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Powerful Items of the Comics Multiverse - MARVEL

This will be 1 Part of a 3 Part List. In essence, the original list became unwieldy. Please read the entire description before commenting!!! These are not ranked by power level.

These are weapons and items of great power both magical and technological. Though powerful in and of themselves, the way the user uses them usually defines their greatness. Batman is a prime example of this statement.I am not classifying the items by most to least powerful but loosely by type. Also, all metals or substances will lead the list because so many of the items are powerful because of WHAT they are made of instead of what they are. A nice combo I can think of is "Nth Metal Wolverine's Claws". Just a thought.I also tend to keep item types together by character if they use more than one, Wonder Woman and Batman coming to mind.

List items

  • The highly durable, mystical Asgardian Ore best known for being used to forge Thor's hammer, Mjolnir.

  • The most indestructible man-made metal in the Marvel Universe. It is bonded to Wolverine's skeleton and claws, Angel's wings, Captain America's shield, etc.

  • Vibranium is a metal primarily found in the African nation of Wakanda. It is able to absorb any vibrations and kinetic energy directed at it. Because of this, it has been a highly sought after material to be weaponized.

  • A jewel of power created by the mystical entity Cyttorak, Lord of the Crimson Cosmos. The Gem is the means of giving a human a portion of his power. Thus becoming his avatar, the unstoppable Juggernaut.

  • The Ka Stone is an ancient gem of power that is believed to be connected to the Alpha and Omega Stones found on Kree-Lar which are remnants of the previous universe. It has been used over the years by the being known as The Sphinx.

  • The magic hammer wielded by Thor that grants him many of his powers and abilities. Mjolnir can only be wielded by those that are deemed "worthy".

  • Stormbreaker is the enchanted hammer that is carried by Beta Ray Bill. It's enchantments give Beta Ray the same powers as Thor.

  • Thunderstrike is the enchanted mace made for Eric Masterson. It grants its bearer some of the powers of Thor.

  • Manbreaker is the enchanted hammer that is carried by Titania

  • Soulbreaker is the enchanted hammer that is carried by the Thing.

  • Oceanbreaker is the enchanted hammer that is carried by Attuma.

  • Worldbreaker is the enchanted hammer that is carried by the Hulk.

  • Faithbreaker is an enchanted hammer that was originally wielded by Mokk. Its current owner is the Grey Gargoyle.

  • Stonebreaker is the enchanted hammer that is carried by Juggernaut.

  • Willbreaker is the enchanted hammer that is carried by the Absorbing Man.

  • Skurge's axe, which was also used by the villain Bloodaxe.

  • A magical weapon created from the purest part of Illyana Rasputin's soul during her stay in Limbo.

  • Magical Armor worn mainly by Illyana Rasputin and Amanda Sefton.

  • The Beatrice Medallion was given to Belasco to enable the ascension of the Elder Gods. In Illyana Rasputin (Magik) he found the intended, pure, victim.

  • Captain America's shield has become the symbol and embodiment of justice and patriotism

  • Vibranium shield used by John Walker as the U.S. Agent.

  • Mandarin's Rings are ten rings which he found within a Makluan spaceship, which were originally intended as the power source for the ship. Mandarin used them for his own deadly needs after he took them. Each ring has a specific "power".

  • The Freedom ring is a small nondescript ring crafted by a fragment of a Cosmic Cube. this ring allows for limited reality altering.

  • The Infinity Gauntlet is a cosmic artifact that grants the wearer complete mastery over the six infinity gems in it: time, space, power, soul, mind, and reality granting omnipotence, and omniscience to the bearer.

  • The Infinity Gems are six precious stones of cosmic origin that give the possessor mastery over a certain power. Collecting and using all six gems will give the wielder omnipotence.

  • The Soul gem has the ability to take any soul.

  • The Power Gem is a set of six gems that were left over from a God from the previous universe. When all six gems are brought together they created the Infinity Gauntlet, allowing the wielder to gain the powers of a God. The power Gem by itself gives the user greatly amped strength and durability. The First wielder of the Power Gem was the Elder named Champion. The Champion though barely knew how to use it and was ultimately defeated by Thanos who gain control of the Gem during Thano's Quest. After the Infinity Gauntlet, Drax the Destroyer became the holder of the Gem. It is now currently in the hands of Reed Richards.

