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Top 5 Underrated Iron Man Artists

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  • Creator of War Machine and the all-powerful Modular armor, among others. Hopgood was holding down the 90s with real style and creativity. His work was kinetic and exciting. Hoping for a Kaminski-Hopgood reunion someday.

  • Another artist who penned the character during the 90s. People love to hate the time period and avoid it like the plague. It's a shame, because that thinking has caused many great runs and stories from the time to be overlooked. Sean Chen put the superhero back into Iron Man.

  • I remember MD Bright as the fill in guy for Layton during the Michelinie run. But that's an unfar summation. In fact, Bright's work rivaled Layton's and, at times, I often preferred when he was on the title. He had an utter precision to his close ups and how he drew the armor that artists today can't seem to muster without tracing.

  • Brilliant artist on the Director of SHIELD series. Not only one of my all time favorite runs, but his artwork brought something new and indescribably cool to the title.

  • Legendary artist, but rarely recognized as a top talent on Iron Man. People give all the praise to Colan and Heck but don't bother acknowledging this man's great run on the character while Archie Goodwin was writing.