
    Batman: Gotham Knights #5

    Batman: Gotham Knights » Batman: Gotham Knights #5 - Locked; Hide and Seek released by DC Comics on July 1, 2000.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    The Key has entered Gotham City, and his goal is to send Batman over the edge by removing the Dark Knight's moral code aginst taking life. As Batman fights for control of his soul, Batgirl and Azrael struggle to keep the Dark Knight from making the biggest mistake of his life.


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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Nice Art, Unique Villain, a Bit Disjointed 0

    Liking the series so far, but the appearance of heroes and villains seemed a bit random without a reason for their appearance. The villain is a paradoxical philosopher who doesn't make much sense to anyone including himself, okay, but the design and concept is intriguing. Artwork in these books stand the test of the time, top notch. With a writing stumble, I think it's still worth the look and continuing on....

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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