
    52 #41

    52 » 52 #41 - Miracles & Wonders; The Origin of Starfire released by DC Comics on February 14, 2007.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Not much happens this issue. Adam Strange and Starfire fight a bounty hunter, Question dies (we're told), Renee Montoya looks like she's taken his place, Ralph Dibny gets closer to his goal, and there's a guest appearance at the end.

    Week 41, Day 1.

    Molek the Hunter attacks Adam Strange and Starfire. Strange attacks the bounty hunter, but Starfire is injured. The two manage to take the hunter down, and tell him that Lady Styx is dead. The hunter tells his ship to self-destruct before he dies, and Adam Strange, carrying a wounded Starfire, manages to get away just in time.

    Week 41, Day 2.

    Nanda Parbat.

    Renee has made it to Nanda Parbat, but Question has died. Renee is told that Richard Dragon is waiting for her in an ice cave, and Renee goes to meet him. The two fight, and Renee reveals that she is going to carry on for Question. Richard tells her that she has to stop running away from herself if she truly wants to honour her friend, and tells her to face with who she is and who she can become. Renee can't face teh question and runs away.

    Week 41, Day 3.

    Haven Correctional Facility.

    Ralph Dibny is in Haven trying to figure out how T.O. Morrow disappeared. Dibny reveals that someone must have planted teleportation microcircuitry into the security cameras that beamed the mad scientist out. Dibny then goes to visit another inmate, Milo, who has hidden a magical object in the wheel of his wheelchair. Dibny steals the Silver Wheel of Nyorlath and teleports away with the helmet of Dr. Fate. The helmet says, "the final hour is at last upon us."

    Week 41, Day 5.

    Renee finds another woman sitting on a bench in Nanda Parbat contemplating life. The raven haired lady tells Renee that she is waiting for a friend, Renee tells the woman about Question, and about her feelings and doubts. The woman tells Renee that she can only find the answers to her questions from within, and asks her to explore the frustrating question of her identity. In the last frame, we see that the woman, who has put her arm on Renee's shoulder, has a silver bracelet peeking out from her sleeve that is identical to that of Wonder Woman. Take a second look at the lady and she is indeed Diana.

    Renee takes the advice of Wonder Woman and returns to the ice cave.

    Week 41, Day 7.

    The spaceship of Adam Strange and Starfire is plummeting into a sun, and Strange is frustrated and hopeless. Starfire tries to use a pep talk on him, though she is slowly losing consciousness as her life force flows from her wounds. Strange goes to try to figure out how to stop the ship as Starfire drifts asleep.

    Suddenly something huge appears between the ship and the sun. The ship crashlands onto the planet and into a beautiful lake, above which a Green Lantern is flying. It turns out that Mogo, the Green Lantern planet, has saved the duo.

    Plus: The Origin of Starfire with Joe Benitez.


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    This issue puts the focus back on Renee in Nanda Parbat and the two heroes still lost in space.  Although the plot does move along here, it is not really the plot which makes this standout, but rather the characters themselves.  With Vic now dead Renee is trying to deal with the grief but she is being about as successful as usual.  An intervention by Richard Dragon and the appearance of wise stranger forces her to finally take the right steps.  Elsewhere in space the heroes on desperate as their...

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