
    Wonder Woman #9

    Wonder Woman » Wonder Woman #9 - The Dearly Beloved released by DC Comics on July 2012.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    The Dearly Beloved last edited by Blackmageleo on 09/20/21 01:52PM View full history

    WONDER WOMAN continues to battle through HADES in hopes of rescuing the only friend she has left.

    What is APOLLO trying to convince ARES of? Whatever it is, you can bet it's bad news for Wonder Woman!


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    Average score of 6 user reviews

    Wedding Drama 0

    THE GOOD: Tony Akins in on art duties. I really like the way that he drew the backgrounds in this issue. In a place where there shouldn't be much more then fire and death, he makes it very beautiful and it makes the story just flow better I think. I also really like the way he drew the scenes between the characters and the expression is amazingly clear in every panel. The story is amazing. I really wasn't sure where this was going to go but I think that Brain Azzarello has a very clever plan and...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    The Best Wedding Story 0

    The extra hint of detail and shadows Chiang puts into this cover push it just a little bit over the edge into full glory. The logo is almost wrapped in Wonder Woman's own weapon in a noose ready for her throat. The tilted angle back and the reaching hands all create a fantastic sense of desperation and tension for our heroine; and yet she still has her collected and focused expression of proud un-arrogant defiance.And then we get inside and we have Tony Akins instead of Cliff Chiang. Yes, Akins ...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Deeper into the Styx. 0

    Following the events of Wonder Woman #8, Diana finds herself enthralled by Hades, king of the underworld. But while the colorful cast of friends she has made along the way rush to save her from an impeding marriage to the cunning god, it seems Diana may be plotting a plan of her own. And of course, whenever trouble befalls Wonder Woman, Strife is behind the scenes digging the knife further in. The story is as engaging as ever, and although I don't think Brian Azzarello has yet done Wonder Woman ...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.
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