ironhawk22's Teen Titans #92 - On the Shoulders of Titans, Part II review

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    Finally book is improving! You know why they have a good villain.

    I have always been a big Titans fan and hate it when the books aren't as good as they should be but J.T. Krul did a great job in this issue. 
    Nice cover I think it's good a bit bland but nice. 
    The story is good J.T. Krul addresses a death none of the Titans knew about or cared about their disapearence so good job on that. Nice diologue all though Krul has been good there were a few times I sighed a bit but good. Story was very good and my favorite Robin is a Titan. 
    Georges Jeanty it's not that he's a bad artist but his work reminds of Jim Calafore which is good but it dosn't work that well with the book some stuff is a bit sloppy it's overall good art and would like to see the art be in other books but not in this book. 
    Red Robin rejoins the Team! The Titans find out about Kid Eternity's death after more then a year and haven't looked for him for a year ever since he went missing(sigh). Calculator isn't Calculator but he's robo-Calculator Wonder girl almost kills him when she thought he was real (I honestley think J.T writes Cassie well I really liked the scenes he wrote with her). 

    Other reviews for Teen Titans #92 - On the Shoulders of Titans, Part II

      Which Robin is on the Teen Titans 0

      Cover The cover was kind of cool and I am glad to see Tim on a Teen Titan’s cover because it has been a while. Story The Teen Titans and Red Robin have to take down the Calculator and his androids. They find the Calculator and fight him and Wonder girl finds out that the Calculator has killed a fellow Teen Titan member Kid Eternity.   She takes it hard and almost kills the Calculator for what he had done but it wouldn’t have mattered because we find out he was an android also. In the end the Tee...

      10 out of 10 found this review helpful.

      Which Robin Do I Like Best? 0

      Let me just start by expressing my thanks to DC for putting J.T. Krul on this book.  It has been floundering since the departure of Geoff Johns with minor bright spots under McKeever.  To that end, it was really pleasant to be reading these last few issues and knowing that nobody was going to be senselessly killed or kicked off of the team.  This actual issue was pretty good although I wish Nicola Scott would have been on art.  The art was pretty good, though it reminded me a lot of the main Red...

      8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

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