
“Most unsatisfied people end up stuck in the past. I personally choose the future.”

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Under Suit

The Under Suit
The Under Suit


Due to the multifarious nature of Arthur Mark's lifestyle, his activities often require him to be placed in a surplus of uncomfortable and inconvenient situations. As such, he has since spent a notable amount of time working on a tech fabric, an under armor of sorts, that would allow him to operate with optimal levels of efficiency, regardless of what kind of situation that he was in. Be it in an armor or in a garage lab. And thus, his highly utilized, technologically receptive and protective full body tech fabric, referred to as the "Under Suit", was born.


Through the implementation of nanotechnology, nanocircuitry, and numerous innovations in regards to the latest developments in the field of synthetics, the Under Suit is a top of the line highly capable under armor. Its primary composite is a synthetic cotton-carbotanium hybrid that has melded into an effective composite substance. This is done through the process of a series of overlaying micro-weaving within the physical structures of both materials on the molecular level, via nanotechnology. The result being a unique and efficient tech fabric that has been designed with the most useful traits of its basic formula.

The Under Suit is able to bond within the wearer by gripping the very cellular ridges that make of the surface of their body, allowing it to act as a second skin (this extends to various other substances). But with its cotton based physical texture, the garment is also able to maintain its soft and comfortable texture when interlocked with other surfaces on contact. In direct contrast to this, it is also designed to be incredibly tear resistant due to the carbonatium aspect of the material's chemical composure. However, an important aspect that it maintains is being lightweight, by having only a thin fiber of carbotanium woven into each molecular strand of cotton. This also allows for extreme heat resistance on the outer layer (315 °C).

A distinct and invaluable aspect of the item's creation is its enhanced nanotechnological structuring that holds the underlying physical attributes of the clothing. It serves the purpose of giving the wearer the most efficient and comfortable experience as possible, as well as being able to adapt to various environments. On a basic level, the clothing's numerous openings are able to expand or contract in various conditions in order to allow multiple necessitates, such as breathability and mobility, among others, all controlled by a series of nanites interwoven into each thread. But more notable measures such as moisture captivity for hydration or internal moisture deprivation for fast drying speed also exist.

The next stage of this are the natural homeostasis measures that are in place in order to allow consistent situational stability for the wearer. The Under Suit's nanites allow also allow for the ability to modify its internal and external physical composure and properties in regards to matters such as temperature and texture. This allows it to trap or exhaust heat for the wearer through kinetic vents, (which also allows for kinetic force dampening) as well as manipulate its friction capacity. This all can extend to material's general conditioning in regards to its density, allowing for its to be as elastic or restrictive as it would need to be in any given environment. This in turn allows the nanites to apply self-repairing measures to the fabric.

The definitive achievement within the Under Suit's creation lies within its ability to interact with exterior technological systems. The fabric of the suit is designed with a complex network of nanocircuits that makes up the clothing's computational components, but with the added processing speed due to its series of nanowires and single-electron transistors. With this, the Under Suit contains the artificial intelligence created by Arthur as well as its capability to interface with any software owned by him. This all comes with numerous energy receptors in a node based network connected to the suit's solar and thermal absorbent as well as electrically conductive chest piece, supported by an underlying plate of aluminium.


S.T.E.V.E. (Artificial Intelligence)

The trusty sidekick
The trusty sidekick

Being a person who needs all the help that they can get, as well as someone who generally works better with technology than other people, Arthur Mark has designed and programmed system in order to aid him with his various projects. The resulting program and creation which is referred to as Smart Technology Encompassing Virtually Everything (or Steve as the acronym would go). An advanced as well as sophisticated artificial intelligence butler/assistant who would help Arthur with most if not all of his works. A powerful program which represents the unity and efficiency of all of Mark's technology. Being the very epitome of what should be considered a capable and harmonic system.

Boasting an advanced user interface in order to maximize utility and comprehension between the user and the program, the primary method of using the artificial intelligence is simply through speaking to it. Steve was programmed to follow an advanced set of linguistic algorithms that allow it to identify and interact with the user through its own speech, employing its own verbal capabilities to mimic that of a person. It since developed an advanced set of behavioral nodes and patterns that make up what would be seen as its "personality". Nigh-indistinguishable from that of a human being. With the process in play, it will abide by any verbal or manually given commands by those with the authority and clearance to do so.

The intellectual aspect of it stems from a complex set relays digital relays and algorithmic programs, allowing for advanced learning capabilities in all aspects of the system's uses and faculties. The main components being its hypersensitivity to everything in its environment as well as its extraordinary processing ability in reference to data that it obtains with a speed that outclasses virtually every other computer on Earth, thanks to its revolutionary quantum supercomputer. Through repeated interaction and analytical destruction, it is able to breakdown and assimilate information to its core components, and reconstructing it through a dedicated calculative mold. Giving it almost human like learning potential to add onto its intelligence at billions of times the rate, and draw countless conclusions with incomprehensible accuracy.

To add onto this, its learning abilities can be attributed to the vast database of information which draws an incredible wealth of knowledge obtained by W.A.R.P. Labs, Mark Industries and the general internet. With such data, the program has access to a seemingly unlimited wealth of information that encompasses the entire planet, and beyond. As an extension, it is able to perform extraordinary feats of hacking and programming that can allow it to gain access to virtually any database on the planet. Analyzing the most minute flaw in any other program, scoping the perimeters of its coding, and attacking any and all defenses within cyberspace. Giving it endless sets of information to learn from and extrapolate data with.

Lastly and most importantly, Steve is in charge of running and maintaining all of Mark's operating systems as well as physical aspects of all of his work. As such, Steve has an omnipresent connection to each and every bit of software that W.A.R.P. Labs as well as Arthur himself, among others. Though with varying levels of clearance, it hold order and process over all of Arthur's lifestyle and work, ranging from his homely protocols to the status of his creations. Working at an operating ability of 23.97 GFlop, it can run a seemingly infinite number of tasks simultaneously, allowing for impressive and constantly reliable work and efficiency. All and all, proving to be a top of the line A.I. program when employed in virtually any field of work.


The First Order: Part 2

The blue glow of the holographic panels flickered in and out of existence as the photons that comprised them would continuously fluctuate at unthinkable speeds, unthinkable to most anyways. To The Futurist, it was something akin to comprehension as his eyes raced back and forth between the endless sets of data and the accompanying images. The entire process allowing his own thoughts to be carried throughout his neural pathways at speeds that would cause one to think that he was more machine than man. It would be the experience of a lifetime to spend a single moment in the mind of the Crimson Smith even if it came with just a fleeting glance. But ultimately that was all that it would take to truly understand the brilliance and accompanying lunacy that Arthur had bathed himself in, ever since ideas were put into action.

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{Sir, per usual I am reminded of why you designed me to proceed with humanlike concern...}

"...There aren't any records..."

{It has been three days since you last slept-}

"...the recent trends then I can extrapolate..."

{Eight days since you've bathed-}

"...Most likely a serious of..."

