ironhawk22's Runaways #1 - Pride And Joy: Chapter 1 review

    Avatar image for ironhawk22

    One of the most interesting Marvel Comics I've read!

    So I went to the Library and was looking in the Graphic Novel section and I saw the TPB(Trade Paper Back if you don't know) of Runaways Vol.1 and thought what the heck I'll read it and well it was amazing. This book had a shocking ending(Atleast I thought so) and before I get to the next issues I'll review this first one.

    So the basic sypnopsis is a group of couples meet up every year for a party every year and bring their kids. Well at the party the kids see that their parents SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER kill a girl and are part of a cult.

    The writing is very good the plot is new and fresh another thing I like is that it's not directly tied to any other Marvel books except the Captain America appearence in the last issue. It's a whole new concept and an interesting one. The characters all seem normal and likable and the diologue is very nice. I only read the first volume because none of the new characters seemed interesting and I liked that it didn't have to tie directly to any other titles the Skrulls in it were fine but Young Avengers and Ultron okay but his son and a girl with plant powers don't seem that great.  Plus I heard what happened to Gurt.

    The art fits well for the story and is overall consistint and nice.

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