starkiller809's Justice League #10 - The Villain's Journey, Chapter Two: The Belly of the Beast; The Curse of SHAZAM, Part 4 review

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    Justice League #10

    THE GOOD: 
    Jim Lee is drawing this issue so everyone should know that there is going to be tons of details. I really like the way he draws the characters on this series. He makes them look so godlike that it's amazing. He also manages to draw the characters like they are in pain and it looks amazing. The story is simple I think. We are getting the origin of the new villain Graves. I like this story because I feel that the origin is interesting. I also think that him knowing a lot about the heroes is another cool fact. I really like it how all the characters get a moment in this issue and it's really enjoyable. I really like the backup. It very good and I think that this issue was amazing because of how emotional it was with the tiger. 
    THE BAD: 
    This story lacks originality. I don't feel that there is anything groundbreaking about this story of this series so far. I also really HATE that Geoff Johns has rid the book of the friendship that the Justice League should have. Batman and Superman are friends but they don't talk to anyone else. I just feel that they ruined the family and now they are just co-workers.  
    THE VERDICT: 3.5/5 (Good) 
    Honestly, if this wasn't the huge New 52 series, I don't know if I'd get it. The backup story is interesting enough and the art is amazing but the story hasn't been very original of groundbreaking like it was suppose to be. I feel like we are getting rebooted story lines as well. If you like the Justice League, but hated the feeling of it before the relaunch. Try this because it's feeling really different and it's bringing me down a bit. 

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