
    The Astonishing Spider-Man #40

    The Astonishing Spider-Man » The Astonishing Spider-Man #40 released by Marvel UK/Panini UK on June 22, 2011.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    His electric abilities waning and waxing uncontrollably while the power of his fame grows, Electro turns to an unexpected ally to seek a cure for his condition!

    Plus, Spidey and Mayor Jameson have to put their differences aside to pull the plug on the supercharged Electro once and for all, but at the cost of one of the best-known and most beloved landmarks in the Marvel Universe!

    Plus, the streets of Chinatown run red with blood as The Hood sends in his entire villain army to take out the last villain standing who refuses to submit to his rule, Mister Negative! The only thing that can save him is the latest ruthlessly violent enforcer he's converted to his cause: the Amazing Spider-Man! Wha-huh? Plus: as Betty Brant gets ever closer to uncovering the terrifying secret behind Mr. Negative's origin, is she unwittingly sealing her own doom?

    Includes material reprinted from Amazing Spider-Man #613-614 and Dark Reign: Mr Negative #2.


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