
    Danger Room

    Location » Danger Room appears in 597 issues.

    The Danger Room is the training area for the X-Men and is located in Xavier Mansion.

    Short summary describing this location.

    Danger Room last edited by sergiovse on 03/13/22 08:42AM View full history


    The Danger Room has played an important role in the everyday lives of the X-Men since the beginning. It provides a central and controlled location for training where the X-Men can learn to control and develop their abilities in normal and combat-like situations.

    Beneath the staid facade of a Mansion in upstate New York lies a mass of state-of-the-art technology known as the Danger Room or War Room too.

    Plan View
    Plan View

    The original Danger Room employed many mechanical weapons and dangers including flying projectiles similar to missiles, obstacle courses, trap-floors, fire, crushing walls, and much more. The layout of the Danger Room has not changed considerably since its earliest mention. The room itself is quite large, and there is a central control room and observatory overlooking it where the entire room can be controlled by a single person.

    Since the beginning the Danger Room has underwent a series of upgrades. The first was the addition of robots to the room for combat training. Later, Shi'ar technology was incorporated by Beast, upgrading the room to incorporate realistic holograms to the training and adding to the weapons and traps that the X-Men faced while training.

    At some point the Danger Room has gained sentience. It is unclear when this happened, but it was revealed that Professor Xavier was aware it and chose to leave it imprisoned in the room. The room began to attack students that were inside, and its core was accidentally freed by Wolverine. Constructing a body resembling a human female, Danger has become an enemy of the X-Men. Currently the Danger Room is inactive as it has lost its control system. Prodigy, a student at the Xavier Institute, constructed a "Danger Cave" with similar functionality before losing his powers as a result of M-Day.

    Alternate Realities

    Age of Apocalypse

    Killing zone
    Killing zone

    Killing zone: This zone resembles the actual Danger Room, it is a state of the art in training technology and it is located in Wundagore Mountain at Magneto's mutant Sanctuary.

    Other Media


    X-Men The Animated Series

    The Danger Room was seen in the first episode and was mainly used as a training simulator.

    X-Men: Evolution

    Used to train and practice but was also used to clean the X-Jet. It was also used to simulate results and one of the more common uses was to protect something of value to the X-Men or to protect someone like Professor X or injured teammates while away on a mission or during a siege or attack on the X-Mansion.

    For a very short time it was used to protect Cerebro from Mystique while everyone was away on a mission.

    Live Action

    X-Men: The Last Stand

    Finishing session
    Finishing session

    It appears at the beginning of the movie. It is used by Iceman, Shadowcat, Rogue, Colossus, Wolverine and Storm, the latter two were leading the training session. The team was fighting a Sentinel.


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