{And two days since you have eaten or drank-}

Not a single electrically charged word spoken by the artificial intelligence would be powerful enough to push through Arthur wall of focus and into his partially attentive ears. It was very much something that would be considered “normal” for him to do in situations like these, especially in the instances where he would be dealing with such extreme measures in such a short period of time. It all began the moment that he had decided to take a deeper look into an associate of his by the name of Damon Ford, a renowned millionaire scientist and engineer that had managed to be interesting enough to call for the attention of Arthur Mark. A feat in of itself. Mark had met a considerable number of people of such status over his relatively short but illustrious life, but there was more to the story with this one, as far as he could tell.

It would be extraordinarily easy for Arthur to write off Ford as just another charismatic and rich type, a mask that he himself wore, but he never was all that fond of the route of least challenge. So, he opposed his own personal desires and opted to go out of his way to see what kind of man that Damon was out of sheer curiosity, and boy was there a story to tell. The meeting went well, the two stayed civil, shook hands and parted their separate ways, but not without a full body scan of the man before he had left. Beyond his mannerisms and behavioral tics that were all jotted down to his personal file with a detailed physiological analysis taken during the meeting, Arthur could just feel something about him. Well, the fact that he was able to learn that he wasn’t human was something, but he was able to gather something even more. Intrigue.

It took a few days of facial recognition searches, simulations run with the physiological model, satellite sweeps, and personally crafted extrapolated data, but the genius was able to narrow it down: Ford was a vigilante. Neat. But as interesting as that piece of information was, there wasn’t a great deal of time to prioritize with following up on the find once Mark had gotten a visit from one of the JLA’s newer recruits. She had apparently shown up to have a chat with Arthur in regards to his most recent statement about the “hero” known as 8th Wonder during his talk on Action News. Something about how him approaching the topic in such an aggressive manner was probably not the best idea, and that she suspected that it could it all be some ploy with the Humans First foundation trying to pit public heroes against each other.

Truthfully, he wasn’t able to give the full extent of his attention to the meeting, seeing as how he was trying his best not to drool on the table. Seriously, the last woman that he had a professional conversation with was a 7, and this one had looks that warranted him re-configuring that scale. But for as little attention as he was able to give, she was polite yet assertive enough to explain to Arthur just far she believed that the whole instance could go, should her suspicions accurate. Even allowing him to catch the part where if a potential conflict broke out between the Fascist Eagle and himself, then that could be the push that was needed to set America on a course for yet another Civil War. And as distracted as he was, Mark had just enough cognitive ability to recognize that she had raised some valid points. Ones that he event so far as to think about for more than half a second. In fact, you could even go so far as to say that he reluctantly agreed with her.


HUH! W-What, where?! Who died again?

{(audible exhale) I highly recommend that allow yourself to some sustenance and rest.}

"Ummm... In a minute..."


Arthur stepped back, the index finger of one arm placed under his lip while the other would support its elbow, a classic showing that he was too for in for his own good. With bloodshot eyes, he scanned every last byte of information that was sent his way on the network of holographic search files, his work for the last week finally reaching its apex as his mind would go through each and every logical conclusion that they could. His bare feet would take multiple steps back on the cold, metallic floor, maintaining his composure and holding his gaze on everything scrap of information that he had obtained. Public records, news articles, public relations, anything beyond what he was able to gather for himself on pair. And so, his gaze would be transferred from one image of Ford, straight to one of the mystery woman.

Steve, and need you to take a message for me.

{To whom, sir.}


{Yes sir, begin whenever you're ready.”}

The Futurist would squint his stinging eyes as he began to make up what he was going to say on the spot, improvisation feeling like a stronger suit than a speed thought of beforehand. And so, he would begin:

Dear Damon Ford,

I have to say, you're far more interesting than you first appeared when during our little meeting together. No offense, it's just you're a bit more fascinating than most people that I come across, though it still may not be saying much… But anyway, you were able to get me to pay so much attention to you that I actually went to take a closer look, and I have to say, I was actually surprised. Running around beating up thugs while dressed like a ninja, it’s really something that I didn’t expect from you as far as physical activity goes. I mean, I’m more physical these days even with my suits being put to rest for the most part, but even so, I’m not someone who would go so far as to live out my favorite action flicks. Well, anymore. But the point is… I’m going into something that will benefit you, me and a whole lot more people. I’m putting together an organization, a project that I have been mapping out, and I see you as being a possible asset. And look, I’m not going to blackmail you or anything if you say no, you're moonlighting is safe with me, but if you choose to ignore this message, which you shouldn’t, you would be missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. You want to help people, that's what I want, and I can see us working together to achieve that goal. So you can go back and keep making a change by beating up baddies on rooftops, or you can take the blue pill and see how far this rabbit hill goes… Or was that the red pill…? Shot. Just contact me if you’re interested, alright? I need as many people as I can get, and I can see you as being one of them.


Arthur Mark

"(sigh) Steve, begin new message."

{Whenever you're ready, sir.}

The second would prove to be more challenging than the first, because if Arthur read her correctly during their meeting, a major slip up during his message to the woman could result in a one way ticket to her permanent spam folder. So after allowing his eyes to rest for a moment behind their organic coverings, he would begin:

OK, just give me a second to explain before ending this! I know that this is weird that I'm contacting you this way after our talk, but I don't exactly have an email address to send this to. And considering how difficult you like making it to find yourself in the first place, I didn't have a lot of options here. Anyway, I have been mulling over what you said for the past few days and I'm going to admit that you actually made a few decent arguments, which means a lot coming from me. Now, I have been thinking about it for a considerable period of time and I think that this is the right call. I know that you're in the JLA, basically a team of supes that I haven't really spoken fondly of, but I saw some things that have lead me to believe that you are not quite like everyone else in the batch. Which... God I don't know what I'm saying... I'm just going to put in straight, I'm thinking of an organization of people like you who I feel that can make a genuine difference at this time. You know, with the Bill and the raising tensions, all that. I'm not going into the details for safety reasons, but I feel that if I get the right people in on this, we can solve problems that no one else could, and somethings that no else saw coming. You may have destroyed this message or lost interest. But if it is still intact, and you have some semblance of curiosity, well, you know how to reach me. OK... Bye.

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It wasn't long before The Mechanic let out yet moderately long sigh with the second message complete. While he would be sending a simple email to Ford, he would be sending a holographic message to the other through a group of nanorobots that had latched themselves onto her jacket during the meeting. His mind immediately considering all the ways that it could have gone wrong. "...That wasn't so bad, now was it?" But not without a smidge of optimism to go on his pessimistic sandwich. It wasn't often that people would see Arthur in such a state, if they ever did that was, but if they had, then it would be downright depressing. But then again, it was probably just the poor hygiene and the fact that he was malnourished in this case. Speaking of which...

"Steve, I want you to run me a hot shower and get started with breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages, the whole nine yards." Once his household A.I. got to work on meeting its master's demands, he would pull the on his black undersuit and smell the micro weaving that he had been wearing for the past few days. His held jolting back in an abrupt manner as soon as the act was carried out. "Geez. I really do have a problem..." His look of disgust would quickly turn into a devilish grin as his next course of action would already begin to formulate. "And get the jet ready, I'm going on a trip to Sweden. Tell Chase that I'll be gone for a few days, and do me a favor and fire up the Mark XXVIII...

...I have a feeling that we're in for one hell of a ride.
...I have a feeling that we're in for one hell of a ride."

The First Order: Part 1

...Weishaupt didn’t believe in the ideas that were propagated by the… ugh, ugh… various politicians and aristocrafts of the time. Which were the societal and religious views that were present in 18th century Europe...

