam was such a student to being the best, he often would refuse the kind Doctor's offering of lunch or dinner. Adam was just to immersed in his studies.

Adam, you are no fun.Doctor Stevens and Conrad wont be back for a couple of hours. Doctor Lopez said. Surely even you can have time to take break.

It was then he heard a distorted sound in the distance. It sounded familiar but mutated - and therefore possible danger to all in Animal Farm. It was then he saw what he feared, the animals had mutated to enormous size.

Wait here, Maria! Adam uttered as he disrobed his white lab coat revealing his impressive wrestling figure as he adorned his outfit of Adam Grimm. If the animals have enlarged then there are serious problems. Starting with water way surrounding this building. There are too many people that can be hurt.

Wait, Adam. Doctor Lopez uttered. Wouldnt it be safer if you stayed here with me?

Adam smiled, realizing the fear within Doctor Lopez. You will be ok here, Doctor Lopez. I will definitely make sure nothing gets into the research facility.

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With that advise Adam went sprinting down the corridor and toward the outside of the building which had a massive deck walkway which hovered over a large water habitat. If the animals had grown, then so did the possibility of injury. That possibility existed right at the facilities doorsteps with the platypus. Many recognized it as a furry walking duck, but to the informed, its venom was able to kill dogs and even stun humans. It was a chance he couldnt accept.

The pond was still from life. Adam did not know if that was a good thing but he continued on until he reached the end of deck walk way onto Animal Farm itself. It was then he noticed the giant web markings with imbedded claws on the ground itself. Adam touched the tracks. They were wet as he had expected but Adam feared it was not water, but of the deadly venom which the animal possessed. The platypus was close. So close, Adam even heard it snort reveal itself from behind him in the tree line.

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Adam turned, facing his animal challenger eye to eye. The platypus snorted as it charged Adam. Adam knew to avoid the joints and claws for fear of facing death. Its charge was quick, even for a animal with its new size. Adam sidestepped the charge, much like he did in WWC Summer Jam when he bested Goliath Jim. Much like that battle, both had exposed their back, making his famed elbow drop into the spine of his opponent which would cause an immense pain, stunning his opponent. He would then follow it with his arm wrapping around the airway as he locked into the sleeper hold. Go to sleep! Go to sleep! He whispered to the platypus as its fight slowly left its body until it was still. Adam dropped the limp animal facing the habitat around him as he calculated the many threats which the grounds held. The sirens of a police car easily heard in the distance.

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#9  Edited By Laura_Amoles

That poor platypus. Hopefully I can join to avenge it >_> and completely misunderstand everything

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That poor platypus. Hopefully I can join to avenge it >_> and completely misunderstand everything

The more the merrier! Join anytime you want.

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@laura_amoles: @adam_grimm:

I'm not going to post for about 4 more days, just to see if anyone else wants to join. After that I'll post and close it. Thank You for your participation!

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While biological science wasn't exactly her Forte, the sudden evolution of animals would spike the interest of any scientist. And she was here to watch, observe and take notes. She crawled through the sewer system, the mask covering her mouth and nose filtered why the smell that would normally offend her nose. Why did she take the sewer system? Potentially to avoid the prying eyes of any potential evil genius that may have caused this conundrum, and also because she hated the news people.

Clinging onto the surprisingly dry walls with the help of her suit, she managed to navigate herself to a sign that said R5,the reptilian exhibit, exactly what she was looking for. She continued further down looking for a ladder but inside she heard a low growl someplace ahead of her.

'That can't be good.' And as if fate agreed, the growl turned into an animalistic roar.

Now on edge, Laura continued to travel deeper into the sewers, while she lacked Spider senses, she had common sense. And that was telling her to get the hell out of there, and fast.

After traveling what felt like a few dozen meters, she found a rusty ladder that led to the surface. Relief washed over her and she fired a web upon the sewer lid, letting the web pull her up. However, she hell broke loose the moment her foot left the ground.

CRASH! A hulking figure jetted out from the water and grabbed her calf with herculean strength, halting her in place. She looked at her unexpected assaultant and muttered a quick prayer to any god she could think of. Looking back at her with small black beady eyes full of bloodlust and hunger , was a large crocodilian humanoid. Its bloody mouth was full of rugged sharp teeth and its hands were home to long, sleek black nails.

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It grabbed her waist, and tried to take a bite out of her neck, and while her suit prevented it from piercing her skin the pressure was starting to slowly close her esophagus.

Needing to fight it off, she let go of the web and delivered an elbow to its ear. The strength fueled from the picoscoptic bots within her was enough to stagger it for a bit. But it pulled her with it and fell into the poo water below.

She didn't think of making a witty remark, scared that the feces-infested water would leak into her mouth. So instead she focused entirely on her opponent. Locked into a tight hug, the two sank to the bottom of the pipeline. And as they did, the Gator-Man tried to snap at her a few more times, but it's stiff neck prevented it from reaching her.

She probably only had a minute of oxygen left before she became unconscious and so she needed to think of a way out of this. As it snapped towards her again she cracked her head against its own, giving them both a pretty bad headache. It gave the gator a moment to reel back, a moment she took advantage of. Quickly, she fired another web at it, however because of the nature of the Web-B binding agent. It bound itself to the water around it, turning into a blob inside of a line.

So, she immediately retreated to the surface, under the water she was at a disadvantage and she needed to get air quickly. She managed to get her head out of the when she felt the pull downwards once again, reaching her hand out towards the surface, several lines of webbing shot out from the fingertips of her suit and attached to the ceiling, preventing her from sinking into the water all the way.

