
    X-Force #28

    X-Force » X-Force #28 - Last Stand released by Marvel on September 1, 2010.

    jlat89's X-Force #28 - Last Stand review

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    "Warning. New Mutant Powers Detected."

    Second Coming Chapter 13, X-Force #28 finds Second Coming just about over.  X-Force was seemingly successful in the future and with the help of Cable they are able to return to the present...but at what cost?  As Bastion apparently loses will he accept defeat or will he do something drastic and pull out an ace?  

    What You Need To Know.

     You should have been reading this, if you don't know what's going on in this event, I don't know where've you been.  Hope and Cable.  Nightcrawler is dead.  Hope hates Scott.  Wolverine is pretty pissed.  Kitty Pryde has done nothing.  Magento just got up. 

    The Good.

     Regardless of what you think of this story arc/event,  you have to hand it to Chris Yost and Craig Kyle for having the strongest chapters in this series.  They never had a bad issue, even when they had to present some interesting stories.  This issue is no different as they deliver another stellar script.  Obviously the story isn't over, but I'm glad this creative team got this chapter.  Yost and Kyle deliver a wonderful scene between Cable and Hope, I won't say what, when or why, but it's a great scene, and if you put 2 and 2 together from the cover, something happens and it's going to be interesting to see what the aftermath is.   
    There are some pretty cool scenes involving some characters and it's going to raise some questions.
    Mike Choi has also delivered probably the best art in this event and as such this issue is no different.  His art is something to marvel a (no pun intended).  His detail is incredible and the pages are nothing short of amazing.  

    The Bad.

     This event has kind of fallen flat, looking back at the prior issues.  It's still an overall good event, but the potential hasn't really been reached, with the final chapter due out next week, hopefully something happens, but for all the praise for this creative team, this issue was average, the creative team made it above.  

    The Verdict.

     Given the fact that there's still 1 more chapter, I still have hope for this event.  There are some pretty cool scenes and actions that do get me excited, but there is also a sense staying stagnant.  This issue was strong because of the creative team, I hate to say it but, if this was an Uncanny issue it would have been a lower rating.  With that being said it's still pretty essential to the story and as such you should read this.  It's been an interesting event, the first major event of the X-Men that I've followed fully and for the most part it has been up to what I've expected from the X-Men. 


    Other reviews for X-Force #28 - Last Stand

      The messiah for the mutants is here 0

      Cover The cover is really showing a religion aspect of it. It is showing that she is rising like Jesus did. She is the messiah to the mutants. I really liked the cover. The art was also great on the cover. Story The X-force team comes back to the present from the future everyone comes out alive except Cable. Bastion still does not think it is over to kill Hope and is going to do everything in his power to kill her.   Hope remembers from the future when she was talking to Cable about when she wil...

      9 out of 9 found this review helpful.


      THIS IS WHAT COMICS SHOULD BE!! From page 1 I felt I couldn't read fast enough. The anticipation and excitement to read what was coming next made my tummy hurt, I'm serious. The anticipation/excitement felt kind of like the shock and excitement you get at the end of a movie when everything comes together or the mystery is resolved, like "V for Vendetta," the first "Saw" or "Memento." I was unaware how emotionally invested I was but this issue really reminded me especially the stuff with Hope and...

      7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

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