It was the words of that news anchor, the ones about “society never being perfect”, that kept the genius from getting an ounce of sleep, not that he would get any sleep either way. It had been over a year since he was able to actually catch a decent wink. Besides that, the little stroll down memory lane was another thing that made the concept of a goodnight’s rest impossible. Seems like an invalid complaint? You try sleeping in over 200 pounds worth of metal alloy from the neck down and tell me that you were able to get some good shut eye. But then again, Arthur didn’t have anyone else to blame but himself for digging out “Ol’ Reliable”, one of the rust buckets that he hadn’t worn in years. And the sad part was that he had no idea why he even bothered to go ahead and dig it out of the closet and plop himself down in a chair. But one thing that he was certain of was how ironic the sentiment was to wear a physical reminder of the glory days, given how he was preaching something that could be considered an “anti-vigilante ” sentiment. And yet there he was, sitting in his penthouse as he went over all of the things in his life that were making him miserable.

...As such, he believed in going forward and assembling an underground society that would serve as a form of greater… ’illumination’ for what he believed was a philosophically misguided society…

His face became pale and cold as his mind would keep mauling over all of the nonsense that came with the new Bill, brow twitching as he would go onto think about all of the chaos that was about to ensue. It seemed like society was only ever going to go deeper into the mess that it had created for itself, each day. While he had considered all of the conflicting effects of the Bill, one thing that that was definitively good about the new proposition was how much it outlined the problems that America and the world had at large. The ignorance, bias, divide, and sheer stupidity had made itself quite apparent to The Futurist, even more so than it had been a while ago when he decided to start focusing more on his company. Thinking that it would be better to give up the “Supermaning” for a while, in favor of utilizing his intelligence and resources for the betterment of society through innovation, rather than a metal suit of armor. But even that wasn’t enough. Nothing was ever enough. No matter how much work was put into fix things to make a genuine change, people just couldn’t resist taking a step back. No one yet knew how to solve that problem, not even Mark himself. That was the infuriating part.

...and begin the group that would be infamously known as the Illuminati...

As if he hadn’t had enough on his plate as it was, he needed to figure out what to do with Imperium, the very same one that Star Spangled genius that thought would be a good idea to mention as the world was going up in flames. Adding that at the time wouldn’t cause people to sit down and sing kumbaya like the American Nationalist and his team probably thought it would. No, the ones that did heed his warning probably just lost their heads. At least, that’s how Arthur saw it. And that was why as soon as gotten Arthur had gotten back to Earth from that mess of a planet, he had begun coming up with as many plans and contingencies as he could think of for when Nordok and his crew would finally show up to Earth’s doorstep and give them a nice helping of death and enslavement. But as much as he wanted to devote all of his time to what would come tomorrow, he would be forced to deal with whatever kind of Hell that today would bring. Things were in a way, less simple for him a decade ago, maybe that was why he decided to break out the old suit, so that he could think about a simpler past as he dealt with the present. Regardless of the reason, it all summed up to a very depressed Arthur Mark…

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Wait, Steve, go back a few seconds.

{Define, ‘a few seconds’, sir.}

I don’t know! 10 seconds?"

{Are you asking me or telling me, sir?}

Steve, I swear to God…


The mocking, yet, distinguished English voice of the personal A.I. would bend to its master’s wishes and rewind the program on the over sized monitor back a precisely 10 seconds. “...On May 1, 1776 the secret society would have its first, ugh, ‘meeting of the minds’ as it would be called, where four other like minded individuals similar to Adam Weishaupt would essentially ‘plot’ and begin the group that would be infamously known as the Illuminati...” Mark leaned back, brought a metallic finger to his lips, and stared intently at the screen as the silver topped historian would go over the history of the group of myth. The program would go on for about another 35 minutes before coming to a close, the longest amount of time that Arthur had watched a history program without falling asleep part way. In fact, the synaptic firings in his neural network were practically having a party of ideas as the electrolytes in his brain began working over time. He would sit there for a good few seconds, which in his mind translated to what would be close enough to minutes, based on how quickly his mind was just working at the time. But then, after going over possible all action in his head, he would finally come to a conclusion.

"This is either one of the best or worst ideas that I have ever come up with..."

{Probably the latter.}

"Steve, pull up Mr. Ford’s file.

{Damon Ford?}

That’s the one.

{Yes, sir. If I may ask, for what reason?}

All I’m going to say is that we’re going to do some funking work… And remind me to use the history channel as background noise more often. It ain't half bad.


Personal Equipment

It gets the job done and makes you look damn good too
It gets the job done and makes you look damn good too


Being the man that he is, it is only logical that Arthur Mark would have amassed a wide range of threats of varying shapes in sizes during his time as an iconic superhero and celebrated world class innovator. That being said, he is not always using one of his numerous armors and finds himself in a situation where a good many people would take the chance exterminate him in a vulnerable state. With that in mind, he has taken it upon himself to ensure his safety at all times as well as generally improving his way of operating in life. Through the use of an advanced set of synchronized technology, for the protection and convenience of Arthur.

Digital Lenses & Hypertensive Earpiece

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Beyond the meager ability to enhance one's less than 20/20 vision and average hearing to their full capability. The contact lenses (and sometimes glasses) are sometimes enhanced with his own handmade and developed technology. They are able to enhance the wear's vision to not only 20/20 quality, but also extend his vision to clearly see objects a distance as far as 2 miles through overlapping optical enhancement lenses. Not only that, but their advanced optic modifiers which allow Arthur to perceive objects at any frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum and increase spatial awareness through peripheral refractive technology. Giving him impressive knowledge and ability to traverse any environment. They also contained micro-cameras installed in the lenses that compiles all obtained footage and releases it to Mark's own mainframe and vast database with 24 hr surveillance.

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His earpieces contain software that is connected directly to multiple databases of information, as well as the added ability to perform complex analysis of his environment that will read out any set of information simply by glancing at an object (e.g. bio-readings, facial recognition, structural integrity, etc). Providing the wear'r with a vast amount in any given situation.The earpieces simply enhance the user's hearing to the point where they can detect sounds as low as 0.1 decibels and or sounds in the range of 1 Hz to 250 kHz. As well dampening sounds as loud as 300 dB to mute. Both systems are run by and connected to Arthur's personal A.I. known as STEVE (Smart Technology Encompassing Virtually Everything).


Outside of advanced chronological programming that is able to account for different time zones as well as relativistic locations. The watch serves as a multipurpose tool and defense mechanism. The watch is designed to have all of the components of a top of the line smartphone and more, connecting the user to all of Arthur's many technologies and allowing for advanced communication software through simple audio or holographic 3D imaging. More than that, it's additive software contains advanced hacking and programming abilities that can allow Arthur to break through virtually a cyber defense or decrypt any code if given enough time.

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In the way of defense, the watch is able to use its own miniaturized prime reactor in order to protect a stream of ionized plasma around the wearer, contained within an electromagnetic field. Allowing for a built in, self-sustaining energy shield that is capable of reacting to perceived threats and activating at 99.5% the speed of light and resisting forces up to 1,000 tons and temperatures as high as 2,000 °C (3,632 °F). However, due to its minute generator size, the shield tends to last for a maximum of 20-30 seconds before failure, having a recharge time of 30-40 seconds. Nevertheless, the shield is an effective form of protection.

