
    Justice League of America

    Team » Justice League of America appears in 3334 issues.

    The Justice League (also known as the Justice League of America or the JLA) is a team comprised of the premier heroes of the DC Universe.

    Short summary describing this team.

    Justice League of America last edited by ares24 on 04/23/24 09:47PM View full history

    Most Recent Roster

    • Batman
    • Superman (Clark Kent)
    • Wonder Woman
    • Green Lantern (John Stewart)
    • Hawkgirl
    • Zatanna
    • Black Canary
    • Black Adam
    • Aquaman
    • Martian Manhunter
    • Naomi
    • Superman (Jon Kent)
    • Nightwing
    • Supergirl
    • Robin
    • Aquaman (Hyde)
    • Dr. Light (Hoshi)
    • Blue Beetle (Reyes)
    • Booster Gold
    • Blue Beetle (Kord)
    • Harley Quinn
    • Killer Frost (Snow)
    • Frankenstein


    The Founding Members
    The Founding Members

    The origin of the JLA was revealed in Justice League of America Vol 1 #9 when seven heroes first came together to repel the Appelliax alien invasion. When the world's greatest heroes were unable to defeat this alien threat individually, the Martian Manhunter, the Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Superman and the Batman cooperated together as a team to defeat the Appelliax invaders. These heroes continued to work together as the Justice League of America, after realizing they worked well together and getting backing and support from the American goverment. Later on after Crisis on Infinite Earths, Black Canary was retconned as a founding member in Wonder Woman's place. The new 52 version of the team has a new canonical origin, which is virtually the same except that it was Darkseid that was invading the Earth and that Cyborg has replaced the Martian Manhunter as a founding member.


    After the successful revival of superheroes in the Silver Age, DC Comics tasked Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky with the job of reviving the Golden Age's Justice Society of America. Fox was inspired by the word League in various sports franchises at the time and decided to create a new name as well as a new team by replacing Society for League. Fox and Sekowsky created the Justice League of America in 1960 and crafted the story and pencils for the team's first appearance in the Brave and the Bold #28. Murphy Anderson was also the inker for this issue.

    Although Superman and Batman made appearances as members of the JLA in this debut, they were not involved in the main storyline or battle with Starro the Conqueror. The other five members of the League battled Starro seeking to free the citizens of Happy Harbor, Rhode Island from his mental influence. Lucas "Snapper" Carr who was immune to Starro's powers became an honorary member of the JLA.

    Fox, Sekowsky and Anderson created two more stories starring the JLA in the Brave and the Bold #29 and #30 and then became the creative team for the early years of the JLA's on-going title.

    Team Evolution

    Silver Age (1960s) & Bronze Age (1970s-1980s)

    During the last decade of the Silver Age, DC Comics established that the JLA came from Earth-1. The JLA maintained their first headquarters in a cave called the Secret Sanctuary in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. The JLA had an annual tradition of team-ups with their Golden Age counterparts, the Justice Society of America from Earth-2, that started in Justice League of America Vol 1 #21. During one of these team-ups, the JLA and the JSA encountered a villainous version of themselves called the Crime Syndicate of America from Earth-3. The JLA added other members to the original line-up to include Green Arrow, the Atom (Ray Palmer), Hawkman and Black Canary.

    An expanded Justice League
    An expanded Justice League

    The membership of the JLA remained consistent from the Silver Age to the Bronze Age. The sole exception to this was with Wonder Woman, who left the League during her depowered phase in the late 1960s. She would rejoin a short time later however after regaining her powers. The JLA moved their headquarters to the Justice League Satellite when Snapper Carr unknowingly compromised the location of the Secret Sanctuary. The JLA Satellite had a geosynchronous orbit 22,300 miles above the Earth. The regular team-ups between the JLA and the JSA featured the return of other Golden Age heroes such as the 7 Soldiers of Victory and the Freedom Fighters. The JLA and the JSA had a time-travelling adventure with the Legion of Super-Heroes caused by Mordru.

    During the 1970s, Elongated Man, Red Tornado, Hawkgirl and Zatanna officially joined the JLA. The Phantom Stranger officially joined the JLA during this time as well though his active status was hardly noticeable as the Stranger mostly appeared at events of a cosmic nature. In 1980, Firestorm was the final recruit to join this roster of the JLA. In 1983, the Batman resigned from the JLA due to the team's refusal to embark on a rescue mission into Markovia. The Batman then formed his own team called the Outsiders.

    The roster of the JLA maintained this membership through the early 80s until the events of a Martian invasion in Justice League of America Vol 1 #228-230. In the aftermath of repelling the invasion, the JLA Satellite became severely crippled and current members demoralized and despondent about the team's future status. Aquaman decided to take a stand that the JLA needed full-time members who did not leave to fulfill obligations in their civilian identities. The result was the departure of several members and the end of this roster.

    Justice League Detroit

    Justice League Detroit
    Justice League Detroit

    The members that remained were Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Elongated Man and Zatanna. In Justice League of America Annual Vol 1 #2, Aquaman reorganized the League. They enlisted new young members Steel, Vibe, Gypsy and Vixen. The team was based in a warehouse in Detroit, called the Bunker and provided for by Steel's grandfather (and namesake), Hank Heywood. The introduction of these younger members elicited some controversy among fans of the team. The reasoning behind the change was that at the time that youth based teams were more popular than ones featuring established characters. The industry leader for this trend was the X-Men at Marvel Comics, but DC Comics had its own version in the Teen Titans. An editorial decision was made that the League should incorporate more youthful elements into the roster, as well that having less very powerful characters made the potential threats to this new League much more menacing (as for instance this version of the team had some difficulty in dealing with Despero.)

    Aquaman eventually left the group to return to his duties in Atlantis leaving the Martian Manhunter to replace him as leader. After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the team was evicted from the Bunker after a disagreement between Steel and his grandfather, the owner of the property. The JLA moved to their original HQ, the Secret Sanctuary. After having left the Outsiders, the Batman became temporary chairman of the JLA for a brief period. After the end of Batman's duration with the team, the role of chairman went to the Martian Manhunter again. Some time later, Zatanna left the JLA after merging with the Godhead.

