

    Character » Gatecrasher appears in 76 issues.

    Leader of the Technet, a group of bounty hunters from various other-dimensional worlds.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Gatecrasher is the obese, porcine team leader of the Technet, though she's not notably better than most of them in combat. Her team contains the strangest looking group of characters of any team in the Marvel Universe. However, they have sufficient powers to pose a serious threat. One of the team members almost killed Susan Storm, by changing her physiology into an Atlantean and thus choking off her ability to breathe.

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    While the character remains long dormant, awareness of her has at the very least been renewed by her surprise inclusion in the March, 2011 "Giant Size X-Men" set of the Marvel Heroclix collectible figurine game.


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    X-MEN The Animated Series

    Gatecrasher was seen in Proteus, Part 1 (Episode 49)


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