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  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Better Movie: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness or Thor: Love and Thunder. on the Gen. Discussion board

    I am very curious what script issues people have with MOM. I had zero issues with the script or plot, and I am seeing a lot of generic "oh the plot had issues" but no actual explanations as to what t...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Better Acting Performance: Antony Starr as Homelander or Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight. on the Gen. Discussion board

    I'm curious what range we're acting like Homelander requires here? The show has homelander always acting unhinged, fake happy, or emotional. It's pretty consistent and one note. Oscar played a more c...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Better finale between Moon Knight and all the MCU Disney plus shows so far. on the Gen. Discussion board

    the finale was honestly the best episode to me, even with it's short run time, it accomplished a conclusion to a story I was not envisioning ending so quickly. It made Mr. Knight not a joke which was...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Rate The Costume: MCU Spider-Man (Post NWH). on the Gen. Discussion board

    10, however I do wish they'd given the mask a more mcfarlane appearance to really shake things up, that mask is still my favorite of all the Spiderman suits we've gotten. If the MCU got anything righ...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic The Better Laugh - Dafoe's Goblin or Ledger's Joker?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Goblin has my heart as he was a surprise for me in this movie, and I truly wish he and Doc Ock had been the only two to come through dimensionally. So I do have to give it to Dafoe, as I found his Go...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Is Batman over-exposed?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Yes, every successful comic character is. Batman, Spiderman, Deadpool, Superman. It's to be expected. The downside though would be that people are going to consistently not be exposed to other DC con...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Joker(2019) or The Batman(2022)?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    It's crazy how both are decent, competent movies, but get overrated to death because people consider them to be more "mature". I just wish they were more original. Batman wins this in a landslide for ...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Better Film: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) or Wonder Woman (2017). on the Gen. Discussion board

    Homecoming owns Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is so insanely overrated, film lacks any originality, yet somehow gets praised as if it's the movie Wonder Woman deserves. Homecoming was good. Some great s...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Better film: The Batman or Iron Man?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Iron man. I enjoyed The Batman very much, but it did not deserve it's length, and did not tell an interesting story. That sounds like a crazy accusation I'm sure, but at what point did we the viewer ...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Rate The Batman. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Definitely too long, but I was never bored, and I found the tone to be very fitting. Surprisingly enjoyed it much more than I thought. Flaws exist, but not to a degree that it detracts from the exper...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Better finale between Peacemaker and all the MCU Disney plus shows so far. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Peacemaker was an average show, and ended like an average show would, averagely. It has become more overrated than any MCU show. In terms of finale's, it's odd that people who criticize No Way Home f...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Ignoring nostalgia, do you expect The Batman to be a superior film to Spider-Man: No Way Home?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    I'm just as prepared to be underwhelmed by the movie, because the way people are calling it a masterpiece is alarming. This movie is going to need to do something pretty crazy to live up to the hype ...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Better Film: Captain America: Civil War or Justice League (Snyder Cut)?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Civil War by a mile, ZSJL is a bad movie and I am shocked at the reception to it. Overlong, overly "stylized", and a mess of a plot. Nothing about it is worth saving for the future of the DCEU. Civil...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Rate Venom: Let There Be Carnage. on the Gen. Discussion board

    When the humor is the best part of the movie, that should tell the creators that they messed up one of Spiderman's darkest villains. Carnage should not have been a throwaway villain for Venom, and no...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Is Wanda a Mary Sue?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    Claiming she is a Mary Sue is just ignorant. She didn't even make all the right choices in her first appearance in the MCU. She failed in Infinity War, wasn't able to stop Thanos in Endgame, has been ...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic MCU/Star Wars shows flop at emmys. on the Gen. Discussion board

    The day the emmy's matters to me is the day my passion for film and television dies. All award shows are a joke to me as the subjectivity of such an event is completely lost on it's viewers apparentl...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Sentry vs Omni Man. on the Battles board

    if he hadn't been bruised by the fast guy's hands I would say Omniman, but Sentry I believe outclasses his durability.

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Is Denis Villeneuve right about his MCU comments?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    It's so weird how highly successful directors wanna belittle the MCU for being "unoriginal" while one made the "Irishman" which was an overly long copy and paste, poorly made version of every other g...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic MCU: Steve Rogers vs Frank Castle (SS Serum). on the Battles board

    This is simply impossible to debate. Captain America's skills come from training MIXED with his serum. Without the serum, he could not perform the arts he does. Frank kills people and wins fights wit...

  • minorincon32 posted a message in the forum topic Is MCU Spiderman a/or becoming a Gary Stu?. on the Gen. Discussion board

    No, his movies have made it a point to show him go down the wrong path in his youth and inexperience.