  • Magical stones that grant the wielder varied powers...

  • The Quantum Bands are a pair of alien artifacts that give the wearer a variety of powers. Also known as: The Power-Bands of Rinn, or the Uranian Power-Bands.

  • A Cosmic Cube is a matrix containing massive cosmic power. Anyone in possession of a cosmic cube can use it to reshape reality.

  • The Eye of Agamotto is a mystical artifact in the Marvel Universe used by the Sorcerer Supreme. It recently abandoned Stephen Strange to join Brother Voodoo, thereby proclaiming him as the new Sorcerer Supreme.

  • The nega-bands are a Kree weapon worn by Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell, Genis-Vell, and Phyla-Vell). Genis & Mar-Vell were linked to Rick Jones, allowing the two to switch places when the bands are struck together.

  • Created by an Inhuman geneticist named Randac, the Terrigen Mists accelerate genetic advances. Inhumans are exposed to the mists when they come of age. Each experiences different results.

  • The Phoenix Blade contains a portion of the Phoenix Force within it and grants its wielder immeasurable power.

  • Two swords forged by Muramasa, the first one contains a piece of his own soul and the second one contains part of Wolverine's.

  • The Black Knight's sword. It can cut through anything and it has several magical properties.

  • The Sword Of Doom was made by Surtur and is used as his weapon of destruction. It is also known as Twilight Sword.

  • A legendary sword.

    Ages ago, there was a conflict between the Olympian and Japanese Gods. Both Zeus and Amatsu-Mikaboshi asked the Blacksmith to forge great weapons for them that would help them win the war.

    The Blacksmith forged two swords: Kusanagi or Grasscutter for Amatsu-Mikaboshi and Godkiller for Zeus. As years went by Godkiller was lost.

  • Odin's personal weapon

  • Dragonfang is the sword wielded by the Asgardian goddess and adventurer Valkyrie

  • The Super Soldier Serum is the name of a fictional compound (originally part of process) in the Marvel Universe. It enhances baseline humans to the peak of human potential, both mentally and physically. The most famous and successful recipient of the process is Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America.

  • Vision is a synthezoid and an Avenger who possesses the power to alter his density at will. He is always afraid he may have lost touch with his inner humanity.

  • The Life Model Decoy (LMD) is a staple of the S.H.I.E.L.D. defensive arsenal. LMDs are non-biological automatons designed to mimic the behavior, appearance and speech of shield personnel.

  • Ultimo is a sentient weapon that was made by a group of unnamed aliens simply to destroy anything it encounters, save for its masters.

  • Ragnarok is a cyborg clone of Thor created by Tony Stark, Criti Noll and Reed Richards.

  • Designated as Spider-Man Armored Fighting Suit Version 1.1, the Iron Spider was given by Iron Man as a gift to Peter Parker after "the Other". Now it's being used by the clones of Initiative member MVP, the Scarlet Spiders.

  • Anthony "Tony" Stark has designed and built a variety of armors which he uses as Iron Man. Their appearance and capabilities are continually evolving as Tony modifies and upgrades his technology.

  • Known as the Variable Threat Response Battle Suit, designated JRXL-1000, Tony Stark designed the War Machine to deal with threat of the Masters of Silence but then built a version specifically for Rhodey.

  • A significant weapon associated to the weapons of Tony Stark, his suits, S.H.I.E.L.D. weaponry and others as such

  • The Darkhold is an indestructible volume of parchments transcribed by The Elder God Chthon.

  • The Power Cosmic is a fictional force that is primary wielded by Galactus, giving a small amount to his heralds that helps him satisfy his hunger.

  • Spider-Man's main defensive weapon and tool. Even handed down to his daughter.

  • One of Spider-Man's tools, the spider-tracer is attach into an escaping villain to be later track down and bring to justice.

  • At a science exhibit a radioactive spider bit Peter Parker and turned the teen into the amazing Spider-Man.

  • Cerebro (now known as Cerebra) is a large computer device inside the X-Mansion that acts as a conduit and magnifier for telepaths. It is used primarily as a way to locate mutants and was created by Professor Charles Xavier.