    The rest of the JLA remained active until the Legends story arc. In a plot to dominate Earth, Darkseid sent the Glorious Godfrey to Earth in the guise of G. Gordon Godfrey to destroy the popularity of super-heroes. Darkseid had DeSaad create Brimstone to manipulate various heroes into a conflict on Earth that seemed to be caused by these heroes. After the JLA were defeated by Brimstone, Elongated Man resigned from the JLA as a result of these events.

    The End
    The End

    Then, the Martian Manhunter disbanded the team in response to a Presidential order that outlawed super-heroes. During this event, an old enemy of the JLA, Professor Ivo, attacked each member with android duplicates of himself. Vibe was killed by an android when he believed he had beaten it. Steel was comatose and placed on life support after destroying an android. Gypsy escaped from an android and returned to her family. The Martian Manhunter and Vixen destroyed the rest of the androids and brought Professor Ivo into custody. Vixen decided to resign from the JLA with the Martian Manhunter as the only member. He stated that, "The League must continue."

    Modern Age

    Justice League
    Justice League

    Following the Legends miniseries, it was decided that there should be a Justice League, however not one aligned with America, per-se. Businessman Maxwell Lord decided to invite a group of heroes to join a "New" Justice League. Membership consisted of Batman, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Mr. Miracle, Oberon, Doctor Fate, Captain Marvel, Doctor Light, Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), and Green Lantern (Guy Gardner). This League took an often comedic tone, usually contrasted with bursts of intense action and drama.

    This proved to be a very volatile group, with a lot of interpersonal problems. The team spent as much time bickering as they did fighting super villains. Dr. Light quit almost immediately, although she served as a reserve member and eventually joined full time.

    As it had before, the League expanded again. Booster Gold was the first new addition, then it was decided to grant the League an international charter. Captain Atom, Rocket Red, Elongated Man, Fire, Ice were all new members of Justice League International.

    The JLI eventually split into several teams,most notably were the Justice League America based in New York, and Justice League Europe in Paris. The European branch added Flash (Wally West), Animal Man, Metamorpho, Power Girl, as well as the return of Wonder Woman and the Elongated Man. The teams continued to evolve, and added many more members such as L-Ron, Crimson Fox, Bloodwynd, Maxima, Nuklon, Obsidian, Tasmanian Devil, Triumph, and Maya. Amazing-Man, Blue Devil and the Yazz were also new members of the American branch of the Justice League at different times.

    Justice League Fractured

    After the the death of Ice during Judgment Day, the Justice Leagues were further fractured, and their UN Charter removed. Wonder Woman lead the main Justice League America, using the Overmaster's orbiting escape pod as a base. Captain Atom led a rogue group called Extreme Justice and Martian Manhunter led a training team of younger heroes called Justice League Task Force.

    Eventually, all the teams were disbanded and replaced by the "Magnificent Seven."


    Welcome Back, JLA
    Welcome Back, JLA

    In the aftermath of the White Martian invasion, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman decided that the world needs a powerful and well organized Justice League, and they reform the team with Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern ( Kyle Rayner) and Flash ( Wally West).

    They were based in the new Justice League Watchtower on Earth's moon. Like earlier incarnations of the League, their roster was not static and at times included: Steel, Plastic Man, Manitou Raven, Huntress, Faith, Major Disaster and Zauriel.

    During this lengthy period of team history, the JLA did battle against such foes as the Injustice Gang, Mageddon, and Prometheus among others. They time traveled to save Aquaman in the Obsidian Age story and battled vampires during the Tenth Circle story arc.

    The Justice League Disbanded

    The events of Identity Crisis highlighted inherent ethical conflicts in the League's early line up. When Dr. Light assaulted Sue Dinby on the JLA Satellite and threatened to attack other significant others, Zatanna erased his memories and tampered with his mind, magically lobotomizing him. He was not the only one whose memories were tampered with. Batman caught them wiping Dr Light's mind, knowing he wouldn't approve, they also wiped his mind. This revelation, involving current League members and their long time comrades forced the League to split when it would be needed most.

    Aquaman and John Stewart attempted to keep the League going but failed due to the numerous problems and issues that were being created by the fast approaching Infinite Crisis.

    Following the events of Final Crisis, in Cry for Justice a new proactive Justice League, similar to Captain Atom's Extreme Justice, was founded by Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen. This proved short lived, although some of the membership carried over into a proper Justice League, largely composed of second generation heroes, including Dick Grayson, at the time the current Batman, Jade, Supergirl, Donna Troy, and Mon-El. This League continued until Flashpoint altered the timeline.

    The New 52 Justice League

    The New 52 Justice League
    The New 52 Justice League

    Five years into the past of The DCnU superheroes are just emerging and the people of the world wonder whether to trust them. Flashing forward, some of those same heroes band together to face Darkseid--a warlord from the planet called Apokolips--when he arrives to conquer Earth.

    The League of this New Earth drops "America" from it's name and its members are slightly younger and less experienced than they were in previous versions. In addition, Cyborg replaced Martian Manhunter as one of the seven founders of the Justice League, with the latter being a member of Stormwatch instead.

    Current Line-Up

    The new Justice League of America
    The new Justice League of America

    There was a new Justice League of America team in a new comic. The line-up included:

    This league was formed by the likes of Amanda Waller and ARGUS to create a more obedient league that would answer the calls of the government and its people to protect and serve America. But that is not the only reason for these unlikely heroes to join, as their main purpose is to combat the original league (Justice League.) The team's origin is a simple one as they confronted personally by Steve Trevor to make an offer that they would dare not refuse, some blackmail.

    The Justice League of America changed their name in 2014 to Justice League of Canada and Adam Strange joined the team as well.

