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The Many (More) Photobombs of Batman

Batman seems to be prepared for anything. Must be because he's present when the big events occur.

Back in 2012, we uncovered the fact that the reason Batman is so good at everything and always prepared is because he happens to be at all the major events. It seems he has a tendency to pop in or photobomb when something big is happening. Why is this not more commonly known? The different publishers or (as we'll see this time) movie and TV directors have managed to alter the finished comics, movies, and shows to remove any trace of Batman.

Check out the previous Bat-photobombs if you missed them before to find out just what Batman has seen.

Did you know Batman was on the Cloud City of Bespin when Luke and Darth Vader fought?

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Why was Batman just watching? Maybe it was because he didn't have a bat-lightsaber. Maybe it was because, without a father himself, he just didn't understand why they would be fighting like this instead of playing catch.

Another tragic moment was during the first Avengers movie. Phil Coulson thought he had Loki under control. He had a big gun and it seemed like there was nothing Loki could do. He was wrong.

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It's just too bad Batman was too late to save him at the time. But hey, it all worked out pretty well for Phil.

When Deadpool got married just recently, it looked like pretty much everyone was there. Everyone, including Batman.

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It's kind of weird he didn't dress up a little more. He didn't even wear a tie.

Remember that time little Kevin McCallister was lost in New York City (in Home Alone 2)? It turns out he wasn't the only one visiting the Big Apple.

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Maybe he was just trying to keep the fact he was there on the down low. Or he could've assume the two guys (the Wet Sticky Bandits) were his uncles or something.

We saw some crazy things during Marvel's 2014 Original Sin storyline. We found out Nick Fury was secretly up to some big things. Sounds like he and Batman might have something in common.

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Why was Batman there? Was he helping Nick or trying to stop him?

We sadly recently saw the show Mad Men come to an end. There have been some that questioned what happened at the end. There'd probably be more questions if this scene wasn't edited out.

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Batman and Don Draper? Bruce Wayne and Don Draper? Would they have gotten along? Maybe if Batman hung out with Don, he wouldn't be so uptight.

There was also that time when everyone first believed Matt Murdock was Daredevil. He denied it. Batman went to investigate for himself.

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Maybe because it was an office Christmas party, he decided not to push his questioning.

Another series ending that has had viewers questioning what happened next was The Sopranos. What happened to Tony Soprano at the end?

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We're pretty sure Batman knows what happened to Tony Soprano. This is probably why we never saw the character again.

Marvel is ready to unleash their ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT initiative in the fall.

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Batman misunderstood. He knew his book was getting a new direction and thought he was supposed to be there for the photoshoot. Then he noticed the Marvel logo and left.

Then there was the Man of Steel in2013.

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Batman looks pretty sad. This could be why they're going to be fighting next year.

These are all the photographic evidence of Batman being everywhere we could get our hands on for now. We'll keep searching and digging for more. The truth deserves to be told.

Let us know what you thought of these. Is everything better with Batman?