
    Heroes of the Lance

    Team » Heroes of the Lance appears in 8 issues.

    The Heroes of the Lance are the adventurers who bring an end to the War of the Lance. They start their quest in Ansalon and travel throughout Krynn.

    Short summary describing this team.

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    Together, they went on many adventures all over the continent of Ansalon, stopping Takhisis's dreaded Dragonarmies, and obtaining both the Dragonlance and Dragon Orbs in the process.

    This group was a varied group, from Humans, Elves, a hill dwarf, a Kender, and of course a Half-Elf. Their journey began at the Inn of the Last Home and ended with the fall of Takhisis and her Temple of Neraka. Many a song and story has been told about them, some are considered Kender Tails, while some are exactly what it is, history.


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