    Another Justice League of America was formed by Batman and was led by him until it was also disbanded. The lineup included:

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    Major Story Arcs

    Year One: Reboot


    During the late 1980s, the whole DC Universe had been retconned in various storylines. The JLA's origin was revised in the JLA: Year One limited series. Certain changes were made to explain the inconsistencies of other revised characters in the DCU. For instance, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman were never founding members of the JLA due to changes made in their revised origins and history. Black Canary was added as a founding member as presented in JLA: Year One.

    The JLA was all Batman's idea. The threat posed by the alien starfish Starro to Aquaman's home of Atlantis was too great for any single hero to combat. And so, the Justice League of America was born, an interplanetary club of super-heroes dedicated to the defense of the universe.

    When Earth was threatened by the Appelliax alien invasion, many heroes found that they could not battle the threat alone. A team formed consisting of Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Martian Manhunter, Black Canary and Aquaman. Their base of operations was a cave in Happy Harbour, RI and secretly financed by Green Arrow. The team has gone through many changes since then, with the addition and departure of many members.

    The team's original lineup was expanded to include Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Red Tornado, Atom (Ray Palmer), Zatanna, Elongated Man, and Firestorm. They moved to a base on a satellite in orbit 22,300 miles above the Earth, this team was in existence through the mid 1980s. Many of the original members left for various personal reasons, and the team had to grow again.

    (Note: following the Infinite Crisis, the founding roster was retconned to its original form)

    JLA: New World Order

    A mysterious superpowered race calling themselves the Hyperclan visits planet Earth, led by the charismatic super being Protex.. They make a showy spectacle of themselves and introduce themselves to the human race. They claim to have been wandering in search of a suitable planet after their own home was destroyed by themselves owing to ecological irresponsibility.. They deliver a message to the Human race that they are here to repair the damage that humans have done to the biosphere and do not want the disaster that befell their home planet to repeat on Earth. They announced that it is their mission to heal worlds that are in such danger. They use their superior technology to create a rainfall over Sahara desert, turning it into a greenland, and introduce other beautiful changes to the planet. Superman is skeptical of this race and even expresses his concerns to the general public, citing that these renovations might be mere cosmetic changes and there was no way one could determine the long-term geological or social ramifications of such a massive change. Despite the legitimacy of his views, most people rebuke him and starts favoring the Hyperclan to the JLA. The new race further cemented their status in the society by acting as powerful law enforcement, capturing known supervillains and executing them in a row.

    The Hyperclan
    The Hyperclan

    An unidentified group of invaders who came from out of nowhere destroys the Justice League's satellite headquarters. This incident resulted in the disbanding of the previous League and the apparent death of team member Metamorpho. The JLA suspects this attack to be the action of the Hyperclan.

    The Hyperclan erect massive watchtower citadels all across the globe and headquarters themselves at a fortress in Antartica named Z'onn Z'orr. These citadels soon get surrounded by huge throngs of media and Hyperclan followers. The Justice League soon found out that the Hyperclan were not the benevolent beings they were pretending to be and were using mind-control technology to turn public opinion against the League, thus embracing the Hyperclan as Earth's champions.

    The Martian Manhunter meets privately with Protex, where he is asked to join the Hyperclan.

    It wasn't long before the JLA and the Hyperclan engaged in open battle. The JLA split up and leave to the Hyperclan's citadels. Superman fought against team leader Protex but is tricked into defeat by a mind-control induced fake kyptonite, Wonder Woman and Aquaman fought against the female Hyperclan members, Primaid and Tronix, The Flash and Green Lantern fought Zenturion and the speedster Zum. Batman concentrated his efforts on the wraith-like A-Mortal, but is seemigly killed when his plane is destroyed. The Hyperclan do not make sure he is dead. In total, the Hyperclan scored a victory over the JLA.

    The captured JLA members are brought to Z'onn Z'orr. The Martian Manhunter had been missing in action, and Batman was presumed dead. Protex placed the League members inside an ancient torture device that they call the ''Flower of Wrath''.

    Batman is revealed to have survived the plane crash and heads to Z'onn Z'orr, having deduced the truth about the Hyperclan's origins - They were in fact Martians. He got his clue when they didn't search the burning plane for his body, since fire was their weakness. He uses fire to attack the team and takes some of them down. Encouraged by this news and with the knowledge that their enemy were martians , Superman gathers his strength and escapes the fake Kryptonite's influence to fight Protex. Martian Manhunter meanwhile, had disguised himself as Hyperclan member Armek and was waiting for the right moment to strike. He deactivates the Flower of Wrath, freeing the rest of his teammates and the JlA engage in fierce battle with the martians.

    The JLA defeat the Martians, but they discover that Protex had sent a signal to a Martian invasion fleet waiting to attack Earth from a hyperspace pocket called the Still Zone. The Martians began striking at major population centers. Superman broadcasts a global message, informing them of the Martians's weakness to fire. The populace uses fire to repel the Martian forces and make them surrender.

    With the crisis behind them, the JLA was tasked with the responsibility of what to do with the Martians. The Martian Manhunter psychically lobotomized the team-members, forcing them to assume their original humanoid forms. New identities were placed into their minds and all traces of their Martian heritage was wiped from thir memory. Thus changed, they were sent out into the world to join the human race.

    One Year Later and the New Justice League of America

    The Reformed League
    The Reformed League

    Following the events of Infinite Crisis, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman have decided to revive the League. While they were planning on who to invite to join, circumstances step in. The League was thrown together to battle Amazo and Solomon Grundy and consists of: Red Tornado, Vixen, Red Arrow, Black Lightning, Black Canary, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Geo-Force. Despite having already selected individuals to make up the new League, the big three decide to allow this League to form because it mirrored the way that the Justice League got together originally. Following the battle, Black Canary was named the Chairwoman of the JLA.

    The new League would soon team-up with the new incarnation of the Justice Society. The teams would investigate what would become known as the Lightning Saga in which members of the Legion of Superheroes were revealed to be in the present. It is during this story arc that Wally West and his family return to the DCU due to them being exiled during Infinite Crisis.

