
    Iron Fist #1

    Iron Fist » Iron Fist #1 - A Duel of Iron! released by Marvel on November 1, 1975.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    A Duel of Iron! last edited by sergiovse on 10/02/21 06:42AM View full history

    The saga of Iron Fist begins here! Marvel's mystical Kung Fu crime fighter takes center stage in his own ongoing series. First thing on-tap? Rescuing Detective Colleen Wing! Iron Man guest stars, (and dukes it out with Iron Fist.)

    Believing that Stark Industries is behind the disappearance of Colleen Wing, Iron Fist infiltrates their facility, along with Misty Knight. Misty reveals that Colleen is her partner in running a detective agency, Nightwing Restorations. An intruder alarm is set off, alerting Tony Stark to the presence of intruders. He sets off to investigate the alarm as Iron Man. Iron Man and Iron Fist begin to fight.

    Meanwhile, Colleen is taken to an airport. Her attempts to escape are thwarted. Misty Knight uncovers that Colleen is being taken to Halwan, and manages to break up the fight between Iron Man and Iron Fist, revealing that sleeper agents in Stark’s organisation were involved in the kidnapping, and that they are headed got Halwan. Iron Man apologises, saying he would help but has prior commitments. Iron Fist and Misty head out to find Colleen.


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