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Masters of the Marvel Universe

The master of the marvel universe, They;re are such embodiments such as Chaos,Love and hate.There are some who are personalfication of the universe, and death.Most of these are omnipotent,omniscient,omnipresent, or omniversal and sometimes all These are the masters of the marvel universe.


RoninTheFury helped me with three

List items

  • The most powerful being in the marvel universe

  • Oblivion is the personification of entropy which is the collapse or death of the universe.

  • The Living Tribunal is the second most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse, surpassing Galactus, Eternity, and Infinity.

  • Eternity is the personification of time, the universe, and as all living things. Eternity has been around since the beginning of the universe, and is omniscient, and omnipresent, nigh-omnipotent.

  • Infinity represents the infinite potential of existance.

  • Death is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, equal to Eternity and Galactus.

  • Galactus is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic. He uses energy from the core of planets and universal sources to sustain himself.


  • The Grandmaster possesses a high level of cosmic power gained from the universe's big bang

  • A cosmic being that is the embodiment of love

  • A cosmic being that is the embodiment of hate

  • The living embodiment of Chaos.

  • Lord of time

  • The living embodiment of Order.

  • Scathan the Approver is a Celestial from Earth-691 who is held in high regard by both Eternity and The Living Tribunal. The Living Tribunal tends to call upon Scathan just in case he wants a second opinion regarding a very important matter that has been brought to him before giving an ultimatum.

  • Arishem the judge is the leader of the Celestial hosts, and second in authority only to the One Above All

  • A celestial leader

  • iran the Tester appeared during the Cosmic Summit against Thanos and later made a slight appearance in the Celestial headquarters which the Beyonder went to.

  • Eson the Searcher's sole duty is to seek out specimes for Gammenon to gather.

  • Gammenon, The Gatherer has been a member of the Celestials' first, second, third, and fourth hosts.

  • Gamiel the Manipulator is a young Celestial-in-Training who is constantly competing with his brother Devron to prove which theory of theirs is right. This has often lead to many disasters, one incident suggests that they were responsible for The Kree/Skrull War when they initiated the first meeting between the two races over Four Billion Years ago, their antics have the older and more mature Celestials worrying for the future of their race.

  • Devron the Experimenter is a young Celestial-in-Training who is constantly competing with his brother Gamiel to prove which theory of theirs is right. This has often lead to many disasters, one incident suggests that they were responsible for The Kree/Skrull War when they initiated the first meeting between the two races over Four Billion Years ago, their antics have the older and more mature Celestials worrying for the future of their race.

  • Nezzar the Calculator's sole duty is to examine and catalogue all data brought to him by the others.

  • Hargen the Measurer is a Celestial in charge of measuring.

  • The Blue Celestial is an infant Celestial born from the remains of a dead Galaxy that was destroyed by Ego, the Living Planet countless ages ago. Thanks to his birth we now know more about The Celestials than ever before.

  • Tefral the Surveyor's sole duty is to survey every species The Celestials encounter on a planet.

  • The Dreaming Celestial, exiled to Earth, has had interactions with both Mutants and Eternals influencing their development.

  • One of the first beings in the universe, Eon was the offspring of Infinity, Eternity, and the Celestial Axis. He chose champions and endowed them with the Quantum Bands to protect the universe.

  • Not much of a master of a universe.

    Ego is an intelligent, living planet that is millions of years old and devours anything in its path.

  • One of the first forces in the Universe, Tenebrous along Aegis and several other forces rebelled and were imprisoned.

  • Aegis is one of the Proemial Gods, who are said to prepare all that exists for what is to come. They were created to keep balance in the living universe.

  • Brio is one of the Proemial Gods, who are said to prepare all that exists for what is to come. They were created to keep balance in the living universe.

  • Diableri is one of the Proemial Gods, who are said to prepare all that exists for what is to come. They were created to keep balance in the living universe.

  • Also not much of a god.

    The Super-Ego is a gargantuan bacteria-like spacefaring lifeform that spawns Living Planets like Ego. It was apparently killed by an army of Celestials after being drawn into a trap set up by the infant Blue Celestial.

  • Anthropomorpho is The Prime Manifester of The Dimension of Manifestations, nearly every being in existence, primarily entities such as Eternity or The Living Tribunal, use his services constantly to create M-Bodies for themselves which allows them to be in many places and sometimes all places at once. Since he considers himself a neutral party he has opened services to everyone be they good or evil, it should be noted that he does not always appear in a physical form, most people don't even realize he is there when they enter The Dimension of Manifestations but whether you know it or not Anthropomorpho is always there for you.

  • This omnipotent being has sworn never to interfere with the happenings of the Universe, only to watch.

  • The Fulcrum is the ancient cosmic force which The Celestials, Watchers and The Horde serve without question. The Fulcrum is also the Bartender who runs The Vestibule, a swinging bar where Eternals go before they either return to a newly regenerated body or head off to Lacuna (The Afterlife).

  • The keeper of cosmic awareness.

  • Well suited to his name, the only time the Strangers agenda was clear was when he joined forces against Thanos during the interstellar struggle for the Infinity Gauntlet.

  • The Collector is an Elder of the Universe. He is obsessed with the collection and preservation of living beings and artifacts from across the universe.

  • The Collector is an Elder of the Universe. He is obsessed with the collection and preservation of living beings and artifacts from across the universe.

  • Quasar wields two immensely powerful Quantum Bands in his role as the Protector of the Universe.

  • Longtime ally/traveling-companion to Adam Warlock and Mischevious Teleporter of the Infinity Watch. Poor hygienic habits.

