
    Villains United #1

    Villains United » Villains United #1 - Villains United released by DC Comics on December 1, 2005.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    The super-villain community learns that the Justice League Of America has tampered with their minds. They form The Society except for six villains who refuse to join who become known as the Secret Six.     



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    A Villain Slugfest 0

    The Story:  The super-villain community has learned that the Justice League Of America has tampered with their minds. Lex Luthor has formed a group called The Society. He's recruiting villains and forming his own plans of wiping the the minds of the JLA's members. Everyone agrees to join his cause except for six villains who become known as the Secret Six eventually.   My Thoughts:   This was a pretty fun and entertaining comic to read. The lack of "heroes" is what made this an unpredictable and...

    4 out of 5 found this review helpful.
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