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She looked underneath the water, and watched Gator-Man try to pull her under or bite her, with her free arm, she reeled back and gave him another punch, cracking him directly on his teeth. It froze for a second, and a second was all she needed for her body to zip from the water and through the sewer lid, shooting out like a firework. She took a minute to catch her breath when suddenly something else shot out from the sewer lid, Gator-Man. And it rushed towards her in a hungry daze.

The two interlocked into a battle once more, completely oblivious to the hunter prowling a few meters from them.

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@laura_amoles: @adam_grimm:

Once again, thank you for joining my little game. I greatly appreciate it.

I am pretty sure it will be just the three of us, but I'm going to wait three more days just in case anyone else wants to join. After that I'll post, But it looks like it is just us!

So again thank you for joining and I hope we have a good time!

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#14  Edited By Counterstrike

@laura_amoles: @adam_grimm:

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People were screaming everywhere, as the body count was increasing and the survivors were racing to the wall. Almost climbing one on top of the others, like a hoard of ants swarming over a hill they scurried, with no concern for the others safety. They just wanted out. Clearly, DJ’s first an most important task was to get the people out safely, but with a seven foot goat with Devil horns charging at him, his options were few. With blood and drool dripping from it’s mouth the goat beast leaped at him before DJ had a chance to raise his shield. Instead the goat butted with his head, slamming its overly developed skull right into DJ’s midsection with a ‘SLAM!’ hard enough to knock him back and send him tumbling away. But like a professional, Counterstrike dug his hands into the hard cemented ground, and managed to grab hold, stopping him in the process, just a few yards away from where he was hit. By now the other goats had taken notice and instead of feasting off the patrons still running for safety, they quickly circled around Counterstrike like a hive, clearly thinking high above their level. With his main concern still on the innocent people still stuck inside, he quickly shouts “Everybody, over the wall now quickly!” DJ began cracking his knuckles as he tried staring down the beast surrounding him. But as the goats still had the primal desire to feed, they all charged forth at the same time.

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With less than seconds to react, Counterstrike quickly raised both of his hands to protect him and before anyone could blink, he went into action. From his left hand, now glowing with a mystic yellow aura, several thin but tall walls of yellow energy formed behind him and most of his left side. From his right hand, now glowing with a mystic red aura, he fired several blasts of red energy with a concussive force, equal to or greater than, that of the charging goats. In effect, the goats running into the yellow walls, collided with them only to hit an unbreakable force causing enough damage to knock them unconscious, while the ones he hit with his energy beam, were simply struck with a superior force that hit them and hit them hard enough to send them scurrying away like frightened animals. But from the look they gave while running away, it was clear they would return with greater numbers. With the immediate threat neutralized, DJ began assisting the surviving patrons up and over the wall, by use of multiple numbers of his yellow shields, that he used like a makeshift magic carpet, lifting them to safety while those not so lucky bled out on the park grounds underneath them. It was indeed a horrible sight looking over the corpses, mutilated by claws and teeth, but what was more terrifying was the thought that more people were still trapped inside, as well as more of the mutated animals.

But despite all his training on the force, he had no idea how the animals were mutating or even how to stop it. All he did know was that he needed to help. However, he did know it would be a waste of time searching every inch of the ground, like some blind mouse running around a maze, so if there was any chance of stopping this he needed to start where it all began, at the center of the park where Habitat’s main buildings were still standing. Still several miles away, the nearest path to the headquarters led right through several attractions including a safari, a field for horses, and a squirrel preserve, that DJ could already hear deep roaring growls from their direction. Instead, DJ created another of his yellow shield beneath his feet, that by command lifted him off the ground and several feet into the air. From that height he could see the majority of the park and a clear view of the headquarters. But to his surprise he could also see the majority of the parks animals heading towards it. For some unknown reason several of the more dangerous species where converging towards the center as if some unknown force was calling them there!. He could clearly see packs of tigers and wolfs charging forth, as well as some of the smaller creatures like skunks and porcupines, running towards it, as the rest were smart and remained hidden under the dense forage, But no matter what kind of animal it was, they were all heading towards the center, as oppose to trying to escape.

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With no time to waste, DJ soared above like some kind of a surfer riding the air currents on a glowing yellow sheet. His biggest concern was to get to the Habitat’s Headquarters before the other mutated animals over ran it. It was now all a question of time, as sweat dripped from his brow over his concern over exactly how many creatures he could see racing there. It was then he couldn’t help but notice a gigantic ape forcing it’s way into a clearing, by knocking over the trees blocking it’s way. Standing over 100 feet tall it let out an echoing roar as it could clearly see DJ, and as some form of a threat!! With it’s ginormous muscles It ripped one of the taller trees from out of the ground, roots and all, and like a javelin threw it in DJ’s direction. But with great ease DJ, soared out of it’s way, by simply guiding his shield to dip left and low, allowing the tree to pass by with no problem. Unfortunately, as his eyes were looking down, he failed to notice he was not alone in the sky, and before he knew it, a swarm of vultures were all over him. With a 34-footwingspan, and claws dripping in blood, they flurried around DJ from all angles, nipping and scratching away. It took all he had to even stay aboard his shield. In the end he fell off it and began hurtling down like a comet, with the flock of vultures still swarming around him. The good news was that he was now falling straight towards the Headquarters, at the center of the park, but the bad news was he was to preoccupied fighting off the vultures to do anything about the fact he was about to hit the ground, and hit it hard!