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Rumor Round-Up: Chris Pine, Green Lantern Movie, and Affleck Directing Batman

Here's the latest rumors for a bunch of DC films.

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There's quite a few rumors flying around the net right now and they're all about upcoming DC films. Let's get right down to the round-up and see what people are talking about.

Chris Pine as Hal Jordan/Common and Tyrese up for John Stewart

Could Chris Pine be playing Hal Jordan? That's what Latino-Review is reporting. The Star Trek star is in negotiations to play Earth's Green Lantern in the upcoming DC Cinematic Universe films. On top of that, both Common and Tyrese Gibson are up to play John Stewart.

Our Thoughts: Throw Common as John Stewart out the window, since the actor is already in Suicide Squad, which is currently filming. As great as Tyrese Gibson is in the Fast and Furious franchise, does he have the chops to play John Stewart? Chris Pine as Hal Jordan makes sense, but isn't Pine already up for the role of Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman? Look for Pine to get one of these jobs, but not both, unless DC doesn't mind casting the same person for multiple roles, which is a bit nutty. It's maybe just Warner Bros. throwing everyone off.

Green Lantern Reboot to Focus on Hal Jordan and John Stewart

There's finally some info, rumor or not, hitting the web about the Green Lantern Reboot. Collider heard that while the film is still in early development, they're hearing that we might get to see two, maybe even three, Green Lanterns in this next film: Jordan, Stewart, and maybe even Guy Gardner.

Our Thoughts: Having three Green Lanterns in a new film could be really awesome, but it seems like way too much for an origin film or reboot, but all of this really depends how these characters will be integrated into the DC Cinematic Universe, pre-Green Lantern reboot.

Ben Affleck to Direct THE BATMAN in 2018

Is Ben Affleck, who is playing Batman in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, going to be directing and starring in a stand-alone Batman film? That's what Collider is reporting. The writer of BvS, Chris Terrio is reported to be writing the stand-alone Batman film as well.

Our Thoughts: This could be probable since Affleck is a pretty fantastic director. He directed The Town and starred in and directed Argo. Affleck could pull double-duty, but could he do it on something as big as a Batman film? Who knows? Terrio writing The Batman makes sense, since he's writing BvS, along with the two part Justice League film.

That's it for the rumors this week, so far. Let us know what you think and we'll keep you update of the confirmations and denials as ore develops.