

    Character » Moonfrost appears in 1 issues.

    Karen Frost was a US Olympic snowboarder, held captive by an international criminal in a botched hijacking of mutagenic elements during the Winter games. As time passed, her eyes darkened, her tolerance to cold grew even stronger, and she found she could produce a form of smokey gray ice crystal, which oddly did not melt from heat, but instead eventually dissipated from exposure to light. A bit of a sarcastic wild-child, she was soon recruited into the superteam, The Guardstars

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    1869657 KillerZ Character full name to alias, for it to come up in searches 04/27/24 05:07AM 2 done
    1869173 AvantGuardian Issue 04/26/24 06:39AM 4 done
    1869157 AvantGuardian Character 04/26/24 06:14AM 40 done
    1869142 AvantGuardian Character 04/26/24 05:52AM 52 done

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