broo1232's Avengers #4 - The Death and Resurrection of Major Titans review

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    • broo1232 has written a total of 182 reviews. The last one was for Rapture
    • This review received 2 comments


    I have been enjoying this series it is not the best of Marvel Now! But it is definitely good and the first story arc was a good opener for the series and I was excited to see the continuation of the series and what Hickman did next.


    Captain America is looking to see the effect of Ex Nihilo’s attack on Earth and he sends teams to different places. Spider Woman, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor and Hyperion go to the Savage Land to see what happened they find a bunch of AIM soldiers their carrying out tests.


    This issue was average I liked it but only just it was hinging on me thinking it was meh. I had high hopes for this set of stories as I hoped it would shed a bit of light on these characters I know Hyperion isn’t a new character but I don’t know anything about him so I wanted this to tell his origin and it does but it is interrupted with a not so great secondary plot in the Savage land which is fairly boring and the dialogue is a bit off a point and the characters apart from a few are pretty boring and generic. I love Adam Kubert he is one of my favourites and I love all the stuff he has done but his art looks a bit rushed in this issue and he seriously needs an inker his work doesn’t look good and it doesn’t look detailed enough.

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    This issue is really part Hyperion origin and part aftermath of the Ex Nihilo attack. I was Hickman went and continued this story with what Ex Nihilo did as it wasn’t answered in the previous issue so it was a good choice from Hickman to continue this. I also thought it was good that Hickman was starting a new story arc with this issue as I thought it was going to just be standalone issues from this issue to 6 but I was surprised and it was definitely a good way to start off the story arc and Hickman split the two parts of this issue pretty well as it is well balanced and they both tell a story and none of the parts feel slow at all so the pacing is very good.

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    The characterization of Thor and Hyperion is excellent throughout the issue and I definitely like the Thor in this he’s pretty pig headed instead but he’s not being stressed and there really nothing in this issue that should give him any reason to fear. Hickman in this issue shows Hyperion to be a very 3 dimensional character. Hickman shows Hyperion to be a character that has been through a lot but has always stuck to what he was told it made me feel a little better about having him on the team since he is meant to be insanely powerful and this made him feel a little more human. The whole part of the issue with Hyperion in it is excellent and it tells a nice shortened origin of Hyperion and it isn’t overly complicated although I had to read it twice to get the full idea of it.

    This is where the problems begin Hyperion and Thor are characterized perfectly but everyone else doesn’t feel right Hawkeye isn’t making quips like he normally does he is a bit of a stiff and generic character. The characterization isn’t awful it just makes the characters feel a little lifeless at points but at least it isn’t wildly different characterization and everyone is angry at each other but I thought Hickman could make the characters feel a little more interesting.

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    The second problem is that the parts in the Savage Land aren’t very interesting AIM never really have been taken seriously because of their general bee keeper suits but I cannot stand that one of them has a stutter it is very irritating but it is only a nit-pick to the overall story but it just bugged me a bit. The original part of it doesn’t pull me in because there could have been a really interesting plot point explored in this issue with AIM and Hyperion as AIM originally tried to control Hyperion but it is only referenced and it isn’t explored it was a bit of a let-down. It does get interesting when one of AIM’s experiments goes wrong but it doesn’t last that long really but there is a nice touching scene with Hyperion later which was a nice way to end this issue.

    The art as I said I love Adam Kubert he has a cartoony sort of style that I really like and I love all that he has done but HE NEEDS AN INKER!!!!! His work just looks too rough around the edges in this issue it just looks a little unfinished and Frank D’Armata’s colours don’t help. Armata’s colours are more suited to art that looks a little smoother and clean around the edges (He is perfect for Salvador Larroca) but it would have worked better with Kubert if he had an inker. Without an inker it also shows a lack of detail in the art it may have been that Kubert rushed it but it doesn’t look that good and I hope that if Kubert comes back he is a bit more consistent and he had an inker so the lines look tighter. But Kubert shows the emotion very well and he lays out the pages well throughout although the use of vertical panels so often is a bit annoying but it’s a minor nitpick.


    This issue was between good and alright really it is worth picking up if you are getting the series as it is a good continuation but it is the weakest issue of the series so far but the next issue I’m sure will be better.

    3 stars (3.25 if that was allowed)

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      The good: Even if the first story arc is over, the consequences of the Garden's actions are still in effect. This fourth issue deals in part with one of the consequences as well as the why and the how Hyperion is part of the avengers. Concentrating on a small group of Avengers (essentially Hyperion), the team goes in the Savage Land to investigate one of the biologically infected sites on earth. What's good about this issue is how we get to know a lot more about Hyperion and like I just mentione...

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      I really enjoyed this issue, even if some people have considered it a filler, to me this was a perfect example of how to create a great self contained issue, navigating from elements of the last arc story, making a bridge for new arc stories to come, combining action and a narrative focusing in an obscure and powerful character such as Hyperion. The past of Hyperion intewined with Ex Nihilo's “seeds” in Earth and A.I.M.'s new role as a Nation (see Hickman's Fantastic Four) were very entertaining...

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