
    Blackest Night #2

    Blackest Night » Blackest Night #2 - Part 2 released by DC Comics on October 2009.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 10 user reviews

    Buried in Thoughts 0

    The Summer Blockbuster is back for another installment and while I disagree with some reviews of this book, saying it is a horrible issue. I'll admit that it doesn't completely have me begging for more, but it's not bad, just stumbling due to the Part Two CompleX that many story arcs fall prey to, it's lacking a solid beginning and end.   There isn't a lot of reveals in this book and the plot of each story thread is so thin that it's hard to get a real fix on what exactly the reader should be pa...

    2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    A lot of substance but not much progression. 0

    As far as progression goes this issue doesn't really take the story anywhere.  For a mega event that spans 8 issues I would expect a certain stride with each new chapter... But Geoff Johns does give the reader a lot to absorb and think about.  The developments with The Specter and Deadman were interesting and it alludes to how the black rings work with the corpses they take control of.  What I interpreted was that the corpses work independently of the "soul" or essence or whatever you want to ca...

    2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Young story but still best of the year 2

    Only at issue #2 and I can;t imagine any other superhero story topping this.   Just as a fair warning, Blackest Night: Batman #1 and Green Lantern Corps #39. ...

    6 out of 8 found this review helpful.

    Oh Yeah... 0

     (No spoilers...WOOT)When I first saw Blackest Night #1 I merely brushed it away, but when I got Red Robin I liked it and wanted to get more DC titles. Blackest Night came highly recommended and I figured I would check out both and I don't regret it. Now I have not been keeping up with the latest Green Lantern stories but this gave you a bit of backround on who has died and other important things. What I like about this is that the heroes are now forced to fight their friends and loved ones whic...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    crazy zombies!SPOILERS! 0

    the blackest night is hear and it hits hard when hal and barry get the crap beaten out of them by the heart and soul of the jla martian manhunter well he probably doesnt  have soul any more and im pretty sure he wants to rip there hearts out and there is a BIG plot twist in this issue when lil old dove doesnt want to rise from the dead and tormeant his friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mean while mera and tempest are attacked by aqua man tula and dolphin unfortantely tempest dies..........but we get to see...

    1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Stop Being Good....i can't take it 0

    I love this Blackest Night stuff, the tie ins too but this story is killing me too. The anticipation between issues and tie ins has me jonesin' for more. I have never yelled, "Don't go its a trap!" into my comic until this issue and that was only the second page. I loved seeing how Deadman would be affected (checkout Blackest Night: Batman for more with Deadman) and other dead but not dead guys which is weird because i never cared about Phantom Stranger or the Specter until this issue and now I ...

    1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Some of the coolest pages ever! 0

    I had an absolute brilliant time reading this. You will all know by now, as you’ve probably read it, this books is fantastic. The artwork is phenomenal; it really is one of the best looking superhero books around. Hawkman is just so creepy, I love it. High point for me was Barry & Hal vs. the Martian Manhunter, that was awesome. But Hal crashing into the bat signal and that last page with the Black Lantern Justice League! Some of the coolest pages ever!       Like my review? (Or even if you ...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Dead Again 0

     Well, here is another bandwagon I get to jump on. The "I liked this book a lot even though it did not live up to the promise of the first issue" crowd.  Actually, I did like this issue quite a bit. Then again, I am a fan of the Titans, and did read the Aqua Lad book before this.   One of the good things of this book is it's ability to sum up what has happened everywhere else in the DC universe while giving us just a little extra. As before, it is well written and drawn, It is good to see the Fl...

    1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Blackest Night #2: The Sky Reeks Of Death! 1

    "Don Hall Of Earth. Ri--? Don Hall Of Earth At Peace." That's right Don Hall Of Earth can't be risen by a Black Lantern Ring! However, his angered brother will rise as a black lantern. More death rages in this issue, and information is revealed about the mysterious Black Hand in a input by Geoff Johns called "The Book Of The Black: The Burned Thoughts Of William Hand." Talking about the early life of a boy who knew a whole lot about death. However, always asked questions about death.  The Good ...

    6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

    The sun still rises 0

    After the first issue of Blackest Night which took a while to get going this issue wastes no time as it jumps right into the action.  It helps that there has been some action already brewing in the Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps and other series to tie into, but this issue as it stands alone is still a lot of fun and a good read.  Significant parts of the plot focus on the Atlanteans, Flash and Green Lantern and the Shadowpact, but it also draws in certain aspects of the Bat-family as well a...

    2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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