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Agent Helix Respect Thread

Respect Agent Helix, the Human Supercomputer

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Like the G.I. Joe operative known as Snake-Eyes, Agent Helix is a member of the G.I. Joes with a highly classified background, information about her is given out only on a need to know basis, and typically nobody needs to know. What little we do know about her is that at some point in her life she was held by human traffickers who kept her in an enclosed cell due to how dangerous she was and that eventually Snake-Eyes was able to rescue her. She was then placed in a home with a brand new mother and father; both of whom were experts in some sort of combat. Having trained under them she has now joined the G.I. Joes and serves as one of their special operatives.

What makes Agent Helix special is an ability that is called 'Total Organic Battlefield Awareness' in which she is able to see the world in data, allowing her to process actions much like a supercomputer would. The origin of these abilities are unknown, but they help to give Helix an edge on and off the field.

Table of Contents

  1. Physical Abilities
  2. Skills / Total Organic Battlefield Awareness

1.0 | Physical Abilities

As one of G.I. Joes special operatives, Agent Helix has a high degree of physical fitness.


Feats in this category are to showcase her combat and reaction speeds. She also showcases a lot of speed feats in her many fights, but those can be seen in the Combat Skill section later in the RT.


2.0 | Skills & Total Organic Battlefield Awareness

Due to her unique ability known as Total Organic Battlefield Awareness, Agent Helix has a high degree of skill, and is constantly evolving to become a better combatant and soldier.

Combat Skills

These are skills related to and utilized in combat situations.



  • G.I. Joe (2008) #23 - Beats Snake-Eyes during a training match; the 'bullets' were paint balls.
  • G.I. Joe (2011) #17 - Is sucker-punched by Scarlett, then the two begin fighting fairly evenly before their fight is broken up.




  • G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero: A Silent Option #2 - When she was rescued by Snake-Eyes she was able to watch his fighting style and then replicate it, as a child.
  • G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra: Helix Special - Her TOBA allows her to spar with several combatants while others fire off guns in the background. At the end she knows how many bullets are left in each gun. General Hawk then explains she can see the miles a car can drive before running out of gas, ammo count in guns, etc.
  • G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra: Helix Special - Can copy skills just by seeing them used once; for fun she used to walk into fighting tournaments (that fought to the death) with people who had trained all their lives, use their skills against them, and walk out without a scratch.
  • G.I. Joe (2008) #23 - Her TOBA allows her to see the world in data sets which in turn grants her the ability to anticipate the probable outcomes of any actions, it's basically a highly advanced form of body ready and precognition.
  • G.I. Joe (2008) #26 - Her TOBA allows her to see the possible moves of three Cobra soldiers, she is then able to headshot all of them in rapid succession.
  • G.I. Joe (2011) #2 - Can't recognize faces very well, but was able to notice that something was off with 'General Hawk' who was actually Zartan in disguise.
  • G.I. Joe (2016) #1 - Instructs Snake-Eyes on what order to kill a group of Red Shadows (Ninja Cyborgs) and showcases the ability to read exact measurements and to see weak points.
  • G.I. Joe (2016) #5 - Confirms her theory about where these strange creatures are going to appear next and mentions that driving isn't a problem because she's aided by her TOBA.
  • G.I. Joe (2016) #7 - Sees a weak point in a large monstrous creature; was going to tell Snake Eyes but he was able to stab it before she could.
  • G.I. Joe (2016) #8 - Is able to determine how heavy Quick Kicks weighted hoodie is by it's arc of flight, speed of descent, and the noise it made when it hit the ground.

Non-Combat Skills

These are skills that are useful outside of combat.



The G.I. Joe universe doesn't feature many individuals who have actual powers, so Agent Helix is one of the rare few 'super humans' in the verse, along with Zartan, the shape-snifter. Statements seem to put her on par with Snake-Eyes but given that she's only been with the Joes for a short time she doesn't have the feats to truly stand alongside him as the most skilled member of the G.I. Joes; however, she is still one of the best and her TOBA grants her a high degree of use on and off the battlefield.

I hope you enjoy it, and as always, if you have additional feats or have a problem with how I've portrayed a feat (I try to be as unbiased as possible) please let me know via a tag or PM!