
    Spider-Man #-1

    Spider-Man » Spider-Man #-1 released by Marvel on July 1997.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    last edited by yewberry on 08/17/22 10:07AM View full history

    A flashback tale to a time before super-powered individuals were everywhere. Captain George Stacy is looking for a serial killer. His brother, Arthur, is head of security at Osborn Industries. When a police officer is attacked at Osborn's they both end up on the scene. More officers are attacked and a shadowy savage beast is seen.  
    Arthur finds an employee identification badge belonging to Nels Van Adder. When he questions Norman about Van Adder, Norman says he was a disgruntled employee that had to be let go. Van Adder was actually a test subject when Norman was trying to perfect the Goblin formula. Because he couldn't locate his former partner, Mendel Stromm's notes, Van Adder turned into a red beast, a Proto-Goblin. 
    When Proto-Goblin wants revenge against Norman, can the Stacy brothers save Osborn...and do they want to save him?



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