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  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Wolverine and Beast(FOX) vs Lizard(MCU). on the Battles board

    Lizard has better regen and can ragdoll either mutant, they could do it with someone else here to restrain Connors but as is Hank gets disembowelled and Logan gets KO'd.

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Howard Cooper/The Ghoul(Fallout) Vs. Daredevil(MCU/Netflix). on the Battles board

    Matt, Coopers main advantage is his quickdraw and aim but DD's still quicker with an environment that helps him. @andromeda1001 said:@wastelandman said:In this location and set up, I’d give it to Dar...

  • buildhare posted a new image.
  • buildhare posted a new image.
  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Homelander (Amazon) vs US military (real life). on the Battles board

    Homelander stomps, he can do exactly what he said he would in the show (decapitate nerve centres) and they would have 0 ability to stop him. Beyond that the military superpower that didn't know about...

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic How would MCU Captain America feel about Trump?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    @mysticmedivh said:Cap would throw a motorcycle at him.

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic The Daily Debater issue 150 (yeah that's right, 150!). on the Battles board

    Well done on getting to #150!

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic MoS Kryptonians invade MCU Earth [Man of Steel x Infinity War]. on the Battles board

    Spider-Man just gets immediately KO'd, Iron Man gets overwhelmed by all three for a bit but Strange clinches it.

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Immortal (Invincible) vs Superman (DCEU). on the Battles board

    DCEU Superman could have a quarter of his other stats and still dominate this fight on speed alone.

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Kong (GxK) vs Mechagodzilla (GvK). on the Battles board

    Gauntlet changes nothing and it's only been a few years of growth for Kong, Kong gets curbed in under a minute just like big G did.

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Sypha Runs the Avatar Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    @vengefulshot said:@ben2004 said: @geekryan said: Clears.No individual bender, barring an Avatar with the AS, is beating Sypha. At least not for a majority.

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Barriss Offee vs Grand Inquisitor. on the Battles board

    Clearly they're retconning but given GI would be instagibbed by the same Anakin Barris fought well it makes no sense.

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Wild Hunt (Witcher) run a Warhammer Fantasy Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    @cheth: Ikit, Malagor, Wurrzag, Vilitch, Khatep, Neferata and Vlad are all powerful mages themselves. Vilitch might have something in his tool kit to avoid it but the rest being mages shouldn't matter...

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Toph Beifong vs Firelord Ozai. on the Battles board

    Ozai beats anyone living as of the time of the comet that isn't Avatar State Aang. Toph would put up a better initial defence but the fight would play out exactly the same just shorter, she can't fle...

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Count Dooku vs Mustafar Obi Wan. on the Battles board

    Obi-Wan gets ragdolled and dies, "Mustafar Obi-Wan" is not a thing beyond letting go of his attachment to Anakin.

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Shadowfall: Fantasy RPG Scenario - MAIN THREAD. on the Battles board

    @geekryan: Short and Sweet SPOILER

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Shadowfall: Fantasy RPG Scenario - MAIN THREAD. on the Battles board

    @geekryan: CROM SPOILER

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic Shadowfall: Fantasy RPG Scenario - MAIN THREAD. on the Battles board

    Moving fast SPOILER I'll grab Alucard's speed (30) and Iron Fists Chi (40).

  • buildhare posted a message in the forum topic The Witcher: Regis and Detlaff vs Wild Hunt generals trio. on the Battles board

    I don't think Imerlith and Eredin are such dead weight that Caranthir can't carry them to victory. Given how badly Vigelfortz dumpstered Regis I think Caranthir can probably do close to as well. Tri...