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Respect The Scarlet Witch (Complete Respect Thread)

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I'm a Avengerâ„¢


For what it's worth, Scarlet Witch has a TON of high end feats, incredible shows of power: and when she feels like it, ungodly reality warping.

Obviously, she has her anti feats, or low showings, but those are far and few between, and focused too much as a whole, which makes them seem more numerous than you'd expect.

Of course, in case of this, I've made this RT to showcase just how powerful she really is. Be warned.

Lastly, it would be best to note that this is a work in progress- that is, it may not be finished yet, but still, I think I've got most of the good stuff. Enjoy.


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Is one shot by Thor's unconscious body flying into her (Fantastic Four vol 3 #27)

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Loses to Paste Pot Pete. (Avengers 1.1)

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Wanda gets defeated by a regular assassin (Unlimited Access #4)

Scan 1/2- Gets dropped and falls unconscious by a single piece of metal hitting her (Avengers #57)

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This (Avengers Squadron Supreme Annual 98)

House of M (Reality Recreation, Manipulation, etc)

Should have reality warped the story into being good tbh

Magical Power

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Average thug no sells her hex attack, slaps her up, and then Wanda states that he's too strong to fight when Mantis comes in to help, as this Skyfather+ level dude clearly is (The Avengers #114)

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Wanda's powers are negated by Le Fey, gets blitzed by a guy with a sword (Avengers #81)

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Fails to get the spirit of Wonder Man out of Rogue (this being a basic spell for the most part) (Uncanny Avengers #23)

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Gets her powers completely negated by.....math (Universe X #4)

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Random thot robot uses her powers better than she does (Uncanny Avengers #3)

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Even Wanda admits it, and gets KO'd by Quicksilver falling into her

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Second time they met, Wanda got stomped until Vision came to the rescue (Uncanny Avengers #5)


Consistently mid street tier