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Fantastic Four (MCU Phase 6)

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  • Reed Richards was present at MIT when Tony Stark promised to fund everyone's pet project after attending his seminar. Reed wanted to explore the vastness space and the concept of the Multiverse. Reed and his girlfriend Sue Storm presented a proposal to NASA for an interstellar starship that could hypothetically withstand the travel throughout the Multiverse. During the Blip, Reed and Sue's pet project is mothballed. When the populace of Earth was restored, Reed and Sue continued to push for interstellar exploration into the Multiverse. The chief heads of NASA give Reed and Sue the opportunity to test out the durability of their ship when they find a planet that could be suitable for colonization. Reed and his team head to the planet but they are caught off guard by a cosmic storm. Reed's robotic aid HERBIE manages to get the starship to head back to Earth but not before everyone was exposed to the storm. Upon reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, the starship's trajectory goes off course and ship crash lands in Latveria. Reed and Sue are rescued by Victor von Doom's rebellion.

  • Artur Molkevic was originally from Latveria. Artur theorized that beneath Latveria is a nexus to Hollow Earth, a realm of undiscovered possibilities. Everyone in Latveria thought Artur was mad except for young Victor Von Doom. Artur's peculiar excavations of the Latverian homeland earned him the spite of the monarchy who had him exiled. Artur then immigrated to the US and legally changed his name to Harvey Rupert Elder since . Artur continued his wild theories about Hollow Earth and discovered that New York was another nexus point to the Subterranean Realm.

  • Alicia Masters

  • Revos the Overseer

  • Boris Karela