
    Strength Level

    Concept » Strength Level appears in 2 issues.

    How much weight a being can lift determines that beings strength level. The following is a list cataloging and categorizing many characters of the Marvel Universe among others of similar strength based on their demonstrated strength. The class number label of each category denotes the range of weight (in tons) a character can lift/press, unassisted, using only physical/muscular strength.

    Short summary describing this concept.

    Strength Level last edited by RazielWraith on 11/12/18 01:22AM View full history


    Strength, as used in the context of this article, is the physical ability to lift weight over one's head to full arms extension and/or move other physical objects against the resistance of gravity. The influence of gravity while on Earth is the default level of gravity against which strength is measured in the Marvel Universe.

    Strength in this context means only physical ability; not psychic ability, elemental power, magic use or any other non-physical means of lifting or moving objects. These strength classes/categories apply specifically to the Marvel Universe only, but can be applied as guidelines for any fictional universe.

    Class 1000

    Beings in this category have or can imbue themselves with, for all intents and purposes, truly limitless strength

    Galactus, Korvac, Beyonder, Stranger, In-Betweener, The Celestials, Hercules (Sky-father), Odin (enhanced), Zeus (enhanced), Living Tribunal, Ego, Cyttorak, Surtur, Ymir, Chthon (enhanced), Watchers (enhanced), Juggernaut (fully empowered by Crimson Gem of Cyttorak), Champion (with Power Gem), Hulk, Eternity, Death, Abraxas, Akhenaten, Maestro (enraged).

    Class 500

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift up to 500 tons

    Champion of The Universe, Juggernaut, Thanos (enhanced), Kurse, Destroyer (Asgardian), Hulk (highly enraged), Thor (Warrior's madness), The Runner (enhanced), Neptune (enhanced), Contemplator (enhanced), Lord Chaos, Master Order, Maestro (normal), Iron Man (Special armors).

    Class 250

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 250 tons but less than 500 tons

    Hercules (normal), Juggernaut (baseline) Gladiator (peak confidence), Arimathes, Thor (with belt of strength), Red Hulk, World War Hulk (baseline), Morg (enhanced), Living Monolith (maximum height), Fafnir, Utgard-Loki, Thanos, Hulk 2099, Iron Man (Normal armors).

    Class 125

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 125 tons but less than 250 tons

    Thor (normal), Hyperion, Gilgamesh the Forgotten One, Leir, Orka (in water), Blue Marvel, Terrax (enhanced), Silver Surfer (enhanced), She-Hulk (after training as a human), Runner (normal), Firelord (enhanced), Loki (enhanced), Tyrak (maximum height).

    Class 100

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 100 tons but less than 125 tons

    Terminus, Wonder Man, Abomination, Namor the Sub-Mariner (wet), Silver Surfer (Normal), Orka (out of water), Thing (further mutated), Colossus, Ulik, Binary, Possessor (enhanced), Collective Man (backed by Country), Absorbing Man (enhanced), Hulk (baseline of Doc Green).

    Class 90

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 90 tons but less than 100 tons

    Sub-Mariner (out of water), Thing (normal), Tiger Shark (in water), Zeus (normal), Captain Britain (Current), Nimrod, T-Bird, Hulk (baseline of savage hulk, professor, gravage).

    Class 80

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 80 tons but less than 90 tons

    Executioner, Rhino, Titania, Sandman, Box (Bachs), Tiger Shark (out of water), Silver Surfer (normal).

    Class 70

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 70 tons but less than 80 tons

    Doc Samson, Her, Pluto (normal), Ares, Overmind, Sasquatch, Snowbird, Neptune (normal), Black Bolt (enhanced), Terrax (normal), Colossus, Grey Hulk (Joe Fixit), Ms. Marvel, Warpath (normal).

    Class 60

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 60 tons but less than 70 tons

    Attuma (in water), Ronan The Accuser, Thundra, Iron Clad, Crimson Dynamo, Crusader (Peak Faith), Scarlet Scarab, Tyrak.

    Class 50

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 50 tons but less than 60 tons

    Firelord (normal), Mister Hyde, Makkari, Annihilus, Vision, Sabra, Vidar, Possessor (normal), Rogue, Controller, Blastaar, Iron Man (MK 1 armor), Mettle.

    Class 40

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 40 tons but less than 50 tons

    Sub-Mariner (severely dehydrated), Tiger Shark (severely dehydrated), Apollo, Hephaestus, Attuma (out of water), Nova, Interloper, Ikaris.

    Class 30

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 30 tons but less than 40 tons

    Frey, Hermod, Heimdall, Hogun, Volstagg, Athena, Tyr, Balder, Artemis, Fandral, Sif, Loki (normal), Dionysus, Genis-Vell.

    Class 20

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 20 tons but less than 30 tons

    Sersi, Quasimodo, Frigga, Hoder, Power Princess, Gronk, Ch'od, Captain Mar-Vell, Crusader (normal), Stingray, Enchantress, Thena, Sigyn, Idunn, Vesta, Aphrodite, Lorelei, Hera, Karnilla, Phastos, Beast, Geirrodur, Armadillo, Karkas, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Karkas.

    Class 10

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 10 tons but less than 20 tons

    American Eagle, Namorita, Nekra, Moonstone, Man-Ape, Leonus, Hobgoblin, Amphibian, D'Spayre, Dreadnought, Spider-Woman, Nuklo, Puma, Lizard, Starfox, Super-Skrull, Unicorn, Scorpion, Silvermane (enhanced), Andromeda (in water), Cybele, Khoryphos, Living Mummy, Left-Winger, Right-Winger, Rom, M, Tigra.

    Class 5

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 5 tons but less than 10 tons

    Kang, Klaw, Mad-Dog, Sprite, Charlie-27, Krang, Deathbird, Captain Ultra, Blob, Bloodstone, Byrrah.

    Class 2

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 2 tons but less than 5 tons.

    Ursa Major, Captain Britain, Vindicator, Gorgon, Thunderbird, Doctor Doom, Machine Man, Llyra, Frankenstein, Gargoyle, Arkon, Anaconda, Triton, Radioactive Man, Moon Knight (full moon).

    Class 1

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 1 ton but less than 2 tons

    Modred The Mystic, Paladin, Cannonball, Karnak, Killer Shrike, Mentor, Lilandra, Wolverine (with adamantium reinforcement), Machinesmith, Aquarian, Werewolf By Night (full moon), Martinex, Lockjaw, Defensor (with armor).

    1000 lbs

    Able to routinely lift or imbue themselves with the ability to lift at least 1000 lbs. but less than 1 ton

    Stilt-Man, Black Queen, Vermin, Wolverine (without adamantium reinforcement), Rattler, Man-Thing, Beetle, Whirlwind, Deathlok, Death Adder, Ajak.

    Peak Human

    The following people have reached the maximum strength attainable by a non-super powered human. These beings can lift or press up to 800 lbs

    Captain America, Black Panther, Conan, Master, X-23, Iron Fist (using his chi).

    Upper Human Level

    These people have trained themselves to be extremely strong and are at the upper limits of human level strength. They are capable of lifting weight ranging from 300 to 650 lbs

    Kingpin, Nomad, Puck, Daredevil, Ka-Zar, Yondu, Hawkeye, Taskmaster, Iron Fist, Hangman, Dr. Druid, Devil-Slayer, Razorback, Red Wolf, Cobra, Bullseye, Batroc, Moondragon, Owl, Vulture, Angel, Adam X-treme, Baron Strucker, Black Widow, Elektra, Hellstorm, Hydro-Man, Moon Knight, Punisher.


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