Comic Vine News


Yet Another Blackest Night Reveal We Saw Coming

This name's been thrown around a bit. It's still pretty cool though.

DC has revealed another Black Lantern for the upcoming Blackest Night arc.  Like last time, I'm sure there will be some smarty-pants exclaiming how they already knew about this months ago.  Yeah, it's something we all figured would happen.  That doesn't make it any less cool. 

I am curious how this is going to turn out.  We already talked about whether or not these dudes would be mindless zombies or just infected with some dark...traits.  How long will they stay like this?  Is there any walking away from being part of the Black Lantern Corps?  Do they even have a choice about becoming one?  Will they be an enemy to all the different light corps?  Will they have to band together to take on the Black Lanterns?  It's going to be an interesting story.

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