
    V Jump » 373 issues

    Volume » Published by Shueisha. Started in 1993.

    Short summary describing this volume.

    V Jump last edited by WahWah on 02/04/23 08:05AM View full history

    Proper Japanese Title: Vジャンプ (alternatively written as ブイジャンプ)

    An independent relaunch continued from the V Jump special issues (found here), V Jump is a video-game focused spin-off of Weekly Shonen Jump and tends to focus on manga franchises associated with the world of games.

    The magazine had an intense Toriyama focus through much of the 90's, only in the 00's did it truly begin to promote other Shueisha franchises (which were now getting their own video games and other forms of media).

    This has resulted in V Jump often being used as a promotional vehicle, including giveaways (such as Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards). For this reason, covers are not necessarily an indication of the manga contents (even though the covers are done in a manga style) with a number of covers featuring characters like Luffy and Naruto despite the fact the magazine never ran a One Piece or Naruto manga.

    This was changed with V Jump and Weekly Shonen Jump's joint spin-off magazine, Saikyo Jump, which combined the thematic focus of V Jump with (often chibi) manga spin-off's of popular Shonen Jump franchises.

    Though V Jump continues to have a heavy Dragon Ball focus, since the ending of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! in Shonen Jump, V Jump has become an outlet for the popular franchise. Often getting the cover (sometimes numerous times before actually getting a manga), V Jump has run the manga for all official Yu-Gi-Oh! spin-offs, often running two or three at the same time.

    Titles originally serialized in this magazine include:


    373 issues in this volume Add Issue Reverse sort

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