
    Captain America #241

    Captain America » Captain America #241 - Fear Grows In Brooklyn! released by Marvel on January 1, 1980.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    In his efforts to stop organized crime in Brooklyn, Captain America comes across his morally grey counterpart, the Punisher. Is Steve Rogers and Frank Castle alike in more ways than one? Find out in "Fear Grows in Brooklyn"!


    While on his way to a job interview at a nearby publisher, Captain America saves a man under attack from local mobsters. While working on his first assignment at home, Cap hears a rifle shot, and upon catapulting to a nearby rooftop discovers the Punisher and the man that Cap had saved earlier, who is revealed to be a mob courier.After a brief confrontation, Punisher leaves to bomb the location of a secret meeting between mob leaders. The Punisher is stopped just in time, and is on the verge of being arrested by an undercover detective when he detonates his explosive, allowing him to flee under cover of smoke.



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