
Age of Ultron was not good.

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Things I hate

I was bored, so I made this.

Just a list of random stuff I hate for whatever reason. Only includes stuff I could find pages for on the site.

More will be added down the line.

List items

  • Just an annoying, unlikeable douche with no redeeming qualities.

  • I just find him annoying.

  • I was hugely hyped up for this expecting for one of the best Marvel movies, and what I got instead was the worst superhero movie since Elektra. Awful writing, too many jokes that prevent anything from being taken seriously (which could be forgiven if the jokes were funny, but they weren't), a plot with holes than swiss cheese, the most under-developed and forgettable villain I've ever seen, and possibly the worst final fight ever seen in a movie give us an all-around sh*t film that insults both the Thor & Marvel name.

  • I don't know where to begin here. I might write a review down the line, so wait for that.

  • Season 4 of the show.

    I'm still convinced that the writers did all the cocaine in the world before writing this.

  • I like their characters & stories, but as a company they're just awful.

  • I just hate what it's become.

  • How did I forget this the first time?

    This is just atrocious and does absolutely nothing right.

  • You're almost as bad as Batman Forever.

  • Not the show, as that was great. I hate that it was canceled.

  • See above

  • Rather than say what I hated about it, I'll be brief and say that this movie does literally everything wrong, and I can't think of any redeeming qualities it as.