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NIGHTCRAWLER On-going series in April

Chris Claremont pens the upcoming X-related title about everyone's favorite blue elf.

NIGHTCRAWLER #1 cover by Chris Samnee
NIGHTCRAWLER #1 cover by Chris Samnee

You may have seen the teaser the other day which just said "BAMF!" Well, Marvel just announced that coming in April, Nightcrawler will get his own on-going series for the first time in years. The series will be written by longtime X-Men scribe Chris Claremont and drawn by Todd Nauck. A lot has changed in the world of X-Men, since Kurt Wagner's death and part of this book will explore that.

Joining Nightcrawler on his new adventure will be his longtime teammate and drinking buddy Wolverine. With Logan's involvement also comes a bit of a reality check for Kurt, as he will become aware of the deep schisms that have formed within the X-Men since he last saw them. Professor X has died, Cyclops has become the fugitive leader of a band of revolutionaries, Wolverine guides impressionable young mutants as the headmaster of the Jean Grey School, and most of Kurt's closest friends find themselves ideological opposites.

It sounds as though this new series will really take a look at how the world has changed and the relationships Kurt once had with his fellow X-Men.

Those interested in this upcoming series should really be reading AMAZING X-MEN, written by Jason Aaron and drawn by Ed McGuinness. In it, the X-Men find themselves in the afterlife, where Azazel, Nightcrawler's father, is on a quest to conquer Hell. It's going to take the X-Men and Nightcrawler working together to stop his reign of pirate-related terror.

Make sure to check out this new series this April by Claremont and Nauck, and check out some of Nauck's sketches for the series below!

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What do you guys think about this series? How will Kurt come back to the living?