
    Fantastic Four #1

    Fantastic Four » Fantastic Four #1 - Unstable released by Marvel on January 1, 2013.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 14 user reviews

    Adventure Time! 0

    After reading Fraction's amazing new Hawkeye series, I had high expectations for this comic, as the Fantastic Four is one of my favorite superhero team. Unfortunately, it wasn't as good as expected, although it wasn't that bad either.Not much happens here, and even though that is acceptable for an opening issue, it looked liked Matt Fraction didn't really know what to write, as multiple useless events happen. Several pages of the book are dedicated to a video the Yancy Street Gang made, for exam...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    Fantastic Four #1 Review 0

    I thoroughly admit to being much more of a DC guy than a Marvel guy, with the New 52 getting me into comics and Marvel's $3.99 and double shipping policies turning me off of their product. However, with Marvel Now!, I felt like this was a great time to try out some comics that I normally wouldn't read. Last week I checked out Deadpool #1 and enjoyed it, and now it's my turn to check out Fantastic Four #1. Other than knowing who the Fantastic Four are, I'm a complete noob to them and their univer...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Hope it Keeps 0

    I will admit it; when I heard Matt Fraction was taking over the writing position on Fantastic Four, well, I was a bit disappointed. I felt that this wasn't his kind of book but I will also admit that not only is the first issue surprisingly good, but he completely changed my opinion of his future on the book. It is a first issue so it isn't a master story or anything but given a couple of issues I see an incredible story possibly developing. After an adventure Reed, who`s arm is wounded, begins ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Problem with the Unstable Molecules 1

    I have always liked the Fantastic Four but have never been a huge fan. This is probably due to poor stories and films and although there has been some Fantastic Four stories I liked (Mark Millar and J. Michael Straczynski's runs and a couple of Jonathan Hickman's stories) but there have always been some poor stories in between. I was actually not planing on getting this series as besides a couple of stories I didn't like Hickman's run but being a fan of Matt Fraction's work decided to give F4 on...

    6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

    Family Field Trip 0

    Here is my video review for Fantastic Four issue 1. Tell me what you guys think about my video review in the comments below: ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Meh! 0

    Not a fan of Fraction or bagley but i gave it a try anyway. The art kind of sucked and the story was pretty bland.This kind of thing happens in comics all the time but 2.6 Million years ago there weren't any dinosaurs, they all died about 65 million years ago. It's a small thing but details matter, I mean what, did he just guess and hoped nobody would notice? well i guess it worked because i haven't seen anyone mention it. in a world with google and wikipedia there is no excuse, its just lazy!I ...

    2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    Fantastic Four #1 - Vol. 4 0

    THE COMICCreative Team:Writer - Matt Fraction.Penciler - Mark Bagley.Colourist - Paul Mounts.Inker - Mark Farmer.THE STORY"Unstable"THE VERDICTWOW! Just wow. A must read milestone. Matt Fraction (Hawkeye) has seamlessly interwoven a "FANTASTIC" continuation to Jonathan Hickman's legacy, while the artwork drips from the pages like eye candy.THE RATING4/5 Stan Lee's...

    0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Family Vacation 0

    Plot.Reed comes up with an idea to spend more time as a family.Art.Mark Bagley does a great job on this issue.Story & Script.Matt Fraction writes a very nice, entertaining, and funny first issue. It's a great jumping on point for new readers. The action is pretty good and the characterization seems spot on from what little I've read of the Fantastic Four. The issue is a lot of fun.I must add I found the scene with Thing at the community center very abrupt. The dialogue in the scene is very p...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Adventures Beyond Infinity 0

    I'm not normally a big fan of Mark Bagley's artwork. He's not a bad artist at all, and he doesn't even turn me off the way Brett Booth does, he just usually has a style that isn't dynamic enough for my tastes, or something else just tends to feel off with him. For once I can say that this is completely not the case, as Bagley's work on this issue consistently solid throughout this issue. He leaves a lot of nice room for the colors to fill in details in a way that meshes well with his pencils; an...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Fantastic Four #1 0

    Check out my video review to find out what I thought of Fantastic Four #1 from Matt Fraction and Mark Bagley...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Fantastic Four #1 Review 0

    Cover - 4/5- Would I pick-up the comic based on the cover alone? Are the alternate covers appealing? Does the cover portray what happens in the issue?Art - 5/5- Do I personally like this artist's style? Does the artist stay true to the characters appearance?Color/Ink - 5/5- Does the work blend well with the artist? Is the coloring/inking enjoyable and easy to distinguish what's happening?Layout - 5/5- Does the layout of the issue make it easy to read? Does the issue have a good flow of the plot ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    great! 0

    I have NEVER been a fantastic four fan at all, the movies disgusted me and the characters never could draw me in. I went to Excalibur in Portland, Oregon, and asked the lady who owns the place for something new, she recommended me this. I glanced through the pages, loved the artwork, so i decided sure ill give it a try. I read this volume all last night, i chuckled, i laughed, and i really got into it. I haven't read comics since i was like 6 and I just started reading again. But man...this vol...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    great! 0

    I have NEVER been a fantastic four fan at all, the movies disgusted me and the characters never could draw me in. I went to Excalibur in Portland, Oregon, and asked the lady who owns the place for something new, she recommended me this. I glanced through the pages, loved the artwork, so i decided sure ill give it a try. I read this volume all last night, i chuckled, i laughed, and i really got into it. I haven't read comics since i was like 6 and I just started reading again. But man...this vol...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.


    So if they did this big reboot of the Marvel Universe, every book should read like it is a first issue. Not to say it has to be an origin, but it has to let everyone know who the characters are and what their motivations are.This issue did nothing of the sort. The reader is thrown into the middle of some adventure where they are inside a dinosaurs mouth. Missing the fact that it would have been an interesting story to see what happened before that.Then we are invited to a dinner where we learn...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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