
    Lady Yulan

    Character » Lady Yulan appears in 11 issues.

    An ancient vampire, who operates out of Chinatown in Manhattan

    Short summary describing this character.

    Lady Yulan last edited by SlamAdams on 03/20/24 07:25AM View full history


    Lady Yulan is a Chinese vampire, born in the back half of the Yuan Dynasty. After being transformed into a vampire, she spent time working for Yi Yang. As immortality caused Yi Yang's mind to turn, Lady Yulan eventually fled her employment and started her own crime ring in Chinatown in Manhattan.


    Lady Yulan first appears in Moon Knight (2021) #16 by Jed MacKay and Alessandro Cappuccio

    Major Story Arcs

    Midnight Mission

    Lady Yulan became a person of interest to Moon Knight, when he turned the attention of the Midnight Mission to stopping The Structure, a vampire cult working all over New York City, except Chinatown, due to Yulan already claiming it. To keep her territory to herself, she made a deal with Moon Knight for information on The Structure's leader, Tutor.

    Gang War

    Clan Yulan descends on Shang-Chi
    Clan Yulan descends on Shang-Chi

    As part of a plot to return The Maggia to its former glory, Hammerhead sends some of his goons with a priest to take out Lady Yulan's vampire henchmen in Chinatown while framing Mister Negative. Yulan was forced to speak to Hammerhead about retaliating thanks to the network of mob bosses created by Kingpin. Hammerhead promised to take care of it for her as he had the more resources than her, one in a long line of frame-ups to keep the other mob bosses in Hammerhead's pocket. However, Hammerhead was killed by Madame Masque, ending the delicate peace he was holding together and leading to full on Gang War.

    Yulan only cared about her interests in Chinatown, which brought her up against Willis Stryker and his Hydra goons, Mr. Negative and his Inner Demons, and Shang-Chi and the Five Weapons Society. Shang-Chi, still mostly a hero, tried to trick them into taking each other out, however, instead they banded together to oust the Five Weapons. Shang than led the other NYC heroes to attack him so that they would instead defend him. As the dust settled, the Five Weapons managed to retain a level of peace in Chinatown without shutting Yulan down, and Tombstone took his place as the new Kingpin of Crime.


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