In the way of offense, the suit can utilize it's advanced network of nanorobots in order to bring its interior components outward. One ability is protect a built in laser that is able to fire a beam that can reached temperatures as high as 5,000 °C (9,032 °F) for a duration of 5-10 seconds. Having a cool down time of 15-20 seconds. More impressively however, the watch can form a gauntlet of same kind as any other Cutting Edge suit in order produce blast of nuclear energy from its nuclear fusion based Mark Reactor(™). With heat of 100-3,000 °C (212-5,432 °F). As side effect of the blast being able to apply massive amounts of force ranging from blasts of 5-2,000 tons of force. Last but certainly not least, the watch also contains a built in Swiss Army knife.


Adaptable Construction and Enforcement Automata (W.A.R.P. Labs creation)

W.A.R.P. Laboratories' Adaptable Construction and Enforcement Automata (ACEA)

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Weight: 7 Tons

Strength/Force Exertion: 60 tons

Durability: Capable of resisting 50-60 tons of force without significant breakage or damage

Maximum Operational Time without Recharge: 12.5 Years

Special Abilities

  • Elongation: Due to its unique construction and the nature of the materials used, the Adaptable Construction and Enforcement Automata is possessed of the ability to extend its limbs and torso to extend its height for a better vantage or reach materials needed to perform its duties. Its arms can extend up to two times their normal length without losing strength, and their legs and torso can extend up to 1.5 times normal length. Any further and machine risks losing structural stability.
  • Energy Projection: In signature W.A.R.P. labs fashion, the ACE A has been fitted with the ability to project energy from its digits and palms. This was originally intended to assist in welding and other construction duties and tasks, but has been weaponized as well. There are two types of energy that can be projected.


Meant to aid in the peaceful subdual of criminals or deviants, the force generated by the ACE A's unique repulsors can be adjusted to the physiology of its target. This can range anywhere from as little as two hundred pounds of force to over one hundred tons.


The laser welders employed by the ACE A can reach temperatures of anywhere between 3000-25000 degrees Celsius. This laser can be concentrated to a point as small as one nanometer in diameter or as large as one and a half meters.

  • Flight: By using W.A.R.P. Labs repulsive technology, the Adapable Construction and Enforcement Automaton can fly for prolonged periods of time without the need to recharge or otherwise rest. As said repulsive technology is largely devoid of heat generation, overheating is also not a concern (though it relatively primitive compared to the various Cutting Edge armors).

Max Speed: 120mph

Maxiumum Flight Time: 48 hours

  • Gravity Inversion Beam: Designed to assist in the transportation of heavy materials or the capture of deviants, the Gravity Inversion Beam is a specialized tractor beam that suspends objects in a field that prevents gravitons from interacting with objects caught within its bounds. This leaves objects and beings suspended at the height at which they were caught within the beam, though the ACEA can then move the origin point of that beam in order to lift or manipulate the object/person further.

(All credits go to @humansfirst:)


The Mark XIII

The Stealth Armor
The Stealth Armor


The Stealth Armor was designed primarily for the purpose of carrying out intelligence gathering missions while also remaining virtually anonymous for their duration. As such, certain aspects of the typical Cutting Edge armor were reduced in potency in order to allow the suit to be able to fully carry out its various operations of espionage, wherever they may be.

Armor & Protection

Because of its discrete nature than the opposing suits, the Stealth Armor sacrifices certain components of the typical armor in the favour espionage. As such, it is comprised of a mere aluminium-tin metallic compound which includes numerous elements that encourage less noise and air resistance. Sound dampening generators are installed to keep weaken a sound wave's intensity as low as 0.025 decibels. Molecular vibrational control is added to keep the physical effects of the suit to a bare minimum in the atmosphere. Lastly, retro reflection panels reflect any wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum, making the armor completely invisible. This does however come at the cost of the armor, even with the addition of molecular bonding agents, making it so that it can withstand a total of only 250 tons of force. The suit can withstand temperatures just as low as -120 °C (-248 °F) and temperatures as high as 6,000 °C (10,832 °F)

Strength & Force Exertion

While by no means the most powerful suit in the gallery, the Stealth Armor does indeed pack a notable punch in order to deal with various threats that it might encounter. It installed with a rotating gear and plate system that allows it to project extraordinary amounts of force up to 150 tons. This is applied to tasks such as lifting, pulling, pushing, dragging, crushing and throwing. This also translates fully into attacks of physical strength.

Speed & Agility

The suit has been designed with an extreme amount of air friction resistance that is incomparable to any other suit, which is combined with its accelerative velocity nature that carries momentum throughout each portion of the armor. In conjunction with this, MAT (see HUD & A.I.) has the ability to manually override the actions of it physical actions mid-combat, if necessary, to the extent where it allows for the ability to dodge attacks ranging from gunfire to basic explosions, as well as respond at the same rate. Normally operating within the range of Mach 2-100. As an added bonus, the suit's joints are based on an omnidirectional ballpoint mechanic that will allow for advanced maneuvers of melee attacks. Moreover, the suit has a weight based balance system within the center of the armor that mediates weight and tension in every aspect of the armor, allowing it to maintain nigh-perfect equilibrium in nearly all instances.

Weapons & Equipment

Silencers: The forearms of the suit each contain two modified sound suppressant pistols that will only make as much noise as 0.1 decibels upon fire, making for stealthy maneuvers until impact.

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Tasers: Dozens of tiny ball generated tasers are located within the arms of the armor, each one being able to release 50,000-1,000,000 volts of electricity designed for purpose of quickly and painfully incapacitating enemies or disrupting electrical systems.

Firing Adhesive: gauntlets of the suit's hands contain and a unique chemical adhesive generator that able to release two types of chemical substances. The first being a modified version of the Aqua Regia formula, created to be able to easily eat through the world's most resistance metals. The second being a liquid adhesive designed to solidly on contact and restrain enemies with a tensile strength of 500 psi.

Chemical Dispersion: Inside of the suit's calves is a complex chemical mixture sequence designed to release any number of gases into its environment. The two primary uses being the release of incapacitating agent that will keep the average person unconscious for a total of 18 hours, and general chemical mixtures to cloak the smell of the armor from any enhanced detection system.

Trackers: Also stored within the gauntlets are a series of tracking devices or "bugs" about the size of an actual insect, made robotic in nature and able to latch themselves onto various surfaces. Once that is complete, they will begin sending out discrete radio signals to allow the armor to triangulate their location.

Enhanced Swiss Army Knife: The armor suit comes with a mechanically enhanced Swiss army knife located under the plate in the left for arm. Containing a wide variety of additions to a standard SWK that include fitted equipment that would be used in first edition tool box, such as: hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers and all the needed equipment to make manual repairs to the armor for for general mechanical work.

EMP Generator: The armor is also able to give off powerful electromagnetic pulse generator that is able to give off a blast radius spanning up to 5 miles, completely wiping out all electrical grids and telecommunication systems.

Lasers: Like all suits, the Stealth Armor contains a wrist mounted laser beam that is able to project a heat of 100-15,000 °C (212-27,032 °F). Allowing for virtually any metal to be sliced apart seamlessly in a matter of seconds.