    This period of the League's history also saw the formation of a romantic relationship between Red Arrow and Hawkgirl. Also, both Vixen and Geo-Force experienced power issues. Hal Jordan and John Stewart decided that they would take turns being with the League as to spread their Green Lantern duties out evenly. The new Firestorm was brought onto to the League to be watched over. Additionally, a new incarnation of the Injustice League debuted and the Milestone team, the Shadow Cabinet, was introduced into the DCU.

    Final Crisis and Downsizing

    Death of a Hero
    Death of a Hero

    After the events of Final Crisis, which saw the deaths of both Martian Manhunter and Batman, things started to go wrong for the Justice League. The events of New Krypton forced Superman to leave the League, but he would not be the only one leaving. Wonder Woman left because of complications in her own life, Wally West took time off to help The Titans and Flash family, Roy Harper chose to leave after his relationship with Hawkgirl ended, and Hal Jordan left the League in anger over his friend's deaths in Final Crisis.

    The remaining League pushed on but was later disbanded by Black Canary after their ranks were extremely dwindled. But the heroes Vixen, Dr. Light, Zatanna, John Stewart, and Firestorm decided to continue on without her. During a battle with Roulette, Plastic Man, Superman and Wonder Woman briefly returned to help out their former comrades.

    Cry for Justice

    The Cry for Justice team
    The Cry for Justice team

    When Hal Jordan left the Justice League following the deaths of Batman and Martian Manhunter, he decided that he had seen enough heroes die protecting the world. Together with Green Arrow, they formed their own splinter Justice League designed to capture supervillains before they kill millions. Black Canary is not too happy about this and cites the splinter League as a main reason she wants to disband the true Justice League.

    While building their team, Green Arrow and Green Lantern discover a conspiracy guided by the villain Prometheus. They are helped by other heroes including Congo Bill, Mikaal Tomas, Ray Palmer, Freddy Freeman, Supergirl, Batwoman, Starfire, Donna Troy, Red Arrow and Jay Garrick.

    Prometheus' attack on the League proves to be harsh and swift as he singlehandedly maims Red Arrow, destroys Star City, and kills Lian Harper. Enraged, Green Arrow takes his pursuit for justice too far and kills Prometheus. Following this incident, the splinter League makes up with the Justice League proper and joins them in rebuilding the League.According to Scott Lobdell the events of Cry Justice have been erased been from continuity.


    Following the shattering events of Cry for Justice, a new team roster forms around the former Titans team. Mon-El, Dick Grayson as Batman, Donna Troy, Hal Jordan, Green Arrow, Ray Palmer, Cyborg, Starfire, Guardian, Doctor Light, and Congo Bill arrive to help Black Canary continue the League.

    The new team struggles with the dynamic of its members and do not fight well as a team. Subsequently after only one mission many members left or became inactive. Green Lantern left to deal with the aftermath of the Blackest Night, Green Arrow was arrested for the murder of Prometheus, The Atom left to help Martin Stein, and Black Canary rejoined the Birds of Prey. Mon-El has returned to his time period and is fighting alongside the Legion of Superheroes whilst the Guardian is busy in Metropolis. Cyborg has resigned to a more supportive role as he helps to build Roy Harper a new arm and repair Red Tornado. Also, Dr. Light is currently on leave to be with her children. The most recent member to leave was Starfire who left for space where she joined R.E.B.E.L.S. This leaves a core team of Batman, Donna Troy, Starman and Congorilla. The foursome, being led by Batman, begin to gel as team, even working well together in the Kitchen, the Justice League's training room. Supergirl is brought in by Congo Bill in a later mission.

    A New Team

    The New JLA
    The New JLA

    The team, now consisting of Batman, Donna Troy, Congorilla, Starman and Supergirl, find the resurrected Jade inside an asteroid that rocketed to Earth. Furthermore, the asteroid itself is in fact the magical Starheart which gives Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, his powers. The Starheart's powers are causing massive Chaos magic and Elemental disasters around the globe and the new Justice League of America (now including Jade) team up with the Justice Society of America to try to stop the disasters. The Starheart puts up quite the fight and manages to whittle the combined crime fighting teams down. Outside assistance arrives in the form of Miss Martian, Sebastian Faust, and Mr. Miracle.

    The teams eventually overcome the Starheart and Jesse Quick decides to defect to the Justice League. The new Justice League now resembles a modern update of the Big 7 line-up that was present during Grant Morrison's run on the title. The team continues to train and become a functioning unit.

    Suddenly, the Crime Syndicate of Earth-3 arrives on New Earth (aka main DCU) and begins to cause havoc. It turns out that they are working with the Dr. Impossible and his New Gods inspired villains that were introduced briefly before during the current team's inception. Apparently, a multiversal machine has been crafted and they intended to resurrect Alexander Luthor. Instead a creature simply named Omega Man appeared. The battle between the League, the Crime Syndicate, the New Gods inspired villains, and Omega Man took a disastrous turn when Jade is forced to contained Washington D.C. in a bubble in order to prevent a large blast from destroying ti. Also, Supergirl's dark Kryptonian side is once again brought to the surface during the battle with Omega Man. Omega Man is revealed to be a soul consuming villain that has a innate hunger about him. Ultraman and Dark Supergirl defect to his side and Omega Man forces the now allied JLA and CSA to bow before him. Superman and the superheros tried so hard to break the wall open but it did not break at all. Inside the JLA and CSA where fighting to each other for a bit and they decided to work with each other and try to defeat the Omega Man Hunter before Darkseid takes over the World. The JLA and the CSA gather up at the White House and they saw the Dark Supergirl and she now works with the Omega Man and one of the CSA member is working with them too.

