
    Green Lantern #2

    Green Lantern » Green Lantern #2 - No Fear released by DC Comics on August 1, 2005.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    No Fear last edited by Nergal_999 on 03/30/23 11:08PM View full history

    The new series following the adventures of Hal Jordan continues. The Emerald Warrior continues his mission to bring the light back into the darkest corners of the DCU! While struggling to realign his life on Earth, Hal Jordan makes a horrifying discovery in the farthest reaches of space -- one that holds the key to the future of the Green Lantern Corps.



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    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

    Story Arcs

    none of this issue.

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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    We're going to need a bigger boat 0

    With Hal Jordan just back from the dead it does not take long to get back into his old habits, both as a test pilot and as a superhero.  Here he is looking for his old job back as Hal and potentially facing up against some of his superiors from the past that he crossed the wrong way.  This is a decent aspect of the plot, as is the ongoing part about Coast City being abandoned.  It is really the actions as Green Lantern though which deserve the most praise in this story.  The mysterious force in ...

    3 out of 4 found this review helpful.
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