Repulsors: A stable weapon of a Cutting Edge suit, the Stealth Armor is designed with multiple energy ports that draw directly from the Mark Reactor(™), allowing for powerful blast of nuclear energy. Each beam of energy produces heat in the range of 100-15,000 °C (212-27,032 °F). As a side effect of the blast being able to apply massive amounts of force ranging from blasts of 1-20,000 tons of force.

Life Support System

Each armor is given the basic necessity of being able to its wearer with all need accommodations in order for them to functionally use the suit for a prolonged period of time. This includes a built in oxygen generator that mimics the process of photosynthesis and provides a breathable atmosphere that alone can sustain life for a total of 7 days when oxygen is not available outside of the armor. A built in waste removal and filtration system also exist as a way to relieve the user as well as recycle any viable liquids. Another feature is the suit's climate and homeostasis measures in order to sustain a livable environment in regards to heat and atmosphere. Furthermore, an accompanying factor is the suit's kinetic redirection brakes implanted within an embedded padding as a way of countering the g-forces during flight, this is done by actively expelling kinetic energy through the armor's heat vents. Lastly, each suit is designed with an interior medical kit that can preform analysis and provide limited medical aid to those that have become sick or injured.

Flight System

Designed with advanced propulsion technology that each is designed with suit, each one is able repel the particulates in its atmosphere with an enormous amount of force as well as a massive release of energy contained in the suit. With the armor's enhanced friction resistance, this allows the suit to travel at speeds ranging from subsonic to a maximum of Mach 60.

Power Source

Like all Cutting Edge armors, the tactical suit is primarily powered by the unique energy source of nuclear fusion that has been placed into a chest piece known as the Mark Reactor(™). While that is the main power source for each suit, this suit in particular has an electrical conductor that can absorb an 10,000,000 volts of electricity before when already fully charged, before having to worry about hardware damage. When completely drained of energy, it can absorb a total of 10,000,000,000 volts electricity when completely drained.

HUD & A.I.

The helmet of each suit has advanced HUD (Heads Up Display) that provides a vast amount of information that would of information is required for the user of the suits it use it to its fullest capacity. This includes a constant status report of the suit's physical integrity, energy usage, mechanical composure, etc, all in the form of holographic 3D imaging. The helmet's lenses are composed of photonic-crystal fibers that are able to adjust their composition in order to detect each frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum and locate objects over two miles away from the suit. Further use of this is the enhanced analysis of one's surroundings, covering matters such as environmental composure, bio-readings, and the like. To add onto the knowledge provided, the suit's software is connected to numerous databases, such as the one's utilized by W.A.R.P. Laboratories and Arthur Mark, in order to provides a range of seemingly unlimited data of terrestrial, and a limited number of extraterritorial systems. Lastly, each suit is connected to a personal A.I. known as M.A.T (Mobile Automated Tactician) who can offer great assistance to the user. It can offer advice in the midst of combat as well as take necessary action when the user finds themself in a difficult situation, such as providing tactical measures and basic suggestions, as well as a more hands on approach to the armor's controls.

Programming & Hacking

Each armor has not only the ability to protect its software through a complex set of relays and algorithmic patterns, but also has the ability infiltrate various types of networks and programs within cyberspace with a level of speed and efficiency that surpasses the vast majority of the software on Earth. It is based on highly decoding and decryption technology that operates with a backing of assistance from an artificial intelligence and a super computer. This is accompanied by its ability to adapt and cloak itself through its own evolutionary nature of self reprogramming, allowing it to bypass virtually any and all digital security measures in a form of technology while doing practically undetected in a short period of time.


The Mark XXX

The Arctic Armor
The Arctic Armor


As its name would suggest, the Arctic Armor was designed to be able to serve in the harshest regions of the planet in a way that surpassed every other suit in the series. Its capabilities and functionalities developed on the already existing traits of various other armors as well as giving additions in order to work as effectively as it would need to be in the nature of its climates.

Armor & Protection

The suit's armor has been created with a chemical composition a steel-titanium alloy that has been molecularly enhanced so that it could withstand a notable amount of damage. It normally taking a total of 500 tons force before the armor physical integrity is compromised. The interior is comprised of with padding lined with a series of thermal-nuclear vents that will very in temperature, depending on the atmosphere. These vents will also allow the exterior of the suits to keep its armored plating and joints from becoming stiff or frozen over. The suit can withstand temperatures as low as -273.14 °C, and temperatures as high as 7,000 °C (12632 °F)

Strength & Force Exertion

The suits boasts only a standard system strength as result of the fairly mundane physical tasks that it would have to carry out in comparison to the average Cutting Edge suit. With a rotating gear system and titanium joints, the armor is able to exert a force up to 100 tons. It extends to tasks such as lifting, pulling, pushing, dragging, crushing and throwing. This translates into moderate attacks of physical strength.

Speed & Agility

While neither the speed nor agility of the Arctic Armor are extremely impressive when compared to other Cutting Edge suits, they do however have basic abilities that of its design that allow it to operate in extremely low without losing efficiency in momentum, as a product of its numerous thermal-nuclear vents. That being said, the armor carries the momentum of each movement throughout each aspect of the armor. In conjunction with this, MAT (see HUD & A.I.) has the ability to manually override the actions of it physical actions mid-combat, if necessary, to the extent where it allows for the ability to dodge attacks ranging from gunfire to basic explosions, as well as respond at the same rate. Normally operating within the range of Mach 2-10. As an added bonus, the suit's joints are based on an omnidirectional ballpoint mechanic that will allow for advanced maneuvers of melee attacks.

Weapons & Equipment

Dual Missiles: Located within the forearms of the suit are 8 sets of dual missiles wrapped around their containment unit. With an automatic system and an electromagnetic tether that keeps the in a deep spiral long after take off, they are able to easily decimate hundreds of tons of ice.

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Heat Seeking Missiles: With the use of infrared homing technology, the suit can release total of 50 miniaturized heat seeking missiles from its shoulders. Each being able to detect a heat signature as low as 50 °F as over 1 mile away from the armor, and destroying its target with force of 500 tons of TNT.

Explosives: The arms of the suit can launch dozens of remotely detonated bomb like explosives with ease, each one giving off an explosive damage of 1 ton of TNT.

Lasers: Like all suits, the Arctic Armor contains a wrist mounted laser beam, the Arctic Armor however is able to project one that can grow as hot as heat of 5,000 °C (9,032 °F). Allowing instantaneous melting of any form of ice or otherwise frozen objects in its environment.

Tracking Bugs: Also stored within the gauntlets are a series of tracking devices or "bugs" about the size of an actual insect, made robotic in nature and able to latch themselves onto various surfaces. Once that is complete, they will begin sending out discrete radio signals to allow the armor to triangulate their location.

Liquid Nitrogen Grenades: Multiple grenades located within the arms of the suit are in fact titanium based containment units used to a payload of liquid nitrogen. When fired onto an object, they will immediately detonate and freeze their target to -196 °C

Enhanced Swiss Army Knife: The armor suit comes with a mechanically enhanced Swiss army knife located under the plate in the left for arm. Containing a wide variety of additions to a standard SWK that include fitted equipment that would be used in first edition tool box, such as: hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers and all the needed equipment to make manual repairs to the armor for for general mechanical work.