    Supergirl said that she will join the Omega Man team. The JLA and the CSA bow down to there master Omega Man. Batman bow down and told the team to so the same to bow down to new master. Batman and the team where fighting the Omega Man with the CSA helped for the second time and Supergirl was mind control to help the Ultraman she was changing her mind and she helped her team the JLA to get the Omega Man and Ultraman away far away from Earth and teleported them away. Congorilla and Animal Man and Starman with Congorilla's friend helped in the last minute to get rid of the shield power from Jade and the town was safe at last. Congorilla and the Justice League where fighting off some monsters and Jade and Donna Troy where seen on the moon to see Allen Scott who was not in good health. Eclipso will get his revenge on the Justice League of America when he will get the Shadow Pack mind control to look for the JLA. In the Crossover with Eclipso and the Reign of Doomsday storyline. Dark Supergirl and Batman are over what was left of New Krypton Doomsday destroyed Batman plane and the two fought Doomsday. Batman called Starman for help. Starman was hurt when Doomsday punched him. Starman was saved by the Blue Lantern the Saint Walker. The JLA where fighting Doomsday to the battle. Batman and Supergirl took a robot Green Lantern and tel ported her to the JLA Watchtower and Doomsday got in the tower and all of a sudden it turned out that in the robot Green Lantern was the Cyborg Superman and that Doomsday wanted him and not the JLA.

    Jade was brain washed and she is now with the Shadow Team with Eclipso. Donna Troy is in shock that now she has too bring Jade back the way she was to help her dying father Alan Scott- Green Lantern. After Eclipso has taken over the moon Batman and Saint Walker who has join the JLA to help out and defeat Eclipso Shadow Army. When the JLA where short on a team Congorilla and Animal Man and Tasmanian Devil the Australian superhero with Cyborg and other heroes came to aid the team for help when some of the team members where under Eclipso control and Congorilla and Batman with Saint Walker and Starman and Donna Troy and with Cyborg huddled together to fight and help their friends get off the mind control of Eclipso. Animal Man was under the Eclipso power to attack the JLA and Congorilla is telling Animal Man to fight it off as you can. The JLA where seen in a base with Alan Scott he was better and the sickness he had was gone. The JLA had plans to attack Eclipso and get back there old and new members of the JLA back. Batman and Congorilla with Saint Walker and the JLA had a plan to get Eclipso and the Specter came and Eclipso told his mind controlled JLA soldiers to get him.

    Specter fight back and Animal Man and the old member and new members that where mind controlled fell to the ground and the second wave of JLA was ready to attack Eclipso. Eclipso cut the Specter in half and the moon in half for power and plans for his next move and attack.Batman and Congorilla and the JLA had a new plan to attack Eclipso and with the help of The Atom and to go in Shade brain and get ride of the mind control power and get the team and some of the old and new members of the JLA back together. The Atom and Starman are in Shade's brain with Batman in charge of the team that plans to attack Eclipso's soldiers. The Atom and Starman where in Shade body and going to his brain to stop all the mind controlled heroes under Eclipso power. Batman and Congorilla and Donna Troy and Jessie Quick where all fighting back with Alan Scott helping the JLA. At the end of the battle of Eclipso. Starman and the Atom got out of Shade's eye and he fell to the ground and all the heroes where back to normal and so was Bruce Gordon he had no Eclipso in him anymore all the superheros like Animal Man, Booster Gold and Captain Atom and formers members of the JLA and Teen Titans were back the way they where and carried on with there lives. Two weeks later Batman, Donna Troy, Supergirl, Congorilla, Starman, and Jessie Quick were all back in the JLA Watchtower and Batman told them that this is their last meeting of the JLA and that there disbanding the team. Congorilla was in shock to hear this was happening to the new JLA team.

    Justice League: Post- Flashpoint

    The first encounter of Batman and Green Lantern
    The first encounter of Batman and Green Lantern

    Batman, Bruce Wayne, is in pursuit of one of Darkseid's parademons when the Gotham City Police fire on him and the parademon from their helicopters. Green Lantern Hal Jordan then interrupts Batman's pursuit by slamming a firetruck construct into the parademon, destroying it and is shocked to find that Batman isn't an urban legend after informing him that he was sent to Gotham after an extraterrestrial presence was detected. The Gotham PD continues to fire though but their shots are blocked GL's shield construct. The Parademon recovers and destroys the helicopters. Hal then forms bat wings with his ring and saves the falling helicopter crewmen. The Parademon however escapes underground, leading Hal and Batman to pursue it. He then asks Batman if he has any powers to which he replies "no", to which Hal replies "Wait a minute, you're not telling me you're just some guy in a bat costume? You've got to freaking kidding me!".

    Though as a testament to his skills, Batman pulls Hal's power ring off his hand before he could even notice it was gone. He asks him how it works, making Hal agitated, and states that he's worried that the power ring is powered by thought, if he considered Hal capable of thinking. They continue to smack talk one another before spotting the Parademon placing a Mother Box on a sewer wall but it then jumps out at them with a shout of "For Darkseid!" and then blows itself up. Hal uses his Power Ring to shield them from the blast and uses it to analyze the box, only being able though to determine that it is indeed of alien origin. The two then go off to Metropolis to question Superman about the box and the creature. Hal flies Batman there in a green jet; much to his annoyance as he said it was "too visible". He then places Batman in a cage construct and tells him he can deal with Superman. However Superman takes Hal out using super-speed and then says to Batman "So what can you do?".

    After this, Wonder Women, Aquaman, and Cyborg join the fight against the Parademons. But suddenly Darkseid comes out of a boom-tube. Flash and Superman are the first to fight him. Darkseid shoots his Omega beams at the two. Making them try and out run the beams. The Flash out ran it and made it hit a parademon. Superman was hit a teleported to Apokolips. Making Batman go after him, while the league fights Darkseid.

    Five years after the Darkseid attack, the team is still together. But are still not close. But the new villain "Graves". He is seeking revenge for his family which died from a sickness he blames the League for. So he kidnaps Steve Trevor to make him tell everything he knows about the Justice League. When Graves attacks the League at their base, they go after him.

    The League soon found out that Graves kidnapped Steve which led to a confrontation between Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. Graves broadcasted the fight to the world in an effort to persuade public to go against them. Graves was tracked to be in The Valley of Souls so the League went there to defeat him and saved Steve. The repercussions of Graves’s action caused Green Lantern to volunteer to be a scapegoat by quitting the Justice League and taking the blame the League’s actions. The ordeal also made Superman and Wonder Woman start a romantic relationship with each other.

