ironhawk22's Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint #1 - This World We Live In review

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    FLASHPOINT: Traci 13 Secret Origins!

     I'm Back!
    Flashpoint continues in World of Flashpoint and it doesn't disappoint.  Traci is a character I've only read a few issues of Teen Titans and the Co-Feature Coven(Also written by Rex Ogle) and she seems pretty interesting nothing that amazing but in this wow does she stand out. Traci & her Father are living in the ruins of Paris after their home being destroyed and their family dying which Traci might have been able to save which Traci's father resents her for. Plus now theres a chance to save the world but it does have consequences ones Traci isn't willing to take. 
    Rex Ogle is someone who barely gets a chance to shine with only a few little books but this is good example of why he's such a great and underrated writer. Traci is a very simpethetic character and a interesting one she isn't a cry baby she hasn't been whining about all of the bad things that happened to her she is also very very powerful. H.I.V.E. is a very very interesting team which leaves you wondering if their good or bad and a very cool cast of characters that are both interesting and obscure at the same time. 
    Francisco's art is different but still good and he is a good pick for this book. 
    Get this book.

    Other reviews for Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint #1 - This World We Live In

      Flashpoint through a regular person's eyes 0

        Cover I am not a big fan of the cover. The black things shouting out are kind of strange. It is not very attractive for the cover. Story Traci thirteen is living the world of Flashpoint through the normal people’s eyes. She has magical powers and lost her mother and brothers because she was not powerful enough. Her father is not close to her ever since this happened. Her father is part of an organization called H.I. V.E Council. They are trying to save the world from the war between Aqua...

      8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

      It's All Magic 0

      The Rundown The world of Flashpoint has changed everything and now some of the characters are picking up the pieces. Traci 13 is dealing with the aftermath of a devastating disaster, that has changed her life forever. The world is in an upheaval and a group of leaders (HIVE Council) have decided that drastic actions must be taken.  How does this involve Traci? Read, you must. The Like If you are not familiar with the protagonist Traci, do not fret. In fact, I did not who this character was upon ...

      4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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