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Favorite Marvel Series

These are the best comics I've read in my life. They are all exciting and enjoyable. These are the best of the best. And, I highly recommend all of them. Note: This is never set in stone and will change constantly.

List items

  • Loving this series so far, my friend read it and i was relunctant but it is the best in comics right now.

  • Tells Spider-Man's origin. Vol 1 15 is worth 1,500$. All issues have good plot and are entertaining.

  • Great plot. Storylines are all connect. Plus first Deadpol :)

  • Their Iron Man and Cpatain America stories are crazy cool and even the monster stories before they came around are pretty epic.

  • Well-Deserves to be on this list. The old ones are really cool and the new ones have an entertaining mystery element.

  • The OLD OLD ones. This run lasted for six issues, THAT'S IT. Making ever comic in this Hulk run a collectors item. These ell sell for 1,000 a piece in LOW quality. Trust me it's worth it.

  • This series started in WWII. Yeah their hard to find. I found the complete collection for 100,000,000$ needless to say I didn't buy it. This series only went for 78 issues yet it's a huge series. Each issue is 55 pages long. I got it for not so much and enjoy it a lot!

  • This is a great series. I read the first issue and was amazed. I bought the rest and spent more than 1,000$ dollars on it. And eventually I ran into a pleasant surprise. Thor's first appearance was in this series. Highly recommended great series. 5 Stars all the way!

  • Come on, Sing it. I AM IRON MAN. Tony Stark's Tales of Suspense adventures are no match to his adventures in Iron Man. I enjoy these adventures much more. This exciting series is enjoyable with a new villian that will impact the MARVEL universe for years to come.

  • Yes this is on here. And it deserves it. The first issue has sold for 15K. I luckily got my hands on it for $20.99 then I read the whole series due to my love of the first issue. A 5 stars for sure.

  • This series has returned to this list. Great story. The black Spider-Man issues are extremely touching.

  • Yes, I have no lack of love for this X-Men series. Magneto is an interesting and exciting character in this series while in the other X-Titles I wasn't feeling it.

  • This series has amazing villians galore. From Green Goblin to Doctor Octopus. It also stars your favorite friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.