
Fair as the Sea, Dreadful as the Storm

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Valdar the Godslayer

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Name: Valdar

Aliases: Valdar the Godslayer, Godslayer, the Hybrid Son

Alignment: Ambiguous

Age: Immortal

Height: 7’2”

Weight: 1,100 lbs

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Blue

Species: Aesir and Frost Giant hybrid

Birthplace: Asgard

Gender: Male

Occupation: Warrior

Relationship Status: In love with Amora the Enchantress

Identity: Secret on Earth, public in Asgard (with pardoned criminal records)

Affiliation: Enchantress, Asgardian Gods, (formerly) Imperial Guard


Trials of the Hybrid Son

Valdar was born on Asgard, but not within the protective walls of the City of the Gods. He was born the illegitimate son of a Frost Giant from Jotunheim and an Asgadrian goddess living in Skornheim. Skornheim has been described by Odin as the “deadly land beyond the pale of Asgard”, and has been used many times as the dangerous and often fatal trial grounds for the gods. It is here that Valdar was born, and where his mother died shortly after. This left Valdar to grow and survive alone in the unforgiving land of Skornheim.

Valdar grew quickly in both size and strength throughout his adolescence. The trials and dangers of Skornheim forced him to quickly learn every aspect of combat and survival - his life put at risk nearly every day of his life. The god’s strength and durability proved remarkable even in his youth, the young god often facing opponents many times his size and defeating them without effort. Throughout his years surviving in Skornheim, Valdar grew into a god of size and power unprecedented by Aesir standards.

Journey to the City of the Gods

Having grown nearly into adulthood, Valdar began learning of the existence of a Golden City somewhere on Asgard. He had seen the noble warriors of Asgard visiting the land of Skornheim many times in his childhood, watching most of them perish in its deadly trials, and heard stories of the glorious City of the Gods, but never knew where to find its gates. After meeting a traveling mercenary from Asgard and being informed on the city’s location, Valdar left Skornheim for the first time in hopes of living within the City of the Gods.

Valdar spent many years traveling through the wilds of Asgard, learning more about its lands and inhabitants than many do in their entire life. He gained valuable knowledge on the forests and valleys of the realm, as well as obscure fighting styles to add to his compilation. However as his travels garnered him more and more victories in combat, it also continued to reveal his merciless and violent disposition. Born with little intellect and vast amounts of strength, Valdar consistently showed an unsettling amount of joy in defeating his enemies, often by taking their lives. This habit started whispers throughout the wilds of Asgard, which turned into a reputation Valdar would carry with him for eternity - Godslayer.

Asgard and the Enchantress

Early in his adult, Valdar finally reached the City of Asgard. With no family and little money, Valdar’s only option in order to live within the city was to join the Imperial Guard. Here Valdar succeeded greatly, his vast and impressive knowledge on various forms of combat making him one of the Guard’s most elite soldiers. However, it was not long before Valdar’s cruelty began to show. He would often continue to attack his fellow soldiers after already defeating them during sparring sessions, or show unsettling desire for bloodshed during battles against Asgard’s enemies. This hunger for violence caught the attention of not only Valdar’s commanders within the Imperial Guard, but another Asgardian who shared his affinity for cruelty. Amora the Enchantress.

It is still debated throughout the City of Asgard just how Amora came to enchant Valdar. Many presume she cast a more powerful seduction spell than she ever had before, causing the Godslayer to never recover from its effects. Others believe the god merely fell in love with Enchantress, unable to resists her unequaled beauty and the affection she showered him in. However every story holds one fact true, that from the moment Valdar met Enchantress, he had followed her with unwavering loyalty and obedience.

Not long after partnering with Enchantress to assist her in her mischievous and often harmful plots, Valdar was dismissed from the Imperial Guard. This left Valdar with little honor to his name, only furthering his title of Godslayer as he continued to aide Enchantress in eliminating her enemies.

Valdar the Godslayer

Now, millenniums later, Valdar continues to use her unmatched size and strength and endless knowledge on combat and war to stand faithfully beside Enchantress. His pardoned criminal record allows him to live alongside his fellow Asgardians within the City of the Gods, while his reputation throughout the city varies from a fearsome warrior to a savage murderer. However none doubt his peerless skill in battle, and his innate ability to defeat any who stand in his way.

Powers and Abilities


Due do his half-giant physiology, Valdar is exceedingly strong even by Asgardian gods. He has shown strength ranked within Class 100 and can lift in excess of 100 tons at his peak strength. He has been known for being able to bring mountains to dust, as well as exchanging blows with the likes of Thor.

Valdar’s skin and muscle tissue are superhumanly dense. Due to his Frost Giant heritage, the Godslayer’s bone and flesh are also denser than an average Asgardian. He is able to resist ballistic impact from weapons such as machine guns, as well as resist extreme high and low temperatures. He is virtually inexhaustible, unable to tire from physical exertion, and immune to all Earthly disease and poison. Like all Asgardians, Valdar possess a regenerative healing factor.

Valdar also exhibits several other superhuman physical qualities, such as speed, sight, agility, hearing, etc. His visual acuity allows him to see from hundreds of feet what a human could only see from several, as well as being able to run at speeds in far excesses of even the finest human athlete.


Valdar is one of the most masterful combatants found not only on Asgard but on any of the Nine Realms and beyond. Even without his superior strength, Valdar has displayed a peerless knowledge of various forms of fighting that are unique to Asgard as well as countless techniques found throughout the Nine Realms. He is also a master weapons expert, able to expertly utilize armaments such as axes, swords, bows, shields, clubs and hammers.



Godslayer wields a double-bladed axe with a three foot handle and blades two feet wide. The axe is so massive, that it weighs approximately 280 lbs. With the axe he can cleave inter-dimensional passages that can transport himself and others to other realms or dimensions. He can also use the axe to open small rifts to other dimensions which permit inter-dimensional energy to pass through, such as blazing stellar fire or intense cold. The axe is also capable of destroying illusions created by magic.

The Bloodaxe’s enchantments were placed by Enchantress and it is similar to Mjolnir in power in capability. It is capable of granting its wielder tremendous capabilities, although its savage nature begins to corrupt the mind of virtually anyone who possesses it.

Valdar also carries a sword he named Skorn, which, like most Asgardian weapons, was crafted by the Dwarves and is virtually indestructible. Named from the harsh and dangerous land which he was born, Valdar often utilizes Skorn before the Bloodaxe in battle. Enchantress has promised to enchant Skorn, in time.