
    The Microverse

    Location » The Microverse appears in 15 issues.

    DC's subatomic universe.

    Short summary describing this location.

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    Dissambiguation: not to be confused with Marvel's Microverse or Micronauts' Microverse.

    The Microverse is a subatomicreality discovered by Ray palmer when he was investigating time anomalies. He traveled there to investigate and meet Preon and Dr. Aron. Also discovered than some unknown force had tampered with the reality, causing the microverse to unravel and threatening the overworld. After fixing the damage with the help of his pupil Ryan Choi and the Justice League and saving the universe, Ray choose to stay to investigate the origin of tha anomaly who left a trace.

    The microverse can be accesed from different earths. Bluejay, from earth 8, found himself there after he run away from the Extremists by reducing himself to subatomic levels.


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