EMP Generator: The armor is also able to give off powerful electromagnetic pulse generator that is able to give off a blast radius spanning up to 5 miles, completely wiping out all electrical grids and telecommunication systems.

Repulsors: A stable weapon of the Cutting Edge suit, the Arctic Armor is designed with multiple energy ports that draw directly from suit's Mark Reactor(™), allowing for powerful blast of nuclear energy. Each beam of energy produces heat in the range of 100-15,000 °C (212-27,032 °F). As a side effect of the blast being able to apply massive amounts of force ranging from blasts of 1-20,000 tons of force.

Cryo-Beam: By reversing the polarity of the normal repulsor technology of the Cutting Edge and modifying the particulate expulsion function, the suit can actually absorb thermal energy directly through its various energy ports. Using cryogenic a repulsor, it can actually remove heat from an object as far as going to absolute-zero, all while manifesting itself as a stream of ice.

Life Support System

Each armor is given the basic necessity of being able to its wearer with all need accommodations in order for them to functionally use the suit for a prolonged period of time. This includes a built in oxygen generator that mimics the process of photosynthesis and provides a breathable atmosphere that alone can sustain life for a total of 7 days when oxygen is not available outside of the armor. A built in waste removal and filtration system also exist as a way to relieve the user as well as recycle any viable liquids. Another feature is the suit's climate and homeostasis measures in order to sustain a livable environment in regards to heat and atmosphere. Furthermore, an accompanying factor is the suit's kinetic redirection brakes implanted within an embedded padding as a way of countering the g-forces during flight, this is done by actively expelling kinetic energy through the armor's heat vents. Lastly, each suit is designed with an interior medical kit that can preform analysis and provide limited medical aid to those that have become sick or injured.

Flight System

Designed with advanced propulsion technology that each is designed with suit, each one is able repel the particulates in its atmosphere with an enormous amount of force as well as a massive release of energy contained in the suit. Allowing to travel at speeds ranging from subsonic to a maximum of Mach 45. With its thermal-nuclear vent system enhancing its local atmospheric pressure, it can sustain these velocities longer than the average suit.

Power Source

Like all Cutting Edge armors, the tactical suit is primarily powered by the unique energy source of nuclear fusion that has been placed into a chest piece known as the Mark Reactor(™). While that is the main power source for each suit, this suit in particular has an electrical conductor that can absorb an 30,000,000 volts of electricity before when already fully charged, before having to worry about hardware damage. When completely drained of energy, it can absorb a total of 15,000,000,000 volts electricity when completely drained. However, the added ability of its thermal-nuclear vent function and energy ports allows the suit to gain power from absorbing thermal heat as well.

HUD & A.I.

The helmet of each suit has advanced HUD (Heads Up Display) that provides a vast amount of information that would of information is required for the user of the suits it use it to its fullest capacity. This includes a constant status report of the suit's physical integrity, energy usage, mechanical composure, etc, all in the form of holographic 3D imaging. The helmet's lenses are composed of photonic-crystal fibers that are able to adjust their composition in order to detect each frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum and locate objects over two miles away from the suit. Further use of this is the enhanced analysis of one's surroundings, covering matters such as environmental composure, bio-readings, and the like. To add onto the knowledge provided, the suit's software is connected to numerous databases, such as the one's utilized by W.A.R.P. Laboratories and Arthur Mark, in order to provides a range of seemingly unlimited data of terrestrial, and a limited number of extraterritorial systems. Lastly, each suit is connected to a personal A.I. known as M.A.T (Mobile Automated Tactician) who can offer great assistance to the user. It can offer advice in the midst of combat as well as take necessary action when the user finds themself in a difficult situation, such as providing tactical measures and basic suggestions, as well as a more hands on approach to the armor's controls.

Programming & Hacking

Each armor has not only the ability to protect its software through a complex set of relays and algorithmic patterns, but also has the ability infiltrate various types of networks and programs within cyberspace with a level of speed and efficiency that surpasses the vast majority of the software on Earth. It is based on highly decoding and decryption technology that operates with a backing of assistance from an artificial intelligence and a super computer. This is accompanied by its ability to adapt and cloak itself through its own evolutionary nature of self reprogramming, allowing it to bypass virtually any and all digital security measures in a form of technology while doing practically undetected in a short period of time.

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The Aquatic Armor
The Aquatic Armor


The Aquatic Armor was one that was designed specifically for underwater missions or general activities that would pertain to moist environments. As such, the and all of its normal functions have been modified to not only act with the amount of efficiency that any suit could on land, but with all of the possible equipment needed in the case of deep sea ventures. In a sense, it is a human sized submarine.

Armor & Protection

Unlike the vast majority of Cutting Edge armors, the Armor is not mainly comprised of various metal alloys that make up its exterior, but rather a reinforced space age polymer. The hull was designed so that it was not only extremely flexible, but also be able to take extraordinary amounts of weight for an extended period of time. Being able to withstand a force of 30,000 tons applied directly downwards, the armor is able to venture to the deepest regions of the ocean without the threat of collapse. Added is a waterproof seal that allows the occupants to stay completely dry. The suit can withstand temperatures just as low as -200 °C and temperatures as high as 10,000 °C (18032 °F).

Strength & Force Exertion

Despite its less opposing looks in nature, it should not be mistaken that the Aquatic Armor is somehow physically weaker than the typical Cutting Edge armor. In fact, it was designed to vastly stronger than most others due to the nature of the environment that it would typically operate in. Because of the added pressure of atmosphere, the suit was designed with aluminium-titanium joints to be able to project a force of 10,000 tons. Which extends to lifting, pulling, pushing, dragging, crushing and throwing. This however, translates only to a limited a degree as far as physical attacks go.

Speed & Agility

Due to the advanced jet propulsion system that makes up the the armor's various exterior compartments, the suit is able to operate with a mobile efficiency underwater as any other would on land. Not only are its movements kept from being hindered, but they are also enhanced by the matter that makes up the atmosphere of the environment. Added onto this is the natural buoyancy of the suit, allowing for complex maneuvers to be achieved at enhanced speeds. Moreover, the armor carries the momentum of each movement throughout each aspect of the armor. In conjunction with this, MAT (see HUD & A.I.) has the ability to manually override the actions of it physical actions mid-combat, if necessary, to the extent where it allows for the ability to dodge attacks ranging from gunfire to basic explosions, as well as respond at the same rate. Normally operating within the range of Mach 2-10. As an added bonus, the suit's joints are based on an omnidirectional ballpoint mechanic that will allow for advanced maneuvers of melee attacks.

Weapons & Equipment

Torpedoes: Being a hydro based suit, the Aquatic Armor substitutes the typical missiles of a Cutting Edge suit for basic torpedoes. Located in the forearms are 24 miniaturized underwater warheads based off of the standard Mark 14 torpedo, enhanced with jet propulsion technology, allowing faster and more precise of anti-ship and submarine destruction.

SBLMs: A more destructive and well suited weapon for under water missions, the forearms of the armor are well equipped with four modified versions of submarine-launched ballistic missiles, all programmed with an environmentally adaptive and guidance systems. Each containing a localized nuclear warhead with its nuclear composition existing in a non-reactive state until activation.

