
    Ryan North

    Person » Ryan North is credited in 287 issues.

    Author of the webcomic Dinosaur Comics, as well as a number of mainstream comics and prose works.

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    Ryan North first became involved in comics in February of 2003 with the creation of Dinosaur Comics, a fixed-image webcomic about dinosaurs that is currently ongoing. The webcomic has proven very popular, and was translated into print for the first time in 2006 in the anthology The Best of Dinosaur Comics: 2003-2005 AD: Your Whole Family is Made of Meat. Subsequent collections of Dinosaur Comics have since been released in print, most recently in 2011. He has also been involved in numerous other webcomic projects and web-related humour work. In 2010 he was one of the editors of the prose anthology book Machine of Death, which was inspired by one of his Dinosaur Comics. This was followed by the sequel, This is How You Die, in 2013.

    North made the move into mainstream comics in early 2012 with his involvement in the Adventure Time comic adaptation, of which he is the author. Later in 2012 he began work on another prose work, the crowd-funded To Be Or Not To Be: That Is The Adventure, a choose your own adventure retelling of Hamlet, published in 2013. In 2013 he became the author of Shifty Look's Galaga comic, illustrated by Christopher Hastings and coloured by Anthony Clark, both of whom are also webcomics artists. Later in 2013 he began work on The Midas Flesh, an eight-issue miniseries. In April of 2014 it was announced that he would be the author of a new Young Avengers miniseries to tie into the Original Sin event. In late 2014 he passed off his duties as head writer on Adventure Time to Hastings and began work as the writer of the newly launched The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.

    Personal Life

    Ryan North was born and raised in Ottawa, the son of Anna and Randall North. He has one brother, Victor, a brewer. North attended Carleton University where he studied computer science, and completed a master's in computer science, specializing in computational linguistics, at the University of Toronto. He and his wife, Jennifer Klug, currently live in Toronto with their dog, Noam Chompsky.


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