In The Star's Anticipation (Open Rpg)

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#1  Edited By Midras_Stellris
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The scene before the Mantle Monarch best resembled that of what Earth would describe as Hell, but to her and the Apus, it was a paradise. On a newly barren planet, a mining expedition was taking place and the landscape was converted into nothing but ashes as the planet's core became exposed in the journey for its highly dense iron core. Other precious metals were found, salvaged and stored away. Midras gave herself the assignment of personal supervision over the process, to both ensure everything went according to plan, as well as to protect the process against any outside interference. As another colony has fallen siege to an unknown force, a force she would later find and extinguish.

From her vantage point, within what used to have been the planet's exosphere. She felt its central star healing warmth against her own. Giving her a sense of ease, and a refueled will for her own goal: to fight against the cold grasp of universal death for the Apus. As she traveled across the stars, she felt the ever-growing expansion of all things around her. Stars stranded alone in places where there were once many. Leaving her with little choice but to place them out of their lonely misery, by absorbing them into herself.

As a Star-Spawn, her connection with the stars lead her to think of them as kin. And the expansion of the Apus-Crux regime would ensure their lives remained long and bright, even at the expense of the other inhabitants of the universe.

As the sounds of machinery and magic took place beneath her, she turned towards the star behind her. Opening herself up for the Stellar link, she reached out to her homeworld, to keep surveillance. Peering through the Fornax star, she watched the revolution of dozens of planets in the same orbital plane, around the twin stars. The sight of the Apus-Crux Imperialist expanse was beautiful, as many of these worlds were once million of light years away. And the fact that they occupied much more elsewhere almost placed a smile on her face, as her dream came closer to a reality.

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Yet, her time of silence was short lived, as she felt the presence of someone else joining the Stellar Network. "Yes?" She spoke dismissively, very few were capable of joining her in her own personal connection without her permission, so it meant it had to have been someone she trusted, or someone with equal or greater power than her.

"Yes, we have reports of a potential life-bearing planet approximately. 100 Million light-years from us." The voice called from the plane of stars. Another exoplanet was found, potentially another member to be added to the regime, although 100 million light years was an awfully long way, even at Stargate speeds. So she had to make sure it was worth it.

"FAC Advancement Category? Name? And it's star phase?" She asked with an impersonal tone.

"Type 0.7, your Brightness. And it goes by the name Tetra, or Earth. And Sol is .00033 hz and is currently in its early Main Sequence. It consists of helium and hydrogen."

"Pass." She spoke. The planet lacked any unique resources to justify the long trip, and its Sun was too early on in its life for her to be okay with draining it.

"They are also surrounded by an asteroid belt, and various other planet's rich in material. Such as the planet named Jupiter, consisting of a majority of helium and hydrogen. Potentially alternatives to Stellar feedings."

The idea did intrigue her. To find a way to keep both the Apus and Stars alive without the siphoning of one, is an objective high upon her list. And while she herself could feed the Apus, she couldn't be everywhere at once. And doing so would make them lazy and unimaginative.

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"We'll set up an outpost over by their belts and begin to harvest this, Jupiter, for its resources. As for the native life, we keep our influence to a minimal until they become at least a Type 1.5"

The voice made a sound that sounded like the growl of a bear. She knew the Apus weren't the best when it came to patience, but it was going to have to do for now. Farming civilizations was a strategy foreign to the usual, destroy and conquer style of the Apus-Crux Imperialist Expanse. The connection was severed as she drifted in silence over the mining colony. Patiently waiting , as her forces continued to arm themselves.

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