
    Superman Annual #1

    Superman Annual » Superman Annual #1 - Alien Extinction! released by DC Comics on October 2012.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Alien Extinction! last edited by deactivated-66295eae3a574 on 11/07/23 12:00PM View full history

    Once again, Superman is confronted by Helspont, but this time the Daemonite Lord isn't messing around. He comes with revelations of his true power and his personal connection to the Earth's ancient history. As tensions build and offers are extended, it is clear that Helspont has only one plan for the human race, and it seems that Superman is helpless to stop him!



    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

    Story Arcs

    none of this issue.

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    Average score of 5 user reviews

    The prologue of a daemonite war? 0

    Superman annual marks the beginning of Scott Lobdell’s run on the man of steel. To my surprise the solicitations completely lied to me since it has nothing to do with our hero been captured by aliens and force him to play in a game of death where he would meet a new green lantern (probably Baz). But instead we got something we needed to see for this title, an actual direction that will most likely lead to big events in the DCU and probably my long awaited appearance of wildstorm’s first team fin...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Daemonite Daze 0

    Superman Annual #1 officially kicks off the Scott Lobdell era of Superman comics, and it doesn’t start small. Lobdell provided the plot for this one while his long-time partner in crime, Fabian Nicieza, took scripting duties. To begin with, I enjoyed the fact that this issue was an action-packed, sci-fi romp. It was fun to see Superman battle against Helspont and his Daemonite legions, and struggle in the process. Lobdell also fleshed out the backstory for this New 52 version of Helspont. He gav...

    2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Too Many Cameos 0

    First comic in the Superman series written by Scott Lobdell and it's not a bad start. I wasn't however amazed by the overall art and the main art in particular. It just looks a bit stiff in bits.This comic sees the return of Helspont and gives background on his past. We see Clark adjusting to his life now that he has Jimmy Olsen as a roommate. On his way to the Daily Planet he notices a huge space ship and notices Helspont who he realises has spotted him also. Now as Superman he goes to confront...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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