
    The World

    Location » The World appears in 57 issues.

    Headquarters for the Weapon Plus project, this secret lab was created with stolen equipment from AIM.

    Short summary describing this location.

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    Brief History

    Inside The World scientists modify and create super humans using various processes including nanotechnology and eugenics. Sentinel technology is utilized in the experiments. Thanks to technology stolen from A.I.M, time is artificially and completely controllable. It can be sped up, slowed down and even stopped completely. This along with controlled bursts of radiation gives scientists the ability to experiment with artificial evolution as a way to create super humans. The population of The World function in isolation, believing themselves to be the only normal humans left on a barren Earth. Other than people, there are many experiments and prototypes of Weapon Plus, like car-cops and massive machines powered by whale brains.

    Fantomex later was able to shrink The World to hand-held size with stolen technology from Doctor Doom so that he could keep it safe.


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