  • A communications device used by the Exiles that enables them to teleport between the realities of the Marvel Omni-verse. The Tallus is generally worn by the leaders of each Exiles team.

  • The Green Goblin's primary mode of transport. Eventually he would be impaled on it when he was trying to kill Spider-Man. Aside from the Green Goblin, the Goblin Glider was also used by the Hobgoblin, Demogoblin, and Menace.

  • Dr. Octopus's arms are his primary weapon and able to control each of them through a special link. They are capable of both great strength and delicate procedures.

  • An alien race that feeds on the negative emotions of it's host. Also referred to as the Synoptic. They exist in a near liquid form.

  • An ageless gem connected to the Alpha and Omega Stones found on Kree-Lar which are remnants of the previous universe. Its consciousness, Exo-Mind, and guardian, Ulluxy'l Kwan Tae Syn, are intricately related to the hero Ulysses Bloodstone.

  • Wielded by Nico Minoru, the Staff of One is a hugely powerful magical stave. When activated by a voice command, the Staff of One is able to cast amazing spells but never can be used more than once.

  • Essentially the Star Brand is a zero-point energy collector, drawing power from the fabric of space-time itself. It is unlimited in potential, though the upper limits of the star-like tattoo of power are determined by the imagination of its wielder. A paradox, the Star Brand came into being when the universe was compressed into a single point of space for a mere microsecond. The infinite power requires a sentient being to reside in, however, so it promptly created Ken Connell to bear it and the power was given to him in a very bizarre manner. By himself.

  • Extradimensional device originating from the Dimension of the Ankh, wielded by members of the Zodiac crime cartel.

  • Mysterious red jewel found by John Jameson on the Moon. The Moongem transformed Jameson into the Man-Wolf, then later the lupine Star-God. Also called the Godstone.

  • Master Mold was created by Bolivar Trask as the proto-type to all other existing Sentinals. His primary objective was to create other Sentinals to hunt down mutants, but it eventually developed a conscious of its own.

  • Advanced Sentinel from Earth-811.

  • Sentinels are advanced androids designed to hunt out and eliminate mutants.

  • The Tri-Sentinel was originally three separate Project: NIMROD prototypes who were fused into a single being by Loki's dark magic.

  • The Wild Sentinel was originally one of the two Mega-Sentinels that obliterated Genosha. It was thought to have been destroyed but later returned to wreak havoc on The X-Men after being reprogrammed by Danger.

  • Number Two is a Mark II Sentinel with his own intellect, the ability to teleport himself and others across distances and a goal unique to himself. He believes it is unnecessary to kill mutants. More will be born in time. Sterilizing the human race is a more effective method.

  • Rover is one of the last Sentinels on Earth-15104. After 150 years of life, he has apparently become almost sentient.

  • When Master Mold subsumed the Nimrod, the resulting robot was forced into the Siege Perilous by the X-Men. Once, a mysterious man named Bastion saw himself as humanity's last "bastion" of hope, unaware of his identity as a Sentinel.

  • The Prime Sentinels were created by Bastion. Unlike the other Sentinels, the Prime Sentinels are cyborgs.

  • Karima Shapandar is a human Sentinel. Freed of her mutant extermination protocols, she struggles to maintain what little humanity she has remaining.

  • This is Galactus's spaceship and home.

  • A magical chain thant can change in length and is nearly unbreakable.

  • Created by the extinct race known as the Eidolon, the Warwear is the pinnacle of their technology.

  • The synthetic crystal used in Cyclops' battle visor and sunglasses. It is the only known substance that effectively blocks his destructive optic blasts.

  • Daredevil's signature weapon is his specially designed billy club, which he created.


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Edited By arrowfan237

Brilliant as always, my freind.
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Edited By tintallin
@arrowfan237: And I thank you for saying so.  Appreciated!
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Edited By tintallin
@Malhavok: Thanks!  I added it and listed it at #6 under the Crimson Gem since they kind of seem the same.  Not listed by "perceived most powerful" but grouped for the most part by type.   
Thanks for the help!
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good job! always have been wondering what makes cyclop's visor, Ruby Quartz, Cool! Is Adamantium stronger than Vibranium?

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Why is Blue Devils trident on here, he’s a DC comics character

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There should be a page on netheranium

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