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Search Lights: Mounted on the shoulders of the armor are two search lights used for search and observation. Designed for activities at the darkest depths of the ocean, they can shine at a brightness that reaches up 30,000,000 candela.

Lasers: Like all suits, the Aquatic Armor contains a wrist mounted laser beam that is able to project a heat of 10,000 °C (18,032 °F). Allowing for virtually any metal to be sliced apart seamlessly in a matter of seconds.

Jet Stream: Utilizing its jet propulsion system to the highest degree, the suit is able to give off powerful and concentrated blasts of water straight from its environment. These blasts typically range from a force of 50-100 tons of force.

Nets: Located in the arms of the nets are titanium woven, molecularly enhanced nets designed to restrain and order capture enemies or objects in an environment. The nets are able to resist tearing force up to 800,000 psi 400 tons per square inch).

Trackers: Also stored within the gauntlets are a series of tracking devices or "bugs" about the size of an actual insect, made robotic in nature and able to latch themselves onto various surfaces. Once that is complete, they will begin sending out discrete radio signals to allow the armor to triangulate their location.

Enhanced Swiss Army Knife: The armor suit comes with a mechanically enhanced Swiss army knife located under the plate in the left for arm. Containing a wide variety of additions to a standard SWK that include fitted equipment that would be used in first edition tool box, such as: hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers and all the needed equipment to make manual repairs to the armor for for general mechanical work.

EMP Generator: The armor is also able to give off powerful electromagnetic pulse generator that is able to give off a blast radius spanning up to 5 miles, completely wiping out all electrical grids and telecommunication systems.

Repulsors: A stable weapon of a Cutting Edge suit, the Aquatic Armor is designed with multiple energy ports that draw directly from suit's Mark Reactor(™), allowing for powerful blast of nuclear energy. Each beam of energy produces heat in the range of 100-15,000 °C (212-27,032 °F). As a side effect of the blast being able to apply massive amounts of force ranging from blasts of 1-20,000 tons of force.

Life Support System

Each armor is given the basic necessity of being able to its wearer with all need accommodations in order for them to functionally use the suit for a prolonged period of time. This includes a built in oxygen generator that mimics the process of photosynthesis and provides a breathable atmosphere that alone can sustain life for a total of 7 days when oxygen is not available outside of the armor. A built in waste removal and filtration system also exist as a way to relieve the user as well as recycle any viable liquids. Another feature is the suit's climate and homeostasis measures in order to sustain a livable environment in regards to heat and atmosphere. Furthermore, an accompanying factor is the suit's kinetic redirection brakes implanted within an embedded padding as a way of countering the g-forces during flight, this is done by actively expelling kinetic energy through the armor's heat vents. Lastly, each suit is designed with an interior medical kit that can preform analysis and provide limited medical aid to those that have become sick or injured.

Flight System

Unlike the normal transportation system in the typical Cutting Edge suit, which is Arthur Mark's revolutionary repulsion technology, the Aquatic Armor operates in a modified version of it. Instead, it relies on an advanced jet propulsion technology that will actively use the massive amounts of mass in its environments to travel. This is done through the process of its motorized rotors in multiple areas of the suit which absorb and expel large quantities of water at and increasingly fast rate in order to reach speeds up to Mach 5.

Power Source

Each armor is primarily powered by the unique energy source of nuclear fusion referred to as the Mark Reactor(™) that takes the form of a chest piece. However, in addition to this, the Aquatic Armor uses the means of hydroelectric technology in order to perpetually sustain an energized state. Like all suits, it also has limited electricity absorption abilities. This allows it to absorb 30,000,000,000 volts of electricity when already powered before damage to the hardware is a concern. It can also absorb a total of 5,000,000,000,000 volts of electricity when completely drained.

HUD & A.I.

The helmet of each suit has advanced HUD (Heads Up Display) that provides a vast amount of information that would of information is required for the user of the suits it use it to its fullest capacity. This includes a constant status report of the suit's physical integrity, energy usage, mechanical composure, etc, all in the form of holographic 3D imaging. The helmet's lenses are composed of photonic-crystal fibers that are able to adjust their composition in order to detect each frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum and locate objects over two miles away from the suit. Further use of this is the enhanced analysis of one's surroundings, covering matters such as environmental composure, bio-readings, and the like. To add onto the knowledge provided, the suit's software is connected to numerous databases, such as the one's utilized by W.A.R.P. Laboratories and Arthur Mark, in order to provides a range of seemingly unlimited data of terrestrial, and a limited number of extraterritorial systems. Lastly, each suit is connected to a personal A.I. known as M.A.T (Mobile Automated Tactician) who can offer great assistance to the user. It can offer advice in the midst of combat as well as take necessary action when the user finds themself in a difficult situation, such as providing tactical measures and basic suggestions, as well as a more hands on approach to the armor's controls. One such bonus with Aquatic Armor in particular is radar.

Programming & Hacking

Each armor has not only the ability to protect its software through a complex set of relays and algorithmic patterns, but also has the ability infiltrate various types of networks and programs within cyberspace with a level of speed and efficiency that surpasses the vast majority of the software on Earth. It is based on highly decoding and decryption technology that operates with a backing of assistance from an artificial intelligence and a super computer. This is accompanied by its ability to adapt and cloak itself through its own evolutionary nature of self reprogramming, allowing it to bypass virtually any and all digital security measures in a form of technology while doing practically undetected in a short period of time.



The Tactical Armor
The Tactical Armor


The 28th armor in the series, the Tactical Armor is a suit that was designed specifically for the purpose partaking in military operations and conflicts that required a design of a more aggressive nature than the average suit. Being made to be a walking one man army, the armor pulls no stops for how its primitive but brutal design extends.

Armor & Protection

The armor is comprised of a reinforced hull of the metallic alloy that is primarily composed of steel, iron and chrome. With a molecular bonding agent applied to the mesh, it has enough tensile strength to withstand a repeated force of the 500 tons upon its exterior before collapse of its integrity or other serious damage is sustained. Usually requiring a total of 5,000 tons of force before collapse. The armor is war machine that is completely bullet proof and resistant to various forms of ballistic weapons, such as such as missiles and various explosives, being able to take weapons of that nature with little to no damage sustained. The suit can withstand temperatures as low as just as low as -110 °C (230 °F) and temperatures as high as 9,000 °C (16,232 °F).

Strength & Force Exertion

Being designed with an advanced rotating mechanical gear and plate system and designed with more sustainable metal rotters in each joint, each extremity of the armor is able to exert a force of 2,500 tons. This amount of strength can be attributed to lifting, pulling, pushing, dragging, crushing and throwing. This translates greatly into physical attacks.

Speed & Agility

With the specific needs of the militaristic components needed for the armor to operate at capacity echoing out through each aspect of its design, the armor has a modified design to accommodate the focus heavily relying rate and accuracy of movements for each action. As such, each joint has been designed with a sensitive displacement function within each compartmentalized chamber, drawing open the suit's ambient power sources and instantly turning potential energy kinetic. Allowing for each physical action to be exaggerated. In conjunction with this, MAT (see HUD & A.I.) has the ability to manually override the actions of it physical actions mid-combat if. necessary, the extent where it allows for the ability to dodge attacks ranging from gunfire to basic explosions, as well as respond at the same rate. Normally operating within the range of Mach 2-80. As an added bonus, the suit's joints are based on an omnidirectional ballpoint mechanic that will allow for advanced maneuvers of melee attacks. Moreover, the suit has a weight based balance system within the center of the armor that mediates weight and tension in every aspect of the armor, allowing it to maintain nigh-perfect equilibrium in nearly all instances.