  • Abraxas is the embodiment of destruction

  • Protégé is an extremely powerful being that even surpasses the the power of living tribunal, and was almost the new "One Above All" until the Celestial "scathan the aprrover" ruled against him and saved all realities

  • An Elder of the Universe with a devotion to ommerce

  • An Elder of the Universe with a devotion to commerce

  • The Contemplator is an Elder of the Universe from the Coal Sack Nebula. He has spent eternities in contemplation developing the powers of his mind and spirit.

  • An Elder Of The Universe, the being known only as The Runner is over 5 billion years old.

  • Possessor is an Elder of the Universe whose obsession is knowledge

  • Gardener is an Elder of the Universe whose obsession is cultivating beauty

  • Obliterator is one of the few Elders of the Universe. He like all Elders is over 5 billion years old. Obliterator is immortal, superhumanly strong, and virtually invulnerable.

  • Unknow Elder of the universe

  • An Elder of The Universe, Tryco Slatterus was born over 5 billion years ago. His fighting supremacy has earned him the title of Champion...Champion of The Universe.

  • Elder of the Universe ,Chief Justice of the Cosmos

  • Explorer is an Elder of the Universe

  • Epiphany is the Offspring of Eternity, and is associated with sudden moments of Insight

  • Entropy considered himself to be the opposite of Eternity, as well as his offspring.

  • Ashema the Listener is the only female Celestial known to exist

  • Ea the Wise is a tiny Celestial who sits on Machine Man's shoulder and constantly heckles him. It is not known whether or not Ea is actually a Celestial or just a figment of Machine Man's screwed up imagination.

  • Goddess is the second known female Celestial in existence and the first Celestial to actually become pregnant. She is the mother of Star Child and a little known acquaintance of Zhang Heng.

  • Though his true name remains a mystery to this day, the Monolith Gatherer is a Celestial similar in appearance to Arishem the Judge. His primary duty is to gather the black rectangular recording devices or "Monoliths" that The Celestials placed on Earth during The First Celestial Host.

  • The Red-Blue Celestial is the only other Celestial known aside from Arishem with the right to judge who is worthy of life and who is not. It was briefly encountered by Kubik and Kosmos while they journeyed through the Universe and has not been seen since.

  • The Godstalker was created by and is a servant of The Celestials.

  • The Lord of Lies, the Devil-Mephistopheles. Mephisto is a huge, evil demon who steals souls and tortures them in his Hell-like dimension.

  • Replaced the Fantastic Four with evil duplicates and started a civil war within his own Watcher race. Was killed by Uatu the Watcher when Aron was about the destroy the Fantastic Four.

  • Thanos is a mutant Eternal of Titan. As such he is powerful enough to be a threat on a galactic level. It is his cunning and god-like power that makes him a universal threat. Thanos' name is derived from Thanatos, the Greek personification of death.

  • Exitar The Exterminator is part of the Celestials stands 10,000 feet tall and serves as the Celestials Executioner.

  • Makkari is an Eternal and the fastest speedster in the Marvel Universe.

  • Scrier is a godlike being that claims to be the architect of Earth

  • The Phoenix is a powerful cosmic entity. An immortal being representing all current and future life. It has, at times, chosen a host to live within, granting the vessel outstanding power. It has the power to create or destroy.

  • Though the Japanese believe him to be their God of Evil and Chaos, Amatsu-Mikaboshi is so much more. He was the endless void that existed before the Multiverse itself and now, in the age of life and light, longs to return himself and Creation to that state of being.

  • Jude or the Entropic man has the power of decay and would return to earth when humanity begged for his gift.

  • The Alien Entity is a nigh-omnipotent being who has been searching for the answer to the meaning of Life ever since he was a mortal. He came to Reed Richards for help on this matter and with his aid the Alien Entity became the founder of a new reality.

  • The Brothers Yin and Yang are two vastly powerful entities who's energies spawned the DC and Marvel Universes.

  • Eulogy is one of Eternity's extended family members, his purpose in the grand scheme is to wrap up completed comic book storylines. For a time he decided to take on a human form which he called Al and worked at Marlo Jones' comic store as a clerk.

  • Expediency is one of Eternity's extended family members. He is the embodiment of all quick and expedient solutions.

  • Enmity is one of the Seven Friendless, considered children of Eternity.

  • the embodiment of all things that are like no other things. It obeys no physical laws and is the exception to all rules

  • apparently has the power to create super-beings. It does this by taking existing beings, causing the events which give them their powers, and places the ideas for names and costumes into their heads

  • Unbeing is the cosmic entity who causes metahumans to lose their powers and/or be forgotten, he is Origin's opposite

  • Agamotto is one of three vastly powerful benevolent beings who are collectively known as the Vishanti.

  • Hoggoth is one of three vastly powerful benevolent beings who are collectively know as the Vishanti.

  • Oshtur is a benevolent Elder Goddess and one of three vastly powerful beings who are collectively known as the Vishanti. She is depicted as a celestial being known as the Bright Lady of the Dawn. Oshtur is also associated with benevolent beings such as angels and faeries.

  • Llan isn't a demon or a god, he is something far worse.

  • An immensely powerful and chronically insecure character, whose powers derive from a Cosmic Cube.

  • Zom is one of the most formidable mystic entities in existence, referred to far exceed even Umar in terms of sheer mystical power, and thus presumably her brother Dormammu as well, if not by quite as much. The Living Tribunal once stopped him, although Zom greatly feared the Tribunal.