
    The Summit of the Gods #1

    The Summit of the Gods » The Summit of the Gods #1 - Vol. 1 released by Fanfare/Ponent Mon on October 2009.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Why climb Mount Everest? Englishman George Herbert Leigh Mallory said in reply, 'Because it is there' in a March 1923 interview with The New York Times. On his third expedition to the mountain in June 1924, Mallory and his climbing partner, Andrew Irvine, disappeared on the North-East ridge during their ascent, having been sighted only a few hundred yards from the summit. In 1993, Makoto Fukumachi, photographer for a Japanese expedition, stumbles across an old Kodak camera. Could it be Mallory's camera? Did it hold the secret of whether Mallory and Irvine made it to the summit almost three decades ahead of Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing?

    Chapter Titles

    • Chapter 1: The Untrodden Summit
    • Chapter 2: City of Illusions
    • Chapter 3: Hungry Wolf
    • Chapter 4: Oni-Sura
    • Chapter 5: First Ascent
    • Chapter 6: A Strong Individual
    • Chapter 7: The Summit Wind
    • Chapter 8: Solo Climber

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