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1483782 Rachel Grey Character Rachel's current last name is Rachel Summers and has been in all publications since Extermination in 2018. Despite the change to "Rachel Grey" in 2004, the only times she has ever been referred to with both last names is in several data books and unofficial sources that call her "Rachel Grey-Summers". To avoid confusion she should be referred to by her primary name "Rachel Summers" or "Rachel Grey-Summers" to fit with the current and original publication name. 04/16/23 11:48AM 15 approved
930512 Polaris Character Edit to change bio so that it will put greater emphasis on the fact that she's officially the 7th member of the X-Men to join the team, predating Storm, Wolverine and others by 7 years and nearly 40 issues. 11/15/21 10:01AM 15 approved
840405 Rachel Grey Character "Upon her return aided Excalibur, Rachel was a big help. Eventually Galactus came to Earth sending one of his Heralds to tell Excalibur to render Rachel. The herald tells them that Galactus wants to take the Phoenix out of Rachel saying that Rachel is too dangerous to Galactus to have the Phoenix. Rachel laughed it off and asked if the Herald joking and used her telekinesis to hit the Herald out of the Earth's orbit and onto the moon. Galactus made a machine that would take the Phoenix from Rachel and send it into orbit. Later Rachel goes to other dimensions and finds out she is the only Rachel Summers anywhere. She comes back and the Herald returns and charges at her. Rachel use her telekinesis to swing her around and throw herself at Galactus, however the fight would reach no true conclusion due to risk of both being destroyed." This part of the paragraph is completely out of place as it references events from issue 25 of Excalibur. Rachel did not leave for the future until issue 73 of Excalibur and never rejoined the team following her exit and journey to the Askani timeline. Paragraph should be removed completely for being superfluous and possibly replaced with a short summary of Rachel's clash with the Anti-Phoenix from Excalibur 50 and her boy possession by the Phoenix Force as it leads to the conclusion of Rachel's main plotline of regaining her memories and learning how she came to the 616 timeline initially. 07/27/21 09:48PM 6 approved
840363 Rachel Grey Character X-Men True Friends during which the WW2 adventure takes place is of dubious canon as it was released 10 years after it's planned release as "Excalibur Special #3" and features many oddities for the Era including Wolverines supposed memory of World War II as well as ignoring major subplots from early Excalibur such as the X-Men's deaths and Rachel possessing knowledge of how she entered the 616 reality which she only gained toward the end of her time as Phoenix in the present. 07/27/21 09:25PM 1 approved
840328 Rachel Grey Character Suggest the minor edit of "longtime host" due to her status as the longest on panel host of the Phoenix Force, using the name and powers for over a decade as a main character in titles while also being responsible for most of the cosmic mythos associated with the Phoenix Retcons and creator statements have placed her as a host dating back to her earliest appearances, but over a decade as the phoenix in realtime (closer to 15 years until she lost it on panel) deserves at least the minor addition. 07/27/21 09:00PM 15 approved
704304 Martinique Jason Character Been about a decade and a half since she was a member of the Sisterhood 03/10/21 03:44PM 15 approved
690814 Jean Grey Character Jean is no longer an Omega Level telekinetic. And was specifically mentioned in the example provided in Hickman's House of X series. 02/26/21 09:34AM 15 approved
668970 Stepford Cuckoos Team 01/22/21 08:50AM 15 approved