Weapons & Equipment

With its design a being a decked out cutting edge suit and a walking arsenal, the Tactical armor boast a wide range of military grade weapons and beyond from head to toe. As such, the suit has increased interior and exterior volume in order to contain its weapons of already reduced size:

Anti-Tank Missiles: Each shoulder of the the suit contains a minimum of 24 guided missiles that are capable of completely decimating the average armored vehicle, particularly tanks. While they vary in design, they generally are miniaturized and perfected versions of the AGM-114. Missiles designed for precise destruction.

Smart Missiles: In both arms of the suit are 12 smart missiles designed to deliver extraordinary damage with small play load. Serving the purpose of finding and exposing the weak points in any target, these missiles are capable of delivering an explosive force up to 5 tons of TNT with MCLOS precision.

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Mini-Guns: Allowing the word "mini" to be more literal, each arm containing smaller version of the M134 to come in a set of four, each one about 1/10th of the size that they typically come in. But no less deadly. Firing at a rate of 6,000 pm, they can completely dismantle any and all vehicles or enemies that they are aimed at.

Electrified Nets: Encased the the armor plating of each arm is a carbon fiber net that with a tensile strength is capable of withstanding 2,000 tons of force before tearing. For the purpose of being able to ensnare opponents and apply up to 5,000,000 volts of electricity.

Flash Bangs: Unlike the typical grenade of the same names, each port of the suit is designed so that it can release a powerful flash of light to blind and temporarily stun opponents mid combat.

Smoke Pellets/Screen: Dozens of small ball encased fireworks are located in the halves of the suits legs as a means of providing visual cover during close combat situations.

Sticky Bombs: Located in the gauntlets of the armor are a series of magnetized explosives that serves the purpose of short ranged but accurate attachments to its target. They each have a magnetic of of 250 teslas and explode with a force of 20 lbs of TNT.

Sonic Weapons: Within the forearms of the armor are numerous metallic balls balls that emit noises at frequency's as high as 3,000 db, powerful sonic weapons designed for purpose of being able to stun or outright kill various targets.

Enhanced Swiss Army Knife: The armor suit comes with a mechanically enhanced Swiss army knife located under the plate in the left for arm. Containing a wide variety of additions to a standard SWK that include fitted equipment that would be used in first edition tool box, such as: hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers and all the needed equipment to make manual repairs to the armor for for general mechanical work.

EMP Generator: The armor is also able to give off powerful electromagnetic pulse generator that is able to give off a blast radius spanning up to 5 miles, completely wiping out all electrical grids and telecommunication systems.

Tracking Bugs: Also stored within the gauntlets are a series of tracking devices or "bugs" about the size of an actual insect, made robotic in nature and able to latch themselves onto various surfaces. Once that is complete, they will begin sending out discrete radio signals to allow the armor to triangulate their location.

Lasers: Like all suits, the Tactical Suit contain a wrist mounted laser beam that is able to project a heat of 7,000° (12,632 °F). Allowing for virtually any metal to slice apart seamlessly in a matter of seconds.

Repulsors: A stable weapon of a Cutting Edge suit, the Tactical Armor is designed with multiple energy ports to allow for nigh-omnidirectional blast of nuclear energy, drawn directly from suit's Mark Reactor(™). Each beam of energy produces heat in the range of 100-15,000 °C (212-27,032 °F). As a side effect of the blast being able to apply massive amounts of force ranging from blasts of 1-20,000 tons of force.

Nuke: Should an occasion arise that would make it necessary, the suit's ultimate weapon is a nuclear warhead reduced to a scale that would allow it to fit inside the chest compartment of the suit. Despite its size, the weapon has been designed with an energy yield of 50 megatons of TNT. However, its nuclear composition will remain in a rest state until it is armed. Only then can it be detonated.

Life Support System

Each armor is given the basic necessity of being able to its wearer with all need accommodations in order for them to functionally use the suit for a prolonged period of time. This includes a built in oxygen generator that mimics the process of photosynthesis and provides a breathable atmosphere that alone can sustain life for a total of 7 days when oxygen is not available outside of the armor. A built in waste removal and filtration system also exist as a way to relieve the user as well as recycle any viable liquids. Another feature is the suit's climate and homeostasis measures in order to sustain a livable environment in regards to heat and atmosphere. Furthermore, an accompanying factor is the suit's kinetic redirection brakes implanted within an embedded padding as a way of countering the g-forces during flight, this is done by actively expelling kinetic energy through the armor's heat vents. Lastly, each suit is designed with an interior medical kit that can preform analysis and provide limited medical aid to those that have become sick or injured.

Flight System

Designed with advanced propulsion technology that each is designed with suit, each one is able repel the particulates in its atmosphere with an enormous amount of force as well as a massive release of energy contained in the suit. Allowing to travel at speeds ranging from subsonic to a maximum of Mach 80. With multiple energy ports located all over the armor, its is capable of engaging in advanced aerial warfare.

Power Source

Like all Cutting Edge armors, the tactical suit is primarily powered by the unique energy source of nuclear fusion that has been placed into a chest piece known as the Mark Reactor(™). While that is the main power source for each suit, this suit in particular has an electrical conductor that can absorb an 50,000,000 volts of electricity before when already fully charged, before having to worry about hardware damage. When completely drained of energy, it can absorb a total of 30,000,000,000 volts electricity when completely drained.

HUD & A.I.

The helmet of each suit has advanced HUD (Heads Up Display) that provides a vast amount of information that would of information is required for the user of the suits it use it to its fullest capacity. This includes a constant status report of the suit's physical integrity, energy usage, mechanical composure, etc, all in the form of holographic 3D imaging. The helmet's lenses are composed of photonic-crystal fibers that are able to adjust their composition in order to detect each frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum and locate objects over two miles away from the suit. Further use of this is the enhanced analysis of one's surroundings, covering matters such as environmental composure, bio-readings, and the like. To add onto the knowledge provided, the suit's software is connected to numerous databases, such as the one's utilized by W.A.R.P. Laboratories and Arthur Mark, in order to provides a range of seemingly unlimited data of terrestrial, and a limited number of extraterritorial systems. Lastly, each suit is connected to a personal A.I. known as M.A.T (Mobile Automated Tactician) who can offer great assistance to the user. It can offer advice in the midst of combat as well as take necessary action when the user finds themself in a difficult situation, such as providing tactical measures and basic suggestions, as well as a more hands on approach to the armor's controls.

Programming & Hacking

Each armor has not only the ability to protect its software through a complex set of relays and algorithmic patterns, but also has the ability infiltrate various types of networks and programs within cyberspace with a level of speed and efficiency that surpasses the vast majority of the software on Earth. It is based on highly decoding and decryption technology that operates with a backing of assistance from an artificial intelligence and a super computer. This is accompanied by its ability to adapt and cloak itself through its own evolutionary nature of self reprogramming, allowing it to bypass virtually any and all digital security measures in a form of technology while doing practically undetected in a short period of time.

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