    Base of Operations

    Watchtower layout
    Watchtower layout

    The Justice League's secret base of operations is the Watchtower, a base equipped with the most advanced technology throughout the universe. It contains a training grid, med-lab, workshops, vast interstellar telecommunications/sensor arrays network, and a host of other equipment to aid in the JLA's protection of the planet. The Watchtower was created by writer Grant Morrison and artist Howard Porter. Access to the Watchtower is available in the Hall of Justice via an archway-teleportation system

    For more information, go to Watchtower, Justice League Satellite.

    Alternate Versions

    853rd Century

    Justice Legion Alpha
    Justice Legion Alpha

    During DC's One Million series, it was revealed that the League's legacy lives on into the 853rd century, in the Justice Legion Alpha. Their entire culture organizes itself around the processing of information; A gigantic network of star-computers links the entire galaxy, allowing them to trade new ideas with distant systems.

    The Justice Legion A are the solar systems' premier protectors. Some, like Superman, are descendants of modern Leaguers; while others, like Batman are inspired by their legends. All of the heroes are much more powerful than their predecessors, though they soon realize they have much to learn from them. There are many Justice Legions, such as Justice Legion S, but Justice Legion A is the primary team.

    Each member of the Justice Legion A patrols and defends a different planet:

    Earth 21

    Justice League of Earth 21
    Justice League of Earth 21

    In Darwyn Cooke's the New Frontier, superheroes had been outlawed after the police killed Hourman. Despite the ban, Wonder Woman, Batman, and The Flash were all still active. Superman was working for the government and Hal Jordan had yet to become the Green Lantern.


    • Aquaman
    • Batman
    • Superman
    • Wonder Woman
    • Martian Manhunter
    • Hal Jordan
    • Barry Allen

    Future State

    In Future State, all-new heroes took over the mantles of the former Justice League team members. Due to a new rule, no one was supposed to know each other's identity, but some members broke that rule. The line-up is as follows:

    As a team, they've appeared in Future State: Justice League.

    Andy and Jesse are dating. Read their short story in DC Pride.

    Other Media

    Super Friends

    The first cartoon the Justice League appeared in was the Hanna-Barbara produced cartoon Super Friends, which was aimed at young kids. The reason they were called 'Super Friends' in this cartoon was because the Vietnam War was going on and 'Justice League of America' seemed too patrotic. The Super Friends cartoon has gone on to become one of the most iconic superhero cartoons ever.

    Super Friends had several seasons, all of which can be considered their own series, not unlike the Power Rangers.

    Super Friends (first cartoon; 1973-1974)

    The 1st version's title screen
    The 1st version's title screen

    The first incarnation of the Super Friends cartoon. Here, the lineup included Superman, Batman, Robin, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman from the comics. As well, there were three sidekicks introduced specifically for the show - Wendy Harris (voiced by Sherri Alberoni), Marvin White (voiced by Frank Welker), and Wonderdog. None of them had any special powers. Some heroes also made guest appearances, such as Green Arrow, Plastic Man, and teh Flash.

    Each episode of this series was an hour long, and focused on issues like energy conservation. No villains from the comics appeared - instead, villains were created for this version, and each was a well-intentioned extremist whose motives would be somewhat benign - and at the end of each episode, each villain was easily persuaded to stop what they doing, and they would reform.

    The All-New Super Friends Hour (1977-1978)

    The 2nd version's title screen
    The 2nd version's title screen

    The series was revived in 1977, and some reworking was done. Wendy, Marivn, and Wonderdog were replaced with the Wonder Twins (Zan, Janya, and Gleek the blue space monkey) and they actually had superpowers; Zan and Janya could shapeshift into anything. Each episode here contained more action and had less focus on issues like energy conservation and more on health, saftey, and crafts.

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    The Wonder Twins and Gleek
    The Wonder Twins and Gleek

    Each episode had four segments: the first included two of the four heroes (Batman and Robin were treated as 'one hero') teaming up in a mini-story. The second segment featured a story with the Wonder Twins. The third had the 'primary' story, with had the entire lineup, including the Wonder Twins, in a longer adventure. And the final one featured a team-up with one of the primary lineup and a special guest star.

    Challenge of the Super Friends (1978-1979)

    CotSF's title card
    CotSF's title card

    This version was divided into two segments, and its plots were more true to the comics than its predecessors. And the episode lengths were shortened to half an hour. It ran for 16 episodes.

    The first segment featured the adventures of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Robin, and the Wonder Twins, and was similar to The All-New Super Friends Hour. It also used said show's title card instead of CotSF's, causing confusion and making people believe this segment was part of TA-NSFH. It seldom airs in syndication.

    Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, and Samurai
    Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, and Samurai

    The second, more famous segment removed the Wonder Twins and added Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, and Hawkman to the roster, as well as three new characters created by Hanna Barbara - Black Vulcan, Apache Chief, and Samurai. Also, the main antagonists were the Legion of Doom - led by Lex Luthor. The other twelve members were Brainiac, Bizarro, Riddler, Scarecrow, Solomon Grundy, Sinestro, Cheetah, Giganta, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Black Manta, and Toyman. The Legion of Doom's headquarters was a swamp-based, mechanical flying HQ, in fitting contrast to the Super Friends' Hall of Justice.

    The World's Greatest Super Friends (1979-1980)

    This version's title card.
    This version's title card.

    This incarnation removed Hal, Barry, Hawkman, Vulcan, Chief, Samurai, and the Legion of Doom and returned to its original format, with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Robin, and the Wonder Twins. It relied heavily on folklore and classic fairy tales for plots. It ran for 8 episodes.

    Super Friends (1980-1982)

    El Dorado
    El Dorado

    Half-hour episodes were abandoned in favor of seven-minute shorts in this incarnation. It ran for 22 episodes.

    In addition to the lineup of its predecessor, guest characters from Challenge of the Super Friends would made guest appearance in each episode. And a new character was created - El Dorado. Like Apache Chief, Samurai, and Black Vulcan, El Dorado was an ethnic character - specifically, he was Mexican.

    The title card for this version
    The title card for this version

    Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (1984-1985)

    SF:TLSPS Title Card
    SF:TLSPS Title Card

    The half-hour format returned in this incarnation. There were two stories in each episode, and both stories were 15 minutes long. This incarnation ran for 8 episodes, and unlike its predecessors, it was made to tie-in to the toyline of the same name. Also, Adam West began voicing Batman.

    SF: TLSPS is notable in that it introduced Firestorm and Darkseid to the cartoon, and it was the first animated appearance of both characters. Firestorm replaced the Wonder Twins as the audience identification character, and there was heavy focus on him - and Darkseid's personality was toned down. In addition, Darkseid was given an odd fixation on making Wonder Woman his bride and queen.

    Samurai, Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, and Green Lantern were brought back to the lineup. Aquaman, Hawkman, and the Flash all appeared in the intro, but never appeared in a single episode - this is the only Super Friends incarnation where Aquaman isn't a major character.

    Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians (1985-1986)

    SPT:GG Title Card
    SPT:GG Title Card

    This is the final incarnation of the Super Friends, and is also considered to be the best. The name 'Super Friends' has been dropped in favor of 'Super Powers Team'. It ran for 8 episodes.

    Green Lantern stayed in this incarnation, and Aquaman, Flash, and Hawkman all returned (though Flash only appeared in the finale). The Wonder Twins were finally removed, along with every other character created by Hanna Barbara except Samurai and El Dorado (though the latter only made a brief appearance in the finale). Cyborg made his animated debut in this incarnation. Darkseid, Bizarro, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, and Scarecrow all returned in this series, and the Joker, Penguin, and Mr. Mxzyptlk made their first and only apperances in a Super Friends cartoon.

    The storylines in this season were darker, more somber, and more dramatic than in the past incarnations. The only two episodes of this series to retain the classic Super Friends style were "The Bizarro Super Powers Team" and "The Case of Stolen Powers".

    The two most famous episodes of this incarnation were "The Fear" and the last episode "The Death of Superman". The former concerns Batman's fear of the street where his parents were murdered and how Scarecrow learns of this and uses it to his advantage - it is considered Adam West's best Batman performance and the greatest Super Friends episode ever, while the latter features the death of Superman (preceeding the actual comic storyline where Superman died), Firestorm's angst over his failure to save him, and Darkseid using Superman's death to his advantage. In the end, though, Superman comes back, and helps stop Darkseid's nefarious scheme.


    Smallville's Justice
    Smallville's Justice

    In the TV series Smallville episode "Justice" we are shown the first attempt to create the Justice League. The team is formed to combat a secret project run by Lex Luthor project 33.1. The members are Clark Kent as Boy Scout, Oliver Queen as Green Arrow, Bart Allen as Impulse, Arthur Curry as Aquaman, Victor Stone who's alias was Cyborg and Chloe Sullivan as Watchtower, a version of Oracle. Clark and Chloe decide not to join them. In Siren, Black Canary is invited by Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) and joins to the team. In season ten, Clark and Chloe join the team, which continues to grow during seasons nine and ten. In the season 11 comic book, the team is officially named "The Watchtower Network". When season 11 concluded, with the mini series Smallville Continuity, the Watchtower Network is disbanded and replaced with the newly formed Justice League. The team consists of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Green Lantern (John Stewart) and Red Tornado (Tess Mercer).

    Justice League (2001)

    Justice League Animated
    Justice League Animated

    Justice League was run as an animated TV show on Cartoon network from 2001 to 2004. It paid tribute to the DC characters that made up the original team. After the second season it’s name was changed to Justice League Unlimited.

    After the successes of Batman: The Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Series animator Bruce Timm was given the job of turning the popular comic book adventure into an animated series. Timm took the series in a more contemporary direction to that of the previous incarnations like the Super Friends. Leaving the sidekicks and pets behind Timm had two main aims when he was making the series, to pay homage to the original line up of the Justice League ( Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Flash (Barry Allen) and Martian Manhunter .) and to promote cultural and racial diversity. The line up of the team was changed slightly but still both goals were achieved. The line up of the series stood as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Flash (Wally West), Hawkgirl (who replaced Aquaman in favor of a second female member) and the African American John Stewart as Green Lantern who replaced Kyle Rayner to promote racial diversity. Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner (who appeared in Superman series) were not chosen for that reason and in season two Kyle was described as a trainee Green Lantern under the tutelage of John Steward's old mentor, although both Kyle and Hal would later make appearances in Justice League Unlimited.

    The show was greeted with great success somewhat due to many loyal fans who were already familiar with the incarnation of the characters but the show also introduced the characters to an entire generation. Due to the fact that most episodes were one of two parts Cartoon Network chose to run two episodes back to back. It was later learned in the DVD release of season two that the episode “Starcrossed” was expected to be the final episode of the entire series but in February 2004 Cartoon Network released the next season with a new name, Justice League Unlimited. The show premiered on July 31st 2004.

    Justice League Unlimited (2004)


    The new series featured an expanded League who had opened their doors to nearly all of the Superhero community . Due to the great number of characters now in the show episodes tended to star three or four at a time so as to keep up with character development and so as not to drown out the quality of the show with quantity. In several episodes the entire roster of League members star often the entire brute force of all the members are needed to fight off universal threats.It also gave Superman a darker side and showed an evil version of the Justice League.

    The Batman

    The Batman
    The Batman

    In an episode of the series The Batman, Martian Manhunter appeared and the two stopped an alien invasion. This appearance then led to the revelation that Martian Manhunter appeared in the series to recruit him with his group of heroes that included Green Arrow, Flash, Hawkman (Kator Hol) , Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). Batman himself recruited Superman. Throughout the last season Batman teamed up with a member until the two part series finale where the entire group teamed up with Batgirl and Robin to stop Hugo Strange. Their appearances in the series payed homage to other animated interpretations as Superman was voiced by George Newbern from the Justice League series, Flash was voiced by actor Charlie Shatler, Martian Manhunter greatly resembled his appearance in the Justice League series and the Watchtower resembled the Hall of Justice from the Superfriends series.

    Justice League: The New Frontier (2008)

    Justice League - 'The New Frontier'
    Justice League - 'The New Frontier'

    Justice League: The New Frontier is a animated movie that had premiered on DVD. The film is based on the series by Darwyn Cooke called The New Frontier. The movie takes place in the 1950's telling the tales of superheroes Green Lantern Hal Jordan and The Martian Manhunter, and showing their point of views being in a world where people are skeptical of superheroes. The movie also shows Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman as well as featuring King Faraday, Rick Flag and Carol Ferris. The film had many cameos by DC comics characters mainly without dialogue. Heroes old and new would have to join forces against one of the biggest threats of their time. The Centre. What is the Centre and what are its plans? This Justice League movie would be nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program (for Programming One Hour Or More) in 2008.

    Justice League Crisis on Two Earths

    The League in JL:CoTE
    The League in JL:CoTE

    The next animated film to feature the Justice League will be titled Justice League Crisis on Two earths. The movie will deal with a Lex Luthor from another universe where he and many other villains are heroes who combat the Justice League's evil counterpart the Crime Syndicate. The main threat will deal with Owlman's plans to destroy the Multiverse the only thing he believes is worth doing in life. The film is based on a number of stories including JLA: Earth 2, and many of DC's Crisis crossovers. The film is written by Dwayne Mcduffie a writer of the Justice League and JLU series who wrote an intended animated movie to bridge the gap between both shows but was never made, Crisis on Two Earths is a new version of the film but removes all connection to the DCAU. The members of the JLA will include Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Flash and Martian Manhunter all helped by the good counterpart of Lex Luthor.

    Batman: The Brave and The Bold

    Justice League -
    Justice League - "Batman: The Brave & the Bold"

    Several years before the show is set, a group of aliens hailing from the planet Apellax chose Earth to serve as their battlefield where they would fight a war to decide who would rule Apellax. However the combined strength and skills of Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman. Superman and Batman could not accept full membership at the time but the other six heroes decided to band together and save the people of Earth. The team later expanded to include Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Hawkman, The Atom, Elongated Man, Firestorm, Vixen, Captain Marvel, Blue Beetle Ted Kord, Mister Miracle and Plastic Man.

    Young Justice

    The Justice League from
    The Justice League from "Young Justice"

    A Justice League sixteen members strong appears in Young Justice, a team consisting of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan, Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Zatarra, Captain Atom, Black Canary, John Stewart, Captain Marvel, Red Tornado and Icon (from Milestone comics). They are based in the Watchtower, but operate the Hall of Justice as a tourist front. They once were headquartered in Mount Justice, located in Happy Harbor.

    In Season 2, Captain Atom takes over as leader of the Justice League and Ray Palmer (The Atom), Guy Gardner (Green Lantern), Black Lightning, Doctor Fate (John Zatara, Zatanna's father), and Plastic Man joined the League's ranks, alongside with former trainees Zatanna and Rocket who "graduate" from the teen team to full members of the League.

    Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

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    A sequel to the 2013 Man of Steel movie. Henry Cavill is set to reprise his role as Superman/Clark Kent alongside Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince, forming the first Justice League trinity in DC Extended Universe. Jesse Eisenberg has been cast as Superman's arch nemesis Lex Luthor, who is the main villain of this movie, and Amy Adams is also set to reprise her role as Lois Lane. The film is directed by Zack Snyder and was released on March 25th, 2016.

    Justice League (2017)

    No Caption Provided

    Also a sequel to Man of Steel movie. Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent, Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince make a comeback, alongside new characters Ezra Miller as Flash/Barry Allen, Jason Momoa as Aquaman/Arthur Curry, and Ray Fisher as Cyborg/Victor Stone. Ciarán Hinds played the role of Steppenwolf, the main villain of this movie. The film is directed by Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon, who served as the post-production director of Justice League after Snyder stepped down from directing duties two months. This movie was released on November 17th, 2017

    HeroClixs and Board Games

    In 1999 there was a game called Monopoly Justice League based on the 1960's heros like Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, (the original members of the team before the team got bigger in the 1970's and 1980's and 1990's and 2000's and 2010-present).

    In 2002, a game called Heroclixs came and it was a popular game to play with hand made and painted heros to fight off the villians in the game. The game updated and now they have cards with their comic book appearance and a little Bio history about them in the DC Comics series and the pack for the series they came in from comic books events.

    Video Games

    Justice League Task Force (1995)

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    The Justice League is featured in the versus fighting game Justice League Task Force, with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash (Wally West) and Green Arrow as the playable heroes, and Cheetah, Despero and Darkseid as the playable villains. Martian Manhunter and Fire were initially planned to appear as well, but memory limitations resulted in them being omitted.

    The game was not well received upon release, with critics noting that it was sluggish and unresponsive, as well as not up to par with similar fighting games at the time, such as X-Men: Children of the Atom.

    Justice League Heroes (2006)

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    All major JLA members are playable in this action RPG which features actual comic book continuity as opposed to most other games JL games which are adaptations of other media outside source material. It was written by veteran JLA writer Dwayne McDuffie.

    Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe

    The Justice League appears in the fighting game MK vs DCU, with all its major character playable with their own movesets and finishing moves.

    DC Universe online

    The Justice League is a prominent presence in the MMORPG DCU online. The watchtower is the means of transport between Gotham and Metropolis.

    Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

    The justice League is featured in this game, consisting of Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Cyborg and Martian Manhunter.

    Injustice: Gods Among Us

    The Justice League are the protagonists in the NetherRealm fighting game Injustice. All major and some minor JLA characters are playable, with extensive movesets and special moves.


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