
    Wonder Woman #10

    Wonder Woman » Wonder Woman #10 - Wonder Woman and the Invasion from Saturn released by DC Comics on Q3 1944.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    In Space They Can't Hear You Laying Asphalt 0

    So far in the Wonder Woman title we have seen people invading from mars, and with issue 12 it will be the people of Venus' turn but here we see the people to Saturn trying to invade earth.  Despite the almost complete lack of any sense that that makes (Saturn is a gas planet and extremely radioactive) this issue is still decent golden age fun.  The first of three stories involves Wonder Woman foiling a Saturnian plot on earth (I assume they are called Saturnians - Saturnites maybe?) and in the n...

    5 out of